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ethos: Academic integrity & plagiarism

ethos: Academic integrity & plagiarism. January 11, 2013. For Today:. Part I: Academic Integrity Defining Plagiarism Part II: Rhetoric, Aristotle’s Appeals and Advertising P.S. This will be a “writing heavy” day. Academic Integrity.

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ethos: Academic integrity & plagiarism

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  1. ethos:Academic integrity & plagiarism January 11, 2013

  2. For Today: Part I: Academic Integrity Defining Plagiarism Part II: Rhetoric, Aristotle’s Appeals and Advertising P.S. This will be a “writing heavy” day

  3. Academic Integrity Integrity is: “adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.” How does this definition apply to you while in college? "integrity." Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 10 Jan. 2013. Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/integrity

  4. Plagiarism • How do you define plagiarism? A more in depth (and somewhat comical) definition of plagiarism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNg94ebLGzY

  5. Consider This: "Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud." --Sophocles • How can you reconcile this position with your own needs to earn a certain GPA to graduate?

  6. Is This Plagiarism?...or not? • 1: A student copies and pastes text from Wikipedia into an essay and presents the work as her own. • 2: A student copies and pasts text from Wikipedia and properly cites it. • 3: A student forgets to include a citation. • 4: A student attempts to use MLA style, but places a punctuation marker in the wrong spot. • 5: You ask a friend to look over your paper and “fix” any major problems. • 6: A students pays someone else to write his essay. • 7: A student copies and pastes writing from an essay that she wrote for another class into an essay for a different class.

  7. Term Review • Ethos • Pathos • Logos

  8. Applying the Appeals

  9. Applying the Appeals cont. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB2sk1HqrfU

  10. Closing Reflection • Ethos and integrity are important in academia because….. (Finish this sentence and expand) OR • In what ways/forms do you encounter Aristotle’s appeals in your everyday life?

  11. Homework & Reminders • For Monday: read selected pages from chapter 4 of TAW • Read Backpacks vs. Briefcases • Next week we will be preparing for assignment 1: Please review assignment guidelines on course website Reminders: • Fish summary and Laptop Survey need to be submitted by 10p tonight Please make sure you are contacting me at: abcengl101@gmail.com

  12. Sources • Activities adapted from: Stephen Skalicky University of Missouri Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities website

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