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Jewish Succot by Lokteva Alena

Jewish Succot by Lokteva Alena.

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Jewish Succot by Lokteva Alena

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  1. Jewish Succot by Lokteva Alena

  2. Hag and - succot. A holiday of tents. In Tor is told: " Per the fifteenth day of the seventh month - the holiday Succot, seven days - - гу " also was told by the God " construct tents and live in them seven days. That knew generations yours, that in tents I have settled sons of Israel, when has deduced them from the country Egyptian... "

  3. This holiday reminds to the Jewish people of his wanderings in desert after an exit from slavery. Even after wanderings, arrive home - in the Country of Israel, we shall remember deprivation forty years of life in desert and favour supreme, " which has lead you on desert great and terrible, where the snake poisonous and scorpions, where thirst and is not present water; has taken for you water from a rock siliceous, fed you in desert manom, which did not know your fathers "

  4. Succot - reminder on our freedom. Succa is a symbol of constant protection, which God gives to the Jewish people. Succot name also " Hag-and - asif ", holiday of a crop. Why we have fun in " Hag-and - asif "? There is no more natural pleasure, than pleasure of a crop. We hardly worked all year and now we collect fruits of the work - grain and fruit.

  5. " Arba minim " - four plants. That we could better and is more complete express the gratitude to the Creator for a rich crop, Tora commandmenting to us to make "bouquet" from citron, palm branch, mirt and river willow.

  6. Hol and - moad. Halfholiday days. Second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth days Succota (in diaspora - with 3-rd till 6-th) refer to as halfholiday - " hol and - moad ". In Succot the Heavenly court makes a decision about amount of rains, which will drop out in new year. Therefore to water is paid special attention in festivals Succota.

  7. The ohana-slave. The seventh day Succot refers to as of "Ohana-slave". Asked bypass "bimu" not once, as other days, and seven times. They hold in hands " arba minim " and read special prays "Ohanot". At sinners there is last chance to God, to reconsider an adverse verdict born in Yom-kipyr , and to bring to it in good changes.

  8. "Hmini-Aceret" - Assembly per the eighth day. The eighth day is considered as a separate holiday. This holiday is marked idle time and all by clear pleasure. After the Jews have finished seven day a holiday in Jerusalem, Sacred, yes there will be he bless, speaks them: " Children mine, do not hasten. Stay at me for one day, for parting with you grieve me ".

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