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Bipolar Disorders

By: Sara and Rachel. Bipolar Disorders. What is bipolar disorder?. Bipolar Disorder is a serious mental disease that can lead to risky behavior if not treated. It is characterized by extreme changes in mood. For some people, mania or depression can last for weeks or months, even for years.

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Bipolar Disorders

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  1. By: Sara and Rachel Bipolar Disorders

  2. What is bipolar disorder? • Bipolar Disorder is a serious mental disease that can lead to risky behavior if not treated. • It is characterized by extreme changes in mood. • For some people, mania or depression can last for weeks or months, even for years.

  3. Symptoms of bipolar mania • Euphoria or irritability • Excessive talk; racing thoughts • Inflated self-esteem • Unusual energy; less need for sleep • Impulsiveness, a reckless pursuit of gratification

  4. Symptoms of bipolar depression • Depressed mood and low self-esteem • Low energy levels and apathy • Sadness, loneliness, helplessness, guilt • Slow speech, fatigue, and poor coordination • Insomnia or oversleeping • Suicidal thoughts and feelings • Poor concentration • Lack of interest or pleasure in usual activities

  5. Etiology of Bipolar Disorders • Doctors do not completely understand the cause of Bipolar Disorder • Some experts believe that it is a genetic disorder • Some experts believe that your environmental factors can control severity • While other experts believe that its caused by a problem with the balance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters

  6. Bipolar Diagnosis • The most important tool for doctors trying to diagnosis bipolar disorder is open and honest communication • Physical test are not beneficial to this particular disorder diagnosis

  7. Treatments for Bipolar Disorder • Therapy • Behavioral therapy - focuses on behaviors that decrease stress • Cognitive therapy - teaches to identify and modify the patterns of thinking that accompany mood shifts • Interpersonal therapy - involves relationships and aims to reduce strains that the illness may place upon them • Social Rhythm therapy - helps patient develop and maintain daily routines

  8. Treatments for Bipolar Disorder • Bipolar Mania patients are recommended to take lithium, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, or benzodiazepines • Bipolar Depression patients are recommended to take lithium, other mood stabilizers, antipsychotic drugs, and sometimes antidepressants • All bipolar patients are to continue to take the medicine for the rest of their lives

  9. Comorbidity • Typically people with Bipolar Disorder also have a risk of one of the following second illness • Alcohol and drug abuse • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) • Anxiety disorder

  10. Prognosis and Statistics • Statistics show this illness is especially common for artistic people • Affects approximately 5.7 million adult Americans • Median age is 25 years with a equal number of men and women • As many as 1 in 5 patients with this disorder commit suicide

  11. Famous People with Bipolar Disorder • Mark Twain • Edgar Allen Poe • Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States • Ludwig van Beethoven, composer • Vincent Van Gogh, painter • Alvin Alley, dancer, choreographer • Robert Downey Jr. • Jim Carey

  12. Sources • Fleener, Patty. (2010). Famous People with Bipolar Disorder. Retrieved from http://www.mental-health-today.com/bp/famous_people.htm • Myers, David. (2007). Psychological Disorders. Musick, Andrea & Moscatelli, Bianca (Eds.), Psychology Eighth Edition (pp. 639-683). Michigan: Worth Publishers. • Unknown. (2010). Bipolar Disorder Health Center. Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/default.htm

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