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JavaScript Functions & Objects. JavaScript Functions. escape(), unescape(). http://www.google.com.tw/search?q= 暨南大學 escape: http%3A//www.google.com.tw/search%3Fq%3D%u66A8%u5357%u5927%u5B78 %u570B%u9053%u516D%u865F unescape: 國道六號. var uUrl = "http://www.google.com.tw/search?q= 暨南大學 ";
escape(), unescape() http://www.google.com.tw/search?q=暨南大學escape: http%3A//www.google.com.tw/search%3Fq%3D%u66A8%u5357%u5927%u5B78%u570B%u9053%u516D%u865Funescape: 國道六號 var uUrl = "http://www.google.com.tw/search?q=暨南大學"; var eUrl = "%u570B%u9053%u516D%u865F"; document.write(uUrl + "<br />"); document.write("escape: "+ escape(uUrl) + "<br /> <br />"); document.write(eUrl + "<br />"); document.write("unescape: "+ unescape(eUrl) + "<br />");
JavaScript Objects Boolean Number String Array Math Date RegExp
Boolean Object • Create Boolean objects with an initial value of false: var myBoolean=new Boolean(); var myBoolean=new Boolean(0); var myBoolean=new Boolean(null); var myBoolean=new Boolean(""); var myBoolean=new Boolean(false); var myBoolean=new Boolean(NaN); • Create Boolean objects with an initial value of true: var myBoolean=new Boolean(1); var myBoolean=new Boolean(true); var myBoolean=new Boolean("true"); var myBoolean=new Boolean("false"); var myBoolean=new Boolean("Richard");
Number Object num = 5000 num.toExponential(2) = 5.00e+3numObj = 6000numObj.toExponential(1) = 6.0e+3num2 = 3.456num2.toFixed(1) = 3.5num2.toPrecision(3) = 3.46 varmyNum=new Number(86); • Properties: • MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, NaN, NEGATIVE_INFINITY, POSITIVE_INFINITY • Methods: • toExponential(num) • toFixed(num) • toPrecision(num) • toString( )
String Object var myStr=new String("Hello World!"); • Properties: length • Methods: charAt(index), charCodeAt(index), concat(stringX, stringX,..., stringX) fromCharCode(numX, numX,..., numX) indexOf(searchvalue, fromindex), lastIndexOf(searchvalue, fromindex) match(searchvalue), search(searchvalue) replace(findstring, newstring) toLowerCase( ), toUpperCase( ) slice(start,end), substr(start,length), substring(start,stop) split(separator, howmany)
slice( ) vs. substring( ) index (length-index) str = "Hello happy world!" 012345678901234567 876543210987654321str.slice(6,13) "happy w"str.substring(6,13) "happy w"str.slice(6) "happy world!"str.substring(6) "happy world!"str.slice(13, 6) ""str.substring(13,6) "happy w"str.slice(-16, 8) "llo ha"str.substring(-16,8) "Hello ha"
split(separator, howmany) var str1 = "JavaScript, CSS, XML, Dynamic HTML"; var arr1 = str1.split(", "); arr1[0] arr1[1] arr1[2] arr1[3] JavaScript CSS XML Dynamic HTML var str2 = 'Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----xxyy"'; var arr2 = str2.split(": ", 2); arr2[0] arr2[1] Content-typemultipart/mixed; boundary="----xxyy"
Array Object splice() pop() shift() push() unshift() var arr1 = new Array(); var arr2 = new Array(4); var arr3 = new Array(2009, "April", true); • Properties: length • Methods: concat(arrayX, arrayX, ..., arrayX) pop(), push(element1, element2, ..., elementX) shift( ), unshift(element1, element2, ..., elementX) slice(start,end), splice(index, howmany, element1, ..., elementX) reverse( ), sort(sortbyfunc) join(separator)
splice(index, howmany, element1, ..., elementX) // 0,1,a1,a2,a3,2,3,4,5,6 // 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 // 0,1,2,a1,a2,a3,4,5,6 var arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; arr.splice(2, 0, "a1", "a2", "a3"); document.write(arr+"<br />"); arr.splice(2, 3); document.write(arr+"<br />"); arr.splice(3, 1, "a1", "a2", "a3"); document.write(arr+"<br />");
sort(sortbyfunc) var arr = new Array(6); arr[0] = 10; arr[1] = 5; arr[2] = 40; arr[3] = 25; arr[4] = 1000; arr[5] = 1; document.write(arr + "<br />"); // 10,5,40,25,1000,1 document.write(arr.sort()+ "<br />"); // 1,10,1000,25,40,5 document.write(arr.sort(sortByNum)+ "<br />"); // 1,5,10,25,40,1000 function sortByNum(a, b) { return a-b; }
join(separator) JavaScript,CSS,XML,Dynamic HTMLJavaScript, CSS, XML, Dynamic HTML var arr1 = ["JavaScript", "CSS", "XML", "Dynamic HTML"]; var str1 = arr1.join(); var str2 = arr1.join(", "); document.write(str1+"<br />"); document.write(str2+"<br />");
Math Object • Math is a static object. var area = 2*2* Math.PI; • Properties:
Math.random() // a random number in [a, b) // an random integer in [a, b] var rand1 = Math.random(); // [0,1) var rand2 = myRandom(1, 10); // [1, 10) var rand3 = myIntRandom(1, 49); // integer in [1, 49] function myRandom(a, b) { return a+Math.random()*(b-a); } function myIntRandom(a, b) { return Math.floor(a+Math.random()*(b-a+1)); }
Date Object • Constructors new Date( ) var today = New Date(); // Current date and time new Date ( [ year [, month [, date [, hours [, minutes [, seconds [, ms ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ) var birthDay = new Date(1978, 0, 31); //Jan 31 00:00:00 1978 new Date (value) var day1970 = new Date(0); // Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 new Date(datestring) var someday = new Date("Mar 29 13:01 2009");
Date's Methods (1/3) getUTCFullYear(), getUTCMonth(), getUTCDate(), getUTCDay(), getUTCHours(), getUTCMinutes(), getUTCSeconds(), getUTCMilliseconds()
Date's Methods (2/3) setUTCFullYear(), setUTCMonth(), setUTCDate(), setUTCHours(), setUTCMinutes(), setUTCSeconds(), setUTCMilliseconds()