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Istituto Magistrale Isabella Gonzaga Chieti . Liceo Linguistico Class 3 L . The case is here ! . Let’s create our archive ! . Our synopsis on the books. Leonardo Da Vinci .
Istituto Magistrale Isabella Gonzaga Chieti Liceo Linguistico Class 3 L
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Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci waswrittenby Alex Raynham. The book isabout Leonardo’s life. Todayweremember Leonardo as a famouspainter and a greatthinker. We are stillstudyinghis work and learningnewthings 500 yearsafterhisdeath. The great Leonardo Da Vinci didn’t spendmuchtime at school, becauseofthis, hehadtoteachhimselfsuchaswriting. Hewrotewithhislefthand and heusedmirrorwriting, whichisverydifficulttoread. Hewas a curious man and hediscovered a lotofthings. Hestudiedmen’s death body and hemadeamazingdrawingsofouranatomy. Leonardo alsodisignedterriblegunslike “machinegun” and hebuiltdifferent robot thatlookedlikerealperson. In additionhedesigned the parachute. Da Vinci was a greatinventor and scientist, buthewasan entertainer, too. Hetoldfunnystories, heplayed musical instruments and hesangaswell. Moreoverhewas a man of mystery; some people believedthathehid some secrets. Suchashisfamouspaintig “the Mona Lisa”. In thispaitingthere’s a secret code. Leonardo’s story isverycharming. I reallylikedthis book, becauseit’s chatcy. I reccomendaveryonetoreadthis book, you can discover a lotofthisamazingartist.
LesMisérables France, 1815. During the Battleof Waterloo. Jean Valjeanmustbegin a new life, afternineteenyears in prison. Jean Valjeanleavesprisonafternineteenyears. There are dangerous and troubledtimes. Life is hard. He can’t escapehispast and hisenemy, InspectorJavert. Hence, Valjeanbeginstotravelto France. To sum up, Valjeanmeetsyoung woman whoaskshim – beforedyingto take care ofherdaughter, Cosette. Therefore, hestarts a long travelto look forthis baby, Valjeanwill become Cosette's dad, becauseshewillfind a dad in him. Their story takesplace in France, during the Battleof Waterloo.
THE LOVE OF A KING The book “The Love of a King”, written by Peter Dainty, is the true story of King Edward VIII of Great Britain, a man who was ready to leave everything only because of the girl who felt in love with him. Edward was born in Richmond in 1894. When he was a child he saw his mother once a day, and his father three or four times a week. Even though, he lived in the most beautiful house in England, “Buckingham Palace”, he was very lonely and sad. He became Prince of Wales in 1911. After that he went to fight in the First World War and, since 1920 he travelled around the world and he got in contact with other cultures. One day he went to stay with his friends Lord and Lady Furness, and there he met Mrs. Wallis Simpson. Edward was very fascinate of her. She was five months old when she lost her father, but her mother was a strong and loving woman, thus Wallis was a happy child. Firstly she married Winfield Spencer, when she was twenty, but they divorced because he was aggressive with her, next she married Ernest Simpson. After that Edward and Wallis became friends and he asked to her and her husband to go skiing in Austria. Unfortunately Mr. Simpson had to go to America on business, but Wallis and her aunt went with the Prince. They went as friends, but when they came home, they were in love.
Then George V died and Edward wasn’t a Prince yet, he was a King. King Edward wanted to marry Wallis but the Archbishop of Canterbury, Mr. Lang, didn’t agree. Church said that divorce was wrong: Mrs. Simpson couldn’t leave Mr. Simpson and then marry King Edward. But he didn’t care about this, he loved Wallis so much and, her she was everything to him. He swam against the tide but, one day he decided to leave England and gave the crown to his brother George. Edward married Wallis on 3rd June 1937, and none of the Royal Family came to the wedding. They became the Duke and the Duchess of Windsor. The Duchess became famous for her jewellery that Edward bought to her. In May 1972 the Duke became ill and he died with her wife by his side. In 1986 Wallis became ill and she also died. Some years before he died Edward said “Thank God for Wallis, and LONG LIVE LOVE!”
Martin Luther King Martin Luter King spent all his life to earn equal rights before the law for citizens of any race. At the age of 15 he went to college. He entered a seminary in Philadelphia where he discovered the writings of Gandhi. A few years later he received a doctorate and then became the leader of the first non-violent protest against racial discrimination. He was arrested more than 30 times, his family threatened but he remained convinced of his ideas. In 1963 there was a march in Washington, Congress passed the Civil Rights and King received the Nobel Prize for peace. In 1968, Luther began to organize another great march, April 4 after a long day of work Martin Luther King went to the balcony of his hotel room. A few minutes later he was assassinated by a bullet. Respect for one of the most important men of our times. << I have a dream >> One Man. One March. One Speech. OneDream.
Frankenstein Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Shelley. The book starts with the Capitain Walton and his sailors, who carried a man on their ship. That man was the scientist Victor Frankenstein. The man told them his story. Since he was young he was interested in science and the power of electricity. At the University he thought he could use electricity to give life to things that were dead. Thus, he built a machine and obtained the pieces of human body that he needed to make an handsome man. But the result was different, his machine worked well , but he created a huge, horrible monster. Frankenstein ran away from his creature. Therefore the monster became more unhappy every day because nobody loved him. He started killing all the people Victor loved. At the end of the book either Victor Frankenstein and his creature died and they finally archived peace. I really suggest this book because is full of important messages and his plot is really catchy.
The ImportanceOfBeingEarnest Jack and Algernon are two friends. Bothare not earnest at all because of they have secrets. Jack is called Earnest in the country and Jack in town. Algernon says he has a friend in the country who is ill. They lie for to spend their time eating, drinking and talking about life with friends. Gwendolen is in love with Jack but she calls him Earnest. Also Cecily, Jack‘s cousin, is in love with Algernon but and she calls him Earnest, too. Both Jack and Algernon decide to change their name with The christening. However, the young ladies discover their plan and get angry. In spite of all that the men gain Gwendolen and Cecily mercy. In conclusion, Jack finds out that his real name is Earnest and that Algernon is his young brother.
MyexperiencewithReadOn project! At the beginning I couldnotunderstandwhatmyteacherwassaying: “This project iscalledReadOn…Eachoneofyoushouldread a hundredbooks in oneyear” <What?!> I thought <She’s gonecrazy or what else?> I didn’t knowwhattoexpect. Then, in March , the booksarrived. I wasastonished, I hadneverseen so manydifferenttitles and I startedtoenjoy the idea ofreading in English. The first book I readwas “The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”; I alreadyknew the plot butreadingit in anotherlanguagewascompletelydifferent… And I lovedit! Fromthen on severalmonthshavepassed, and now I havetoadmitthat I’m completelycrazyaboutthis project! The sensationsyoufeelwhenyou’re so muchinto a story and you don’t wantto take youreyes off from the writtenpages, are unforgettable. Moreover, youlearnmanynewwords, you start tounderstand and useverbs, nouns and adjectivesthatbefore “Read On” youhadtosearch on the internet. The “Read On” project isreally the best way for a teenager tostudy English and, at the sametime, tolearnaboutfamouskings, countries, populartales and horror or adventurestories. Readinghasneverbeen in myinterests, itseemedsuch a boring hobby, butthanksto the Read On project, now I can’t go tobedwithoutreading at leastonechapter and bookshavebecame the best time killer to me. Read On is the best project I’ve everjoined and I wishitwouldnever end!
Robinson Crusoe I read “Robinson Crusoe” a fewdays ago. I wasn't so excitedtoreadit, because I've always thoughtthat a man wholeaveshisdaily life for a dangerous life issimplymad. Then, I readthis book, and I changedmy mind. Robinson Crusoewas a quiet English man whodecidedtochangehisboring life. Hebecame a sailor and hetoured the world withhisship and hisfriends. Duringoneofhisjourneys, a stormcamenear the coastsof South America, whereCrusoe's shipwas. Itshipwrecked and only Robinson Crusoe survived. Hefound out anisland, and fortwenty-threeyearshelived alone, hunting and building tents. Oneday, hesaw a footprintalongtheshore. Hefeltill, hecouldn't believe at this. Therewas someone on the island! Someonewhomaycould help himcoming back to England! A fewdayslater, Crusoediscoveredthat wild menwerehuntingslavestokill and eatthem. Howafraidhewas! Then the English man wasabletocapture a slave and tobecomehis friend. HisnamewasFriday, because theymet on a Friday. Oneday, theysaved a shipofmutineerscomingto the island. Theymade the captain free. Tothank Robinson Crusoe and Friday, hetookthem back to England. Fridaywasfrom the Trinidad islands, buthedidn't wantto come back home withouthis friend. Robinson Crusoefelt verystrange in England, buthewas happy tobethereagain. Hehad a new life in York, in he North of England, butheneverlosthispassionforadvenrures. This book taught me that life can beboth dangerous and exciting. Robinson Crusoelearntit in 1632. To sum up a man can discovernewworlds, just being brave!
The Murders in the Rue Morgue is a book written by Edgar Allan Poe. We can define it an horror book. The story is settled in the gorgeous city of Paris, during the spring and summer of 1839, and retold by an anonym narrator who is one of the book protagonists. The main character is a Frenchman, Monsieur AugusteDupin. He was neither a detective nor a policemen. He was just a very clever man who loved reading. He was a quiet and friendly man. He met the narrator in Paris and they became friends at once. Because of their friendship, they rent an apartment. As they spent time together, the narrator notices that Dupin is the most clever man he had ever met. It seems that the Frenchman can read the mind; but that’s not true. He uses his brain in a brilliant way, and he understands everything. One day, they read on the newspaper that a terrible murder was committed in The Rue Morgue, on the fourth floor of a house. This one belonged to Madame L’Espanaye and her daughter, Mademoiselle Camille L’Espanaye. They were both quiet women, who lived alone. The room was locked, with the key inside. Chairs and tables were broken, the mattress was on the floor. The bodies were founded in the same room: the daughter was in the chimney, head downwards, and on her there were dark bruises and deep cuts; the neck of the old lady was deeply cut and when the police tried to lift her, the head fell off. It was an horrible vision. The policemen were astonished, and nobody could answer this huge mystery. Dupin was clearly interested in this these brutal murders. He listened to all the witness and he compared their theories. He got the conclusion: only a very strong and an abile man could be the murderer. He understood that the real murderer was an orang-outang, a wild animal that can be very dangerous. He called the owner of the animal, and explained everything to the police. I’ve really admired how this man thinks and reasons. He notices all the particulars, and he works better than the police. Moreover, I love the author. This book is both catching and mysterious, because you get surprised reading how a man can use his mind and logic.