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Stato del progetto RICH di LHCb. CSN1 Assisi, 22 settembre 2004. Rivelatori RICH di LHCb. Identificazione delle particelle su intervallo 1 – 100 GeV/c mediante 2 rivelatori RICH. Causata da : richieste per miglioramento livello trigger L1 ( = 0.15 Tm
Stato del progetto RICH di LHCb CSN1 Assisi, 22 settembre 2004 CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rivelatori RICH di LHCb Identificazione delle particelle su intervallo 1 – 100 GeV/c mediante 2 rivelatori RICH Causata da : richieste per miglioramento livello trigger L1 ( = 0.15 Tm nella regione di “tracking”) Riduzione materiale nella accettanzadello Spettrometro RICH1: riprogettazione completa come da nuovo TDR LHcb light EDR presentato il 31/8 u.s. RICH2: SOVRASTRUTTURA Essenzialmente come da TDR originario dei Rich INSTALLAZIONE DEI FOTORIVELATORI modificata Sovrastruttura costruita Finestre di ingresso e uscita installate Photon Funnel installati Specchi in Vetro (Pyrex / Simax) in corso di fabbricazione Beam Pipe installata CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
LHCb RICH system in cavern CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Impegni italiani nei RICH Genova : Rich2 • alloggiamento fotorivelatori (inclusa trasmissione segnali a L0 e raffreddamento design e componenti in parte utilizzati anche per Rich1) • ECS Alte Tensioni Milano: • Rich1 • Aerogel e relativi telai per l’installazione • Rich2 • schermo magnetico consegna al CERN ottobre 2004 • ottica (test, allineamento) • schede distribuzione alta e bassa tensione CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Overview of RICH1 – Changes since RICH TDR • Addition of Plane Mirrors to allow HPDs to be located where iron shields can be used 2. Vertical optical layout to allow shields to act as pole pieces for Level-1 trigger field 3. Reduction of material in LHCb acceptance Beryllium spherical mirrors Mirror supports outside acceptance Eliminate entrance window by sealing to VELO tank TDR: 14% X0 Now: 7.3% X0 CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Magnetic shields (each ~8 tonnes of “Armco” iron) 7x14 HPD arrays Beryllium spherical mirrors Exit window seals to beampipe Quartz windows Seal directly to the VELO exit window Glass secondary plane mirrors (outside the acceptance) RICH1 Mechanical Design - Overview CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1 Magnetic shield performance The addition of iron blocks close to the magnet allows field to be channelled to the upstream wall of the shield where it increases the field required by the trigger target Max Field at HPD Plane 25G Integral Field to 250cm 150kGcm CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Support Rich1 Beryllium Mirrors –Design and FEA The mirrors and a support structure on one edge can be cut from a single piece of beryllium. A full-sized mirror segment has now been ordered from Kompozit (Russia). The use of beryllium mirrors (along with the beam-pipe) has safety implications for LHCb which are regulated by CERN safety instruction IS No. 25 CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1 Plane Glass Mirrors 370mm x 387mm The 16 plane glass mirrors use the same technology as RICH2 plane mirrors . Plane mirrors Outside tracker acceptance CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1 HPD assembly Common design with RICH2 HPD + Mumetal + ZIF connector RICH2 assembly accommodated in RICH1 shield box Cooling: C6F12 system 1.5kW per box !! CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1 Aerogel In October 2003 aerogel samples were exposed in a 10Gev/C beam and the Cherenkov rings measured using 3HPDs. The results shown here are for a tile with:- Thickness = 4.4cm Refractive Index = 1.0280 Clarity(C) = 0.0052 m4/c A = 86% Weight = 60.6g Measurement of ring segments on the 3 HPDs shows that ~13 photo-electrons per ring would be detected (at 100% acceptance). This is better performance than assumed in the TDR. CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1 Aerogel APACHE Aerogel Photographic Analysis by CHerenkov Effect or how to measure n homogeneity inside a tile The sample is exposed to a 500 MeV electron beam at the BTF in Frascati. The Cherenkov photons are collected on a photographic film. The film is then developed and scanned for the analysis, which consists in retracking the hits from the film to the beam axis via the mirror. For each run, the peak value of the Cherenkov angle distribution is plotted. Result for the measured tile: within specs σn = 1.14 mrad ( spec. < 1.17 mrad) The vessel CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1 Aerogel • Preseries production : 6 liters in 3 tiles 20x20x5 cm3 delivered end June ’04 refractive index: 1.0305, 1.0309, 1.0316, clarity : 0.0054, 0.0056, 0.0062 mm • Final contract in preparation (2 preserie tiles can be regarded as final ) • 20 lshould be produced by end 2004- beginning 2005 CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich2 Status Superstructure Almost completely assembled • Entrance Window installed • Exit Window installed • Side walls and top covers installed • Photon Funnels installed • Spherical Mirrors Plates installed • Beam Pipe just installed last week • Quartz Windows installed Still to be done • A complete gas leak test is going to be performed • After that the magnetic shielding will be installed followed by the • optical setup • In the period mid-December mid-March 2005 all the mirrors • (spherical and flat) will be installed • Rich2 foreseen to be ready for transport to the pit on 20/04/2005 CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich2 Mounted Superstructure with Windows, Side Walls and Photon Funnels Photon Funnel Entrance Window CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich2 Status - Mirrors Spherical Mirrors: array of hexagonal mirrors dcirc = 510 mm subs. thick’ss = 6 mm R0 = 8600 mm 0.5% Flat Mirrors: array of flat mirrors (R=~50 m) rectangular in shape dcirc = 559 mm At present • ~ 45 good hexagonal mirrors available now: complete! Mirrors in Simax Glass manufactured by the Compass - Czech Firm Quality check for spherical mirrors produced D0 = diam. of smallest circle containing 95%of reflected light required D0 2.0 mm CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich2 Status Photodetectors Housing • Photodetectors housing completely redesigned since Jan. 2004 due to much larger heat dissipation requirements than initially foreseen : each HPD plane 2kW instead than ~200 W foreseen in the EDR due to much larger dissipation both of pixel chip (~1.8 W/chip) and associated L0 electronics. • To ease cooling electronics PCB’s (L0, HV, LV) are arranged on the same plane differently from the old design, while the general frame design is retained with proper modifications in order to accommodate the electronic boards. • In new design Cu cooling plates with active C6F12 system in order to cool L0 electronics. • Precision positioning of HPD’s and cooling of pixel chips implemented by means of special mounting cup (spacer) together with cold fingers conducting heat to cooled frames where cooling plates are installed. • HPD signal pinout inserted into a ZIF connector mounted on a special PCB (translator) in turn connected to L0 electronics by means of a couple of Flexible (Kapton) Printed Circuits. Proper termination resistors are implemented on the translator PCB CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
New HPD Columns Layout GENERAL ARRANGEMENT Prototype HV Board Cooling Plates CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
The Spacer is a new component needed for the HPD alignment with the higher heat dissipation New HPD Column LayoutTranslator Module and Spacer (Spacer) The Translator Moduleis the complex of a PCB together with flexible links, accomplishing the task of connecting the HPD to the L0 Board still allowing for mechanical freedom CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich Photodetectors bird’s eye view on some recent HPD performance measurements (1) 40 MHz prototypes QE curves CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich Photodetectors bird’s eye view on some recent HPD performance measurements (2) • Efficiency Measurements • Timing scans (e.g. timewalk effects for different strobes (25/50 ns) • Comparisons between detection efficiencies 25 and 50 ns strobes • Detection efficiencies for different cathode HV’s • Reflection Measurements • light reflection in quartz window • light reflection on internal HPD structure (silicon, electrodes,etc.) CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich 2004 test beam • Rich prototype foreseento be tested on the beam in 2 periods (1st week October – 2nd week November). The 1st period will be a setup period • Special test vessel will accommodate 3 HPD columns which will be an exact prototype of the definitive installation, including the cooling system, in order to perform a complete working test of the HPD system CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich PhotodetectorsHPD pre-series news and availabilities for 2004 test beam • Latest update from DEP as of 31st August 2004: • “The situation with respect to the production of the pre-series will expectedly be as follows: • * We do have one completed HPD, potted in the LHCb construction, but still with the "old" Quartz input window ("old” way of marking) and old wiring. The completed HPD still has to be tested. • * We will start with the processing of the second HPD (using anode 4.1) by 1st September. • * The next 5 starts (using anodes 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2 and 4.2) are foreseen for the weeks 38, 39 and 40 (13 September till 1 October). Next week we cannot make any further starts because of the lack of Quartz windows. • * Remaining starts related to the availability of anodes: depends on approval of remaining 3 anodes […]. With the approved anodes the remaining starts will be made in the first week of October.” In conclusion HPD availabilities should be: 2 HPD’s for October test beam week 10 HPD’s for November test beam week CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Spare Slides CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich2 Schedule CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1 Schedule CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich2 Superstructure with Exit Window Mounted CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Cooling Plates CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Translator Module Prototype Translator and Flexible Links FlexibleLinks Translator and Flexible Links Test Set-up Hirose Connector ZIFHPD Connector CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Translator Module - PCB Layout PCB dim. 81.5 x 55 x 1.6 mm3 Total thickness 14.4 mm (ZIF conn. incl.) Central hole for HPD cooling by means of a cold finger • On one side of the PCBamodified 321 pin Socket 7 ZIFConnector is mounted where pins of the HPD ceramic PGA are inserted. On this sidea PT1000 Temperature Sensor is mounted too • On the other side of the PCB there are two Hirose FH12-50S-0.5SVconnectors where the flexible links are inserted and also the terminating resistors of the lines going from L0 board to HPD • On bothsides of the PCB ceramic filtering capacitors for power supplies and references are mounted CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Translator Module - Flexible links Flexible links carry the signals between HPD and L0 board: ~ 88 mm long 2-layer configuration 1st side :Analog, Digital and Power Lines 2nd side :Grounds (A & D in corresp. to respective Lines) Each Line: 6 mil wide, ~35 mm thick, R ~ 0.2 Ohm, Z ~ 82 Ohm CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Overview of RICH1 – Optical Layout CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1 Magnetic Shield – vertical extension Space available for HPDs and readout electronics Is limited Extending vertically by 200mm Allows accommodation of RICH2 HPD assembly CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1: Material Budget Item % X0 % lI Entrance window 0.0 0.0 Aerogel 3.3 0.7 C4F10 2.6 1.6 Spherical mirror 0.8 0.7 Exit window 0.6 0.3 Total 7.3% 14% in TDR design 3.3% 5% in TDR design CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Rich1 Mirrors • Spherical mirrors • 82 cm x 60 cm, R=240 cm: 1 per quadrant as a final technology Beryllium has been chosen (Carbon fiber was another possible candidate) Be: 3 mm thick, with 0.3 mm glass coating • ¼-scale prototpye satisfies optical quality • Compatible with flurocarbon gas • Higher cost than carbon fibre • Secondary plane mirrors (outside acceptance) • 37 cm x 39 cm: 4 per quadrant • Glass: 6 mm thick CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
HPD CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
HPD CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Shielded Phosphor tube:TRANSVERSE field 30G • Reference B=0G • SHIELDED: Bt=30G Maximum displacement < 350mm (0.7pixels) CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Shielded Phosphor tube: AXIAL field 30G • Reference B=0G • SHIELDED: Bz=30G 0% coverage loss Max displacement ~ 2.8mm CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
HPD and Phosphor Tube: transverse B field • HPD reference B=0G • HPD Bt=2.5G • Phosphor tube Bt=2.5G mm Confirm the two devices have same electron optics behaviour mm CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
HV board layout Two different circuit configurations, namely two boards, has been built. Each board manages two HPD: HV splitter and filtering capacitances: Voltage monitoring: To avoid discharges from the HV, three circuit solutions have been adopted: • The boards and the critical components are covered by a transparent, protective material (Flexible rubber) having an electrical strength of about 20 KV/mm; • To suppress any possible effect that can arise from a non perfect adhesion of the protective material on the surface of the PC board, apertures has been created around the critical connecting points; • A 4 layer PCB has been designed that allows the track to stay buried by about 0.8 mm of fiberglass, having a strength of about 50 KV/mm. Here we have a laboratory prototype on a 2 layer PCB. The protective material is completely transparent and cover the whole board. This is a Board 1 type. The HV resistors are not present, while the HV filtering capacitance are mounted. In the test we have done, the HPD where simulated connected to GND, as a very fault situation. CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004
Work in Progress Leakage current at 22 KV of the lab. prototype in free air in more than 8 days (spikes are ambient disturbances). PROTOTYPE BOARDS AVAILABLE Board 1 • The protective material is available; • The HV filtering capacitance are available; Not yet available, but ordered from CERN and under delivering: Board 2 • HV dividers; • HV 1 G Resistors; • HV wires The whole HV boards setup should be ready by the end of September if the HV dividers, resistors and wires will be available within, at most, the first half of September. CSN1 Assisi 22/09/2004