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Information Commons: What’s the Ideal? Pamela H. Jureller and Inga H. Barnello

Information Feud!. Information Commons: What’s the Ideal? Pamela H. Jureller and Inga H. Barnello Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY. DEMOGRAPHICS Where do you work on campus?. Library IT/Computer Center Media Services Other. DEMOGRAPHICS What is the size of your institution?.

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Information Commons: What’s the Ideal? Pamela H. Jureller and Inga H. Barnello

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  1. Information Feud! Information Commons: What’s the Ideal? Pamela H. Jureller and Inga H. Barnello Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY

  2. DEMOGRAPHICSWhere do you work on campus? • Library • IT/Computer Center • Media Services • Other

  3. DEMOGRAPHICSWhat is the size of your institution? • Small-medium college (enroll <7,500 FTE) • Large college (enroll 7,501-10,000 FTE) • University (enroll >10,001 FTE)

  4. DEMOGRAPHICSType funding institution? • Private • Public

  5. DEMOGRAPHICSType of institution? • 2-year • 4-year

  6. Feng shui, anyone?What aesthetic aspects make theinformation commons space welcoming? • Welcoming, informal atmosphere • Natural lighting • Café • Web links and virtual displays to connect in-person events • Lively colors • Interesting patterns and textures • Art displays • Spaces for films • Other

  7. Information Feud! 1. Welcoming, informal atmosphere97.0% 5. Lively colors84.9% Feng shui, anyone? What aesthetic aspects make the information commons space welcoming? 2. Natural lighting92.9% 6. Interesting patterns and textures83.8% 6. Art displays83.8% 3. Café 91.9% 4. Web links and virtual displays to connect in-person events 87.9% 7. Spaces for films79.8% 8. Other16.2%

  8. “To be, or not to be.”What are the key elements in planning an information commons? • Define services to offer • Determine staff needs • Define and gain financial resources • Develop floor plan • Conduct a needs assessment • Develop strategic goals • Determine appropriate partners • Determine location • Develop a vision statement related to learning • Design an assessment plan

  9. Information Feud! “To be, or not to be.” What are the key elements in planning an information commons? 1. Define services to offer95.7% 1. Determine staff needs95.7% 4. Develop strategic goals 91.3% 4. Determine appropriate partners91.3% 4. Determine location91.3% 2. Define and gain financial resources94.2% 5. Develop a vision statement related to learning88.4% 3. Develop floor plan92.8% 3. Conduct a needs assessment92.8% 6. Design an assessment plan85.5% 7. Other5.8%

  10. “Whatcha doin’?”What is the most common activity in the information commons? • Work collaboratively on class project (on site or virtually • Write class papers • First stop for research needs • Develop presentations • Hold impromptu meeting • E-mail friends, professors, others • Manipulate data • Multitasking • Other

  11. Information Feud! “Whatcha doin’?” What is the most common activity in the information commons? 1. Work collaboratively on class project (on site or virtually)95.5% 5. E-mail friends, professors, others86.4% 2. Write class papers92.4% 2. First stop for research needs92.4% 6. Manipulate data84.9% 6. Multitasking84.9% 3. Develop presentations89.4% 7. Other7.6% 4. Hold impromptu meeting87.9%

  12. “Attention Kmart Shoppers!”What is the best way to promote the information commons? • Information commons web page • Staff collaboration with student focus groups • Computer default screens • Colorful banners • Exhibit student products developed as a result of the work in the info commons • Display digital resources on large screens • Mouse pads • Other

  13. Information Feud! “Attention Kmart Shoppers!” What is the best way to promote the information commons? 4. Colorful banners78.0% 4. Exhibit student products developed as a result of the work in the info commons78.0% 1. Information commons web page88.1% 2. Staff collaboration with student focus groups84. 8% 5. Display digital resources on large screens72.9% 3. Computer default screens81.4% 6. Mouse pads71.2% 7. Other32.2%

  14. “Comin’ down the pike”What will be the most used software application in 3 years for information services and learning? • Text messaging • Chat via Meebo or other application • E-mail • VOIP (voice over internet protocol) • MMOG/virtual worlds e.g. Second Life • Other

  15. Information Feud! “Comin’ down the pike” What will be the most used software application in 3 years for information services and learning? 1. Text messaging87.7% 1. Chat via Meebo or other application87.7% 2. E-mail82.5% 3. VOIP (voice over internet protocol)79.0% 3. MMOG/virtual worlds e.g. Second Life79.0% 4. Other19.3%

  16. “If you build it, they will come.”Where should an information commons be located? • Library • Student center • Classroom/Academic building • No matter where, they will come • Other

  17. Information Feud! “If you build it, they will come.” Where should an information commons be located? 1. Library98.4% 2. Student center85.5% 3. Classroom/Academic building79.4% 4. No matter where, they will come – please explain why31.8% 5. Other3.2%

  18. “There’s no “I” in T-E-A-M.”Staffing challenges: What is the most challenging aspect of staffing an information or learning commons? • Individuals or departments are territorial of their particular area, service, or level of service • Failure to make effective referrals • Inadequate knowledge of new technology • Specialization of staff in particular skills or subject • Librarians answering technical questions • Technical staff answering reference questions • No one can possibly know everything • Other

  19. Information Feud! “There’s no “I” in T-E-A-M.” Staffing challenges: What is the most challenging aspect of staffing an information or learning commons? 1. Individuals or departments are territorial of their particular area, service, or level of service88.7% 2. Failure to make effective referrals82.3% 2. Inadequate knowledge of new technology82.3% 2. Specialization of staff in particular skills or subject82.3% 3. Librarians answering technical questions80.7% 3. Technical staff answering reference questions 80.7%

  20. “What seems to be the problem?”What is the biggest obstacle to starting up an information commons? • Finances/funding • Lack of collaboration among campus units • Lack of teamwork among staff • Finding a location for the commons • Hours of operation • IT staff • Librarians • Other

  21. Information Feud! “What seems to be the problem?” What is the biggest obstacle to starting up an information commons? 1. Finances/funding95.2% 4. Hours of operation75.8% 5. IT staff72.6% 2. Lack of collaboration among campus units82.3% 6. Librarians67.7% 3. Lack of teamwork among staff77.4% 3. Finding a location for the commons77.4% 7. Other6.5

  22. “Take a load off.”Which furniture works best (or should be included)? • Soft, comfortable seating • Furniture with wheels for easy mobility • Modular furniture • Fixed individual workstations • Portable whiteboards • Bean bag chairs for informal setting • Other

  23. Information Feud! “Take a load off.” Which furniture works best (or should be included)? 1. Soft, comfortable seating87.1% 2. Furniture with wheels for easy mobility85.5% 3. Modular furniture82.3% 4. Fixed individual workstations74.2% 4. Portable whiteboards74.2% 5. Bean bag chairs for informal setting62.9% 6. Other12.9

  24. “Look, Ma, no hands!”What are the means to successful service? • Consistent training and education of staff and patrons • Cross-training of staff • Use peers as staff to which students are more likely • Offer service more hours than previously offered by using students • Use student workers from all participating campus units • Other

  25. Information Feud! “Look, Ma, no hands!” What are the means to successful service? 4. Offer service more hours than previously offered by using students80.3% 1. Consistent training and education of staff and patrons95.1% 5. Use student workers from all participating campus units73.8% 2. Cross-training of staff91.8% 3. Use peers as staff to which students are more likely82.0% 6. Other8.2%

  26. The “ideal,” top responses are …. !

  27. The Ideal Info Commons: Top Online Survey Responses

  28. The Ideals : Compared

  29. http://web.lemoyne.edu/~barnello/CCUMC.htm

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