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How to Keep your Kids on a Good Path

How to Keep your Kids on a Good Path. Afie Mirshah-Nayar, Assistant Principal Mark C. Yantsos , Security Team Leader Rick Halverson, City of Rockville Police Department. Introductions……. Presenters: Name, position, years working at/with RMHS

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How to Keep your Kids on a Good Path

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  1. How to Keep your Kids on a Good Path Afie Mirshah-Nayar, Assistant Principal Mark C. Yantsos, Security Team Leader Rick Halverson, City of Rockville Police Department

  2. Introductions…….. • Presenters: Name, position, years working at/with RMHS • Parents: Name, age/grade of student at RMHS or JWMS We have in commonthat we all want our students to be safe in school and in the community.

  3. Information……… • The best way to protect your children is to have the information you need so that you can educate your son/daughter about how they can make positive choices in their lives. • What do you think of when you think of things that might harm your child?

  4. Possible Dangers…..

  5. Texting while driving • Half (52%) of cell-owning teens ages 16-17 say they have talked on a cell phone while driving. That translates into 43% of all American teens ages 16-17; • 48% of all teens ages 12-17 say they have been in a car when the driver was texting; • 40% say they have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put themselves or others in danger. • One in three (34%) texting teens ages 16-17 say they have texted while driving. That translates into 26% of all American teens ages 16-17; • More than 6000 distracted drivers crash and die every year. • Texting and driving takes your eyes off the road for an average of 5 seconds at a time. At 55 mph, that’s the same as driving the entire length of a football field blind. Keep your eyes on the road and off your phone.

  6. What is your teen doing online?

  7. What is your teen doing online? • What accounts do they have? • Do you have the password to them? • Do you monitor them? • What does your child know and understand about social media? • What is he/she posting online? • What is he/she texting? • How many people is he/she following? • How many people are following your child’s accounts? • Who is he/she communicating with? • Is he or she sending or getting “bullying” messages? • What is the “image” your child is promoting of himself/herself online? Video 1 and Video 2 How much do you know about social media? Click on the video links to see the two videos that were shown to the entire RMHS student population this year as a part of our Safe or Sorry campaign.

  8. Afterschool/Evening Hours… • There is no specific area of Rockville that is unsafe. • Just make sure your teens are always aware of their surroundings. • When they are walking they should not be listening to music as that makes them less aware of their surroundings. • Make sure that your teens are with their friends and not alone when in the community in the evening. • Be aware of transportation plans (public, friends, walking, etc). • Have a way to get in contact with them and set a schedule for when they should be home.

  9. Afterschool/Evening Hours… • The City of Rockville has three community centers: • Lincoln Park Community Center • Twinbrook Community Center • Thomas Farm Community Center- Fallsgrove • Although there are no specific after school programs for high school students, our recreation centers provide an area to play basketball, video games, and to socialize. Richard Montgomery High School offer many after school programs. If your child stays after school be in touch with the coach and/or extracurricular activities sponsor. Know the emails and times for the activities and verify them with school staff.

  10. Teenage Children – Alone After School • Know your child…… • Maturity? • Amount of time alone? • Is your child also responsible for supervising younger siblings? • Is there a person in the community they can go to for help? • Is there a person in the community that can keep an eye on your home who knows your child is alone? • Have you communicated your expectations for how your son or daughter is to spend his/her time at home? • Are they allowed to leave the house? • Are they allowed to have friends come over? • Should they answer the door?

  11. Teenage Children – Alone After School • Maryland Child Protective Services Procedures (SSA95-13) define an "unattended child" as: • A child under eight left alone or in the care of a person who is not reliable or who is under 13. • A child aged eight through 12 left alone for longer than brief periods without support systems which should include phone numbers of parents, other family members or neighbors, information about personal safety, and what to do in an emergency. Children in this age group may not be left to care for children under the age of eight. • A child 12 or over who is left alone for long hours or overnight or with responsibilities beyond capabilities or where there is some special risk factor such as mental retardation or physical handicap that would indicate that the child may be in jeopardy. • A child who has been abandoned. • A child of any age who is handicapped and left alone, if the handicapping condition constitutes a special risk factor which indicates that the child is in jeopardy. • Maryland Family Law, 5-701(p) states that NEGLECT is "the leaving of a child unattended or other failure to give proper care and attention to a child by any parent or other person who has permanent or temporary care or custody or responsibility for supervision under circumstances that indicate: that the child's health or welfare is harmed or placed at substantial risk of harm." • The Montgomery County Child Protective Services defines neglect as "the chronic failure of a parent, caretaker, household or family member to provide a child under 18 basic needs of life, such as: food, clothing, shelter, medical care, attention to hygiene, educational opportunity, protection and supervision. Cultural standards which differ from those of most of the community are not necessarily neglect."

  12. Guidelines and Rules to Set for Teenage Children • Know your child…… • This is the age when children need to start having some independence in order to develop a sense of confidence, trust, and responsibility. • Start out small and add to the guidelines as you see your child responding appropriately. • Give your child a way out…. If they make a bad decision it’s better for them to feel they can tell you or an adult without worrying about “getting in trouble”. • Who are the adults in your child’s life who she/he trusts and can talk to? • Administration, Security, Teachers, Officer Halverson, School Counselor, Other?

  13. Age and Maturity Evaluate your child’s maturity and how he or she has demonstrated responsible behavior in the past. Ask yourself the following questions: • Is your child physically and mentally able to take care of him- or herself? • Does your child obey rules and make good decisions? • How does your child respond to unfamiliar or stressful situations? • Does your child feel comfortable or fearful about being home alone?

  14. Warning Signs: Substance Abuse • Changein relationships with family members or friends. • Loss of inhibitions • Mood changes or emotional instability • Loud, obnoxious behavior • Sullen, withdrawn, depressed • Unusually silent • Silent, uncommunicative • Hostile, angry, uncooperative • Makes endless excuses • Decreased motivation- An overwhelmed teen may just “drop” a class or club, but general lack of motivation for school, activities and friends could be a sign of substance abuse. • Unable to speak intelligibly, slurred speech, or rapid-fire speech- barring hearing loss or stroke, slurred speech is usually linked to the influence of some type of drug.

  15. Warning Signs: Substance Abuse • Pay attention to school or work- related issues: • Truancyor loss of interest in schoolwork • Drop in grades • Loss of interest in extracurricular activities, hobbies or sports • Failure to fulfill responsibilities at school - Complaints from teachers. • Reports of intoxication at school

  16. Warning Signs: Substance Abuse • Have personal habits or actions changed? • Smell of smoke on breath or clothes • Chewing gum or mints to cover up breath • Heavy use of over-the-counter preparations to reduce eye reddening (eye drops) • Munchies or sudden, voracious appetite • Sudden or increased use of air fresheners, scented candles, or incense • Body sprays or excessive use of perfume

  17. Warning Signs: Substance Abuse • Take note of home or car related signs of substance abuse. • Disappearance of prescription or over the counter pills • Missing alcohol or cigarettes • Disappearance of money or valuables • Unusual smell in the car or bottles, pipes, or bongs on floor or glove box • Appearance of unusual containers or wrappers, or seeds left on surfaces • Appearance of unusual containers or wrappers including pipes, rolling papers, small medicine bottles, butane lighters, or makeshift smoking devices.

  18. SASCA Screening & Assessment Services for Children and Adolescents Free Screenings by appointment 240-777-1430 7300 Calhoun Place Suite 500 Monday-Thursday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm

  19. The Best Protection is…….. How do your children problem solve? How mature are they? How emotionally mature are they? How easily can they be influenced by their friends? Who are their friends?

  20. The Best Protection is…….. Information • The Adolescent Brain • Teenagers are undergoing major changes in their brain and how their brain works. • They are in the process of developing an understanding between their actions and the consequences that occur as a result (consequential development) • They are developing emotional maturity.

  21. Questions?

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