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Unit II Political Beliefs and Behaviors Vocabulary Chapters 6 & 7

Unit II Political Beliefs and Behaviors Vocabulary Chapters 6 & 7. Q1. The politically relevant opinions held by ordinary citizens that they express openly. A1. Public opinion.

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Unit II Political Beliefs and Behaviors Vocabulary Chapters 6 & 7

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  1. Unit II Political Beliefs and Behaviors Vocabulary Chapters 6 & 7

  2. Q1. The politically relevant opinions held by ordinary citizens that they express openly

  3. A1. Public opinion

  4. Q2. A device for measuring public opinion whereby a relatively small number of individuals (the sample) are interviewed for the purpose of estimating the opinions of a whole community (the population)

  5. A2. public opinion poll

  6. Q3. In a public opinion poll, the relatively small number of individuals who are interviewed for the purpose of estimating the opinions of an entire population

  7. A3. sample

  8. Q4. In a public opinion poll, the people (for example, the citizens of a nation) whose opinions are being estimated through interviews with a sample of these people

  9. A4. population

  10. Q5. sampling error

  11. A5. A measure of the accuracy of a public opinion poll. The sampling error is mainly a function of sample size and is usually expressed in percentage terms

  12. Q6. The learning process by which people acquire their political opinions, beliefs, and values

  13. A6. political socialization

  14. Q7. The tendency for a significant break in the pattern of political socialization to occur among younger citizens, usually as the result of a major event or development that disrupts preexisting beliefs

  15. A7. age-cohort tendency

  16. Q8. agents of socialization

  17. A8. Those agents, such as the family, schools, mass media, peers, political institutions and leaders, and churches, that have a significant impact on citizens’ political socialization

  18. Q9.A consistent pattern of opinion on particular issues that stems from a core belief or set of beliefs

  19. A9. ideology

  20. Q10. Those who believe government should do more to solve the nation’s problems (especially the economy) but reject the notion that government should favor a particular set of social values Economic issues – active government Traditional values – non active government

  21. A10. liberals

  22. Q11. Those who believe government tries to do too many things that should be left to firms and individuals but look to government to uphold traditional values Economic issues – non active government Traditional values –active government

  23. A11. conservatives

  24. Q12. Those who believe government tries to do too many things that should be left to firms and individuals and who oppose government as an instrument of traditional values Economic issues – non active government Traditional values – non active government

  25. A12. libertarians

  26. Q13. Those who believe government should do more to solve the nation’s problems and who look to it to uphold traditional values Economic issues – active government Traditional values –active government

  27. A13. populists

  28. Q14. party identification

  29. A14. The personal sense of loyalty that an individual may feel toward a particular political party

  30. Q15. Involvement in activities intended to influence public policy and leadership, such as voting, joining political groups, writing to elected officials, demonstrating for political causes, and giving money to political candidates

  31. A15. political participation

  32. Q16. Suffrage

  33. A16. The right to vote

  34. Q17. The proportion of persons of voting age who actually vote in a given election

  35. A17. voter turnout

  36. Q18. The practice of placing citizens’ names on an official list of voters before they are eligible to exercise their right to vote

  37. A18. registration

  38. Q19. A feeling of personal disinterest in or unconcern with politics

  39. A19. apathy

  40. Q20. The belief of an individual that civic and political participation is a responsibility of citizenship

  41. A20. civic duty

  42. Q21. A feeling of personal powerlessness that includes the notion that government does not care about the opinions of people like oneself

  43. A21. alienation

  44. Q22. social capital

  45. A22. The sum of the face-to-face interactions among citizens in a society

  46. Q23. Active and sustained efforts to achieve social and political change by groups of people who feel that government has not been properly responsive to their concern

  47. A23. social (political) movements

  48. Q24. A valuable tool for understanding demographic changes. The Constitution requires that the government conduct an “actual enumeration” of the population every ten years.

  49. A24. census

  50. Q25. demography

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