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How Fast and Fat Is Your Probabilistic Model Checker?. an experimental performance comparison David N. Jansen 3,1 , Joost-Pieter Katoen 1,2 , Marcel Oldenkamp 2 , Mari ëlle Stoelinga 2 , Ivan Zapreev 1,2 1 MOVES Group, RWTH Aachen University 2 FMT Group, University of Twente, Enschede
How Fast and Fat IsYour Probabilistic Model Checker? an experimental performance comparison David N. Jansen3,1, Joost-Pieter Katoen1,2, Marcel Oldenkamp2,Mariëlle Stoelinga2, Ivan Zapreev1,2 1 MOVES Group, RWTH Aachen University 2 FMT Group, University of Twente, Enschede 3 ICIS, Radboud University, Nijmegen
ProbabilisticModel Checking Probabilistic System Probabilistic Requirement PRISM (hybrid) PRISM (sparse) MRMC VESTA ETMCC Probabilistic Model Probabilistic Formula YMER ≤ Probabilistic Model Checker Yes No Probability
Why This Work? • Used more often • applications: distributed systems, security, biology, quantum computing... • Powerful tools • Problem: Which tool to choose?
ProbabilisticModel Checkers Probabilistic System Probabilistic Requirement Choices made Four examples Probabilistic Model Probabilistic Formula Overall evaluation Probabilistic Model Checker Yes No Probability
Experiment Relevance • Repeatable • Verifiable • Significant • Encapsulated
SynchronousLeader Election • nodes in a ring elect a leader • each node selects random number as id • passes it around the ring (synchronously) • if unique id,node with maximum unique id is leader • [Itai & Rodeh, 1990]
1 4 2 2 5 3 1 5 SynchronousLeader Election
1 4 4 5 1 5 2 5 1 4 5 1 2 2 1 1 3 5 3 5 2 2 2 3 SynchronousLeader Election 1 4 2 2 5 3 1 5
RandomizedDining Philosophers • Dining Philosophers • pick up chopsticks in random order • Deadlocks resolved • if there is no second chopstick,give up eating • [Pnueli & Zuck, 1986]
Birth–Death Process • Models a waiting queue • Standard modelin performance evaluation • Limit queue size to get finite model
Tandem Queueing Network • Two queues after each other • [Hermanns, Meyer-Kayser & Siegle, 1999] checkin counter two-phase security check exponential
Cyclic Polling System • server cycles over n stationsand serves each one in turn • e.g. teacher walks through class,each pupil may ask a question • [Ibe & Trivedi, 1990]
Modelling informal description PRISM model adapt syntax VESTA model .tra format model YMER model ETMCC MRMC PRISM YMER VESTA
Experiment 1Qualitative Properties • unbounded reachability with prob 1 • Cyclic Polling System: busy1P≥1(trueUpoll1)If station 1 is busy,the server will poll it eventually
PRISM: MTBDD Size • Multi-Terminal BDD =data structure for transition matrix • size heavily depends on model • large MTBDD slow
CPS versus SLE runtime 458.847 states 1.131.806 MTBDD nodes 7.077.888 states 2.745 MTBDD nodes
VESTA:simulation problem • actual probability close to bound P≥p(...) • estimate is almost always in [p–,p+] • some irregularity stops the simulation • 0.95 Prob(yes actual Prob≥p) Prob(actual Prob≥p yes)
Result Overview: Timing depends heavily on MTBDD size depends heavily on MTBDD size depends heavily on MTBDD size
Result Overview: Memory MTBDD size varies heavily almost independent from model size
Experiment 2Bounded Reachability • Tandem Queueing Network:P<0.01(trueU ≤2full)Is the probabilitythat the system gets full in 2 time unitssmall?
Experiment 3Steady State Property • Tandem Queuing NetworkS>0.2( P>0.1(X2nd queue full) )In equilibrium,the probability to satisfy is > 0.2 P>0.1(X2nd queue full) P>0.1(X ...)
Simulating Steady State? • simulation of bounded reachabilityhas clear stopping criterion • simulation of unbounded reachability reachability with very large bound • simulation of steady state? never stops
Nested Formulas • Birth–Death Process:P≥0.8(P≥0.9(trueU ≤100n70) Un50)The probability to reach n50 (while the probability to reach n70in 100 steps never drops <0.9)is ≥0.8
Result Overview: Timing did not terminate