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Neutrino Factory. Measure input particle x,x ’, y,y ’, t, t’=E/Pz input emittance in. Measure output particle x,x ’, y,y ’, t, t’=E/Pz output emittance out. COOLING CHANNEL. Preliminary. M. Rayner, U Genève. DATA. MC. LH2 System. RAL. Tracker 1.
Neutrino Factory Measure input particle x,x’,y,y’, t, t’=E/Pz input emittance in Measure output particle x,x’,y,y’, t, t’=E/Pz output emittance out COOLING CHANNEL Preliminary M. Rayner, U Genève DATA MC LH2 System RAL Tracker 1 Completed: Inner view shown The MICE Experiment Training complete Alain Blondel, DPNC, University of Geneva, on behalf of the MICE Collaboration Summary Muon Storage Rings MICE is a critical R&D experiment on the path toward neutrino factories and muon colliders. With the growing importance of neutrino physics and the discovery of a light Higgs (126 GeV), physics could be moving this way soon! MICE Ionization Cooling is the only practical solution to preparing ultra-high intensity muon beams for a neutrino factory or muon collider. The muon ionization cooling experiment (MICE) is under development at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). STEP I The muon beam-line has been commissioned, and beams have been shown by direct measurement with the particle physics detectors to be adequate for cooling measurements, in rate, particle composition and emittance. STEP IV Measurements of beam cooling properties of liquid-hydrogen, lithium hydride and other absorbers are planned for 2014-2016. STEP VI A full cell of the ionization cooling channel, including RF re-acceleration, is under construction, aimed at operation by 2017-2019. The design offers opportunities for tests with various absorbers and optics configurations. Results will be compared with detailed simulations of cooling channel performance for a full understanding of the cooling process. In such machines, the initial chain of capture, bunching, phase rotation, and cooling rely on complex beam dynamics and technology. Muon cooling g high intensity n factory, high luminosity m collider The MICE Method Step I: Beam Measurements A schematic of MICE: the cooling channel & upstream and downstream detectors • TOF system allows excellent p, m, e separation up to 300 MeV/c • CKOV for PID at momenta >250 MeV/c • KL (calorimeter) used to measure p and e contamination in mbeams Measure parameters particle by particle: accumulate ~105muons gD[(ein – eout/ein)] = 10-3 Challenges: high gradient (>8MV/m) RF cavities embedded in strong (>2T) solenoidal magnetic fields. 1. Time-of-Flight (6,200) muon beam (P~0.6 D1) 2. Reconstructed momentum pzfor simulation (red), reconstructed simulation (blue) and data (black) 3. Pion fraction in m beam ~< 1% from KL Step I: Completed & Published • Emittance measurement: • ID muons with time-of-flight • Measure x,y and t at TOF0, TOF1 • Use momentum-dependent transfer matrices iteratively to determine trace space at TOF0 & TOF1. • - measured pz & transfer matrix M(pz) • MICE recorded > 106 particle triggers with p, e, and m beams to meet Step 1 goals: • Calibrated detectors & understood beam • Generated reproducible m beams • Analysed beam composition, m rates, data quality, and emittance • Took data for each e-p optics setting in MICE p (MeV/c) A schematic of the Step I MICE beam line Time-of-flight (TOF) for 300 MeV/c pbeam (D2=D1) e (mm) • Everything works well! • Muon rate ~120 in 2ms spill @ 0.4Hz • TOF resolutions: • st = 55, 53, and 50 ps and sx,y~1 cm • First measurement of emittance made using TOFs. 5. Transverse trace space for (6 mm, 200 MeV/c) m- beam. Non-linear effects at edges MICE m beam optics (en,pz) Step IV: 2014-15 Step VI: 2017-19 Focus Coil Spectrometer Solenoid 1 Major progress has been made recently in MICE with the successful commissioning of the beam line. First measurements of the m beam emittance have been made using the TOF detectors. Installation of all Step IV components will continue through 2014, followed by the first high precision (0.1%) emittance measurements made in MICE with the fiber trackers (470 mm space point resolution). Finally, world-wide effort continues on the construction of MICE Step VI with a goal of completion in 2018. RF Amplifier: Daresbury Spectrometer Solenoid 2 Absorber Windows UK US: Berkeley, DOE UK, US Diffuser UK Mississippi Be Windows Tracker 2 RF Couplers - Berkeley Berkeley RF Cavities Berkeley Coupling Coil – China-US Cold and superconducting! EMR: UGeneve All Step IV components nearing completion. By 2014, this engineering drawing will be replaced with a photograph! Spectrometer Solenoid & Tracker • An extensive experimental program is planned for 2015, including data taken with variations on the original Step IV configuration. • No absorber: alignment & beam optics • Liquid H2 absorber (full/empty) • Multiple scattering, Energy Loss • g COOLING • Solid absorbers: LiH, Plastic, C, Al, Cu • LiH wedge absorber: emittance exchange RFCC Module Absorber Fully engineered MICE Cooling Channel Cell Well… some ‘details’ left!