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Characters. How to create informative character descriptions. Journal: (name of a person I know well). Take a few moments to describe in as much detail as possible someone that you know very well. It could be a neighbor, a friend, a relative, or a celebrity. Be specific!

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  1. Characters How to create informative character descriptions

  2. Journal: (name of a person I know well) • Take a few moments to describe in as much detail as possible someone that you know very well. It could be a neighbor, a friend, a relative, or a celebrity. Be specific! • **Title the journal with the person’s name, but then avoid providing the name in the actual journal entry! • Length: 8-12 sentences • Worth: 10 points

  3. Next: grab a partner • On a piece of plain paper, you will draw the character that the other person wrote about as they read their description aloud. • Now, you will read your description to them, and they will draw the figure. • Then, on the drawing you have made, write three words to describe what kind of personality you think this character would have.

  4. The moment of truth… • Switch papers back. • Proceed to laugh or look quizzical. • Now, discuss with your partner the whys and hows of the process. Reveal who the journal was intended to be about, and discuss how accurate or inaccurate the two portrayals actually are.

  5. Let’s look at a few professional ones… From “Assassins” (1995)

  6. From “Croupier” (1998)

  7. From “15 Minutes” (2001)

  8. Journal (continued) • Now, go back to your journal entry and re-write the description of that first figure so that it gives a very clear picture of the character’s physical traits and personality. • Length: 6-8 sentences • Worth: 10 points

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