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Presented by. The logos and names of stores and suppliers are merely illustrative for this presentation it is forbidden to use them to advertise in mass media by any active or inactive Klob member. How much money would you need to make in order to live worry -free?. The question is :

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentedby The logos and names of stores and suppliersare merely illustrative for this presentationit is forbidden to use them to advertise in mass media by any active or inactive Klob member

  2. Howmuchmoneywouldyouneedtomake in ordertoliveworry-free? The questionis: Are youmakingit? WHAT OPTIONS DO YOU HAVE?

  3. Workingovertimeisnottheanswer… … norisitstretchingoutyourdollars… … Muchless takingondebt!

  4. Thesolutionistoaddanothersource of incometoyourcurrentone: YOUR PRIMARY JOB YOUR PLAN “B” FINANCIAL SECURITY Todaywewantto share withyou a new and excitingopportunity tocreatethatPlan “B”

  5. ONE THAT BRINGS TOGETHER THE BEST OF TWO WORLDS: & The world of franchises: The world of Network Marketing: Provenbusiness formula ExtensiveSupport and know-how Highstart-up costs A teamworking foryou Residual income “Miracle” products tosell

  6. ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: Wouldyoulike to makemoneywheneveryourfriends and relativesmaketheirpurchases? IF YOUR ANSWER WAS “YES”, THEN THIS OPPORTUNITY IS PERFECT FOR YOU!

  7. A POWERFUL BUSINESS CONCEPT: + A buyers club Compensation plan ThisiswhatKlöbis!! • Buy / sellproductsthatpeople do notneedon a dailybasis. NO • Createadditional expenses foryou. • Buytheproductsyou use everyday, at thestoresyoualreadyknow and prefer. YES • Yourmembersbuywhattheyalways do and youmakemoneyfromit. Lots of places to buy, not a product to sell

  8. PurchaseyourKlöbfranchise Earnmoney off yournetwork’sspending Log-in to your back office and orderyourgiftcards HowdoesKlöb’sbusiness concept work? $ Spendjustlikeyoualways do Invite otherpeople to join and do thesame as you

  9. PurchaseyourKlöbfranchise Earnmoney off yournetwork’sspending Log-in to your back office and orderyourgiftcards $ Spendjustlikeyoualways do Invite otherpeople to join and do thesame as you

  10. PurchaseyourKlöbfranchise Klöboffersyoutwo BUSINESS options (franchises): Partner Affiliate Cost: $300 Cost: $700 Full Plan (All 8 bonuses) Partial Plan (6 of 8 bonuses) Have a storefrontwithKlöb Withyourfranchiseyoureceive: • A back-office to manageyourbusiness online, 24/7 • Your personal e-learning training system: KlöbPRO. . • Administrative and tech support plus our Call Center • Startup KIT withyourbasicoperatingtools. $ $ $ WHAT BUSINESS COULD YOU START WITH JUST $700? WOULD IT OFFER YOU THE SAME BENEFITS?

  11. PurchaseyourKlöbfranchise Earnmoney off yournetwork’sspending Log-in to your back office and orderyourgiftcards $ Spendjustlikeyoualways do Invite otherpeople to join and do thesame as you

  12. PRE-PAID MERCHANT GIFT CARDS Qualifyyourbusiness There are twowaysforyou to meetyourmonthly activityrequirement (businessoverhead) and qualify to receiveyourbonuses: Ordergiftcardsfromyour Back Office to makeyoureverydaypurchases KLÖB’S MVK (VIRTUAL CASH CARD) Purchase at Klöbpartners’ storefrontsor transfer money to othermembers Activityrequirements: Partners: $200 & Affiliates:$100 / Month

  13. PurchaseyourKlöbfranchise Earnmoney off yournetwork’sspending Log-in to your back office and orderyourgiftcards $ Spendjustlikeyoualways do Invite otherpeople to join and do thesame as you

  14. Klöbisjustlike a huge shopping center, withbothnationalchains and local storefonts to buyfrom

  15. PurchaseyourKlöbfranchise Earnmoney off yournetwork’sspending Log-in to your back office and orderyourgiftcards $ Spendjustlikeyoualways do Invite otherpeople to join and do thesame as you

  16. Share theopportunity SharingKlöbiseasierthanyou imagine!, allyouneedisinitiative, commitment and thewill to succeed. You share itwiththepeopleyouknow: family, friends, co-workers… And evenwiththepeopleyoudon’t! Howmanypeopleoutthere are lookingfor a chance to increasetheirincome, justlikeyou?

  17. PurchaseyourKlöbfranchise Earnmoney off yournetwork’sspending Log-in to your back office and orderyourgiftcards $ Spendjustlikeyoualways do Invite otherpeople to join and do thesame as you

  18. Compensation plan Klöboffersyouthemostcomprehensivecompensation plan in theindustry, whichrewardsyoufor: Your personal work (Whatyou do byyourself) Yournetwork’seffort (Whatyourrecruits and members do) The full compensation plan consists of 8differentbonuses, I’mgoing to show youthethreemainones.

  19. Bonus#1 Express Cash-Back Thisbonus has twogoals: So if I earn$250 foreverypartner I sign up, thatmeansthatjustbysigningthreepartnersI’llhaverecovered my sign-up fee! 1) Getyourinvestmentfee back fast 2) Reward and incentivateyournetwork’sbuild-up Itworkslikethis: Each time yousign-up a recruitinto Klöb, YOU WIN a bonus in cash: HOW MUCH? $250 foreach PARTNER $75 foreach AFFILIATE WHEN? 24 work hrs. afterthememberjoins HOW? Deposited to yourKlöb’sMasterCardpaycard

  20. Bonus #3 Teamwork Pointsgeneratedbynew memberaffiliations. LeftLeg RightLeg YOU Personrecruiteddirectlybyyou Personrecruitedbyone of your‘uplines’ 400 pts 100 pts D U 400 pts 400 pts D D 100 pts 100 pts 400 pts 400 pts D D 400 pts Personrecruitedbyone of theabove

  21. Bonus #3 Teamwork Pointsgeneratedbyyourmembers’ activity. YOU 400 pts 100 pts 24 pts 10 pts D U 400 pts 400 pts 5 pts 32 pts D D 100 pts 100 pts 400 pts 400 pts 4 pts 0 pts 40 pts 18 pts D D 400 pts 20 pts Bonusthisweek: $ 580.00 Shortestleg Total pointson Leftleg 7,000 Total pointson Rightleg 5,800 Nextweek: 7000 – 5800 = 1,200 pts. Nextweek: 5800-5800 = 0 pts.

  22. Bonus #5 Generations Thisbonuspaysyou a “rent” baseduponyourdirectrecruits’ earnings (bonus #3) Entepreneur Successful Beginner Dedicated Perseverant Bold Expert Leader Exemplary Winner Master Independent Free YOU 20% 45% 10% 15% 25% 30% 35% 35% 40% 40% 45% 50% D D D D 1st Gen 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 2ndGen 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 3rdGen 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 4th to 6th Gen 8% 7thGen

  23. HOW WILL I RECEIVE MY EARNINGS? KlöbwillpayyourqualifiedbonuseseachFriday (exceptforBonus #1 whichispaidthenextday) • Klöbisthefirstnetwork marketing companyto introduce a dedicated, convenientpay-card • Use ittoordergift-cardsthroughyour Back Office • Acceptedworldwide at MasterCardpoints of sale and all Cirrus ATM’s (Withdraw up to $1,000 daily) Yourearnings are depositeddirectlytoyourown Klöb / MasterCardinternationalpay-card

  24. JointheKlobalization!! • Klöb will go global with an ambitious expansion plan • WewillreachLatin America, Canada • and Europe • Same business plan for all countries • Just one single network! • Your franchise enables you to do business all over the world!

  25. …WHAT’S GOING THROUGH YOUR MIND?… It’simpossible… saidpride It’srisky… saidexperience Itdoesn’tmakesense… saidreason TRY IT!…shoutedtheheart ARE YOU READY TO BEGIN?

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