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认知能力评估. 文伟光 副教授 香港理工大学 昆明医学院客座教授. 学习目标. To analyze 分析 structure 结构 of a screening test on mental state To study cognitive assessments 评估 used in OT practicein the following areas: Mental state Executive function Memory Attention. Screening test of mental state.

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  1. 认知能力评估 文伟光 副教授 香港理工大学 昆明医学院客座教授

  2. 学习目标 • To analyze分析structure结构of a screening test on mental state • To study cognitive assessments评估used in OT practicein the following areas: • Mental state • Executive function • Memory • Attention

  3. Screening test of mental state • 简短智能测试 (Chinese version of Mini-Mental State Examination,CMMSE)

  4. What is a screening筛选 test ? • Screening tests are not designed to be diagnostic but are sensitive to detect cognitive abnormalities 认知不正常 for further assessments • Screening tests are generally short and fast • Screening tests usually have a cutoff 界线 score to indicate normal / abnormal functioning

  5. 简短智能测试 Folstein et al., 1975

  6. 简短智能测试的结构分析 • 简短智能测试是由以下各项认知评估结合而成 • Orientation • Short-termmemory • long-term memory • Working memory • Calculation • Language • Visuo-spatial ability

  7. 简短智能测试 • Cut-off score of original MMSE was 23/24 (Folstein, 1975) • Local study show the cut-off score is 19/20. • why the local one was lower than the original one? • Level of educational attainment was found associating with CMMSE scores, so optimal cutoffs for HK elderly people (Chiu et al, 1998) are: • <22 (more than 2 years of schooling)<21 (1-2 years of schooling)<18 (illiterate文盲)

  8. To conclude总结 • Intelligence is not of a single dimension, but has multiple dimensions • Which type of intelligence is stronger in you?

  9. Structure and scoring of CMMSE • Items 1 and 2

  10. CMMSE…test of orientation Time and Place • Problems with new learning or anterograde memory • Problems with temporal orientation and topographic orientation (Hasse, 1997) Person An internal awareness of self within a person’s surrounding (Dietz, Beeman & Thorn, 1993) • Retrograde memory loss of autobiographical information

  11. Item 3 & 5 • Read out three unrelated objects 无关“apple苹果, newspaper报纸, train火车”

  12. Item 4 Serial subtraction (Serial 7s) •Subtract减 7 from 100, and then 7 until for the 5th time (连续减5次). • OR • OR

  13. Scoring of serial 7’s

  14. CMMSE…test of memory • Items 3 and 5 examine short-term and long-term episodic memory respectively. • Item 4 evaluate评估working memory (i.e. memory functioning together with the functioning of information processing).

  15. 影响记忆的因素 • 记忆结果可能受到以下因素影响: • Attention • Sensory impairments • Mood • Motivation • Beware of the impacts of these factors that may lead to an inaccurate 不准确interpretation 解释 of memory functioning

  16. Items 6-8

  17. Items 9-10

  18. CMMSE…test of language语言 functioning • Ability of naming, word-finding, and repetition重复 • Auditory comprehension听觉理解 • Visual comprehension,Reading阅读

  19. Item 12

  20. CMMSE…test of visuo-spatial ability • Copying pattern demonstrates client’s ability of spatial functioning

  21. 记忆评估 • Digit Recall • Rivermeadbehavioral memory test (RBMT) • Hong Kong list learning test (HKLLT)

  22. DIGITS FORWARD顺序 I am going to say some numbers (1 second per digit). Listen Carefully小心听, and when I am Through say them right after me. 6-1-9-4-7-3 5-9-1-7-4-2-8 5-8-1-9-2-6-4-7 2-7-5-8-6-2-5-8-4 DIGITS BACKWARD由后面读回前面 Now I am going to say some more numbers (1 second per digit), but this time when I stop I want you to say them backward. For example, If I say “7-1-9” what would you say? (If correct, say : “Here are some others”) 1-5-2-8-6 5-3-9-4-1-8 8-1-2-9-3-6-5 9-4-3-7-6-2-5-8 Digit Recall Tasks (Adapted from Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Test)

  23. Digit Recall • Forward recall and Backward recall • Test of memory span记忆长度and attention专注 • Backward recall also assesses working memory

  24. 专注力评估 • Test of Everyday Attention

  25. Attention • Essential必须for information processing, memory and recall (Toglia, 1992)

  26. Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) • Aims目的to measure four aspects of attention that are important for daily functioning • Selective 选择 attention • Sustained 保留 attention • Attentional switching • Divided 分别 attention • Applicable for clients with brain injuries, Alzheimer’s disease 老人痴呆, and age range of 18 to 80 years • 3 parallel versions 3个版本 • Administration time is about 45 to 60 minutes需时45-60分钟 • Licensed training is required

  27. Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) • 8 test items • Map地图 searching (search symbols on the map) • Elevator counting计数 (count a series of tones presented on an audiotape录音机, that represents floors reached on the elevator) • Elevator counting with distraction混乱 (count only low tones) • Visual视觉 elevator (follow a series of visually presented floors) • Elevator counting with reversal倒转 • Telephone电话 search (look for key symbols in a directory) • Telephone search while counting • Lottery (listen for their ‘winning number’ and write down 写下the two letters preceding all numbers ending in given digits)

  28. References • Gloag, D. (1985). Rehabilitation after head injury.British Medical Journal, 290, 834-837. • Hasse, B. (1997). Cognition. In J. Van Deusen & D. Brunt (Eds.),Assessment in occuputional therapy and physical therapy(pp.333-356). Philadelphia: W.B. Sauders. • Itzkovich, M., Elazar, B., Averbuch, S., & Katz, N. (1990). The Loewestein Occupational Therapy Assessment (LOTCA) maunal. Pequanock, NJ: Maddock, Inc. • Katz, N., Hartman, M. A., Ring, H., & Soroker, N. (2002). Relationships of cognitive performance and daily function of clients following right hemispheric stroke: predictive and ecological validity of the LOTCA battery. Occupational Therapy of Research, 20, 3-17. • Lam, L.C.W. et al. (1998). Clock-Face Drawing, Reading and Setting Tests in the Screening of Dementia in Chinese Elderly Adults.Journal of Gerontology, 53B, 353-357

  29. References • Costa, L. D. (1975). The relation of visuospatial dysfunction to digit span performance in patients with cerebral lesions. Cortex, 11, 31-36. • Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligence (2nd ed.). New York: Basic Books. • Hunt, E. (1995). The role of intelligence in modern society. American Scientist (July-August). • Kaufman, A. S., & Lichtenberger, E.O. (1999). Essentials of WAIS-III assessment. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. • Lezak, M. D. (1995). Neuropsychological assessment (3rd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. • Toglia, J. P. (1998). A dynamic interactional model to cognitive rehabilitation. In N. Katz (Ed.), Cognition and occupation in rehabilitation (pp.5-50). Bethesda: AOTA. • Unsworth, C. (1999). Cognitive and perceptual dysfunction: A clinical reasoning approach to evaluation and intervention. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. • Wilson, B., Cockburn, J., & Baddeley, A. (1991). RBMT-The RivermeadBehavioural Memory Test. Bury St. Edmunds, London: Thames Valley Test Company. • Zoltan, B. (1996). Vision, perception and cognition: A manual for the evaluation and treatment of neurologically impaired adult. Thorofare: Slack.

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