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The Policy Statement (Position Paper)

The Policy Statement (Position Paper). What is that?. The Policy Statement. State current situation of issue. a brief summary of the process/history. Your country’s position/stance. Propose some solutions to the issue. Written in paragraph forms.

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The Policy Statement (Position Paper)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Policy Statement (Position Paper) What is that?

  2. The Policy Statement • State current situation of issue. • a brief summary of the process/history. • Your country’s position/stance. • Propose some solutions to the issue. • Written in paragraph forms. • Useful when called upon by chair to speak.

  3. The Draft Resolution What does it contain?

  4. THREE PARTS • 1. The Heading • 2. The Addressed House, • 3. The Preamble, • 4. Operative Clauses. • THE WHOLE DRAFT RESOLUTION IS A SINGLE SUPERLONG SENTENCE!

  5. The Draft Resolution • Format—One single super-long sentence • Division--problem + solution • Content—concern + action • Language--formal

  6. A Sample Heading • FORUM: The ECOSOC Committee • ISSUE: International Cooperation for…. • SUBMITTED BY: France • CO-SUBMITTED BY: The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, The Republic of Korea, The Republic of Germany

  7. The Addressed House • The ECOSOC Committee, • The Security Council,

  8. The Preamble-1 • 1. Begins with an adjective, a present participle (Ving), or a past participle (V-ed), • 2. ends with a comma, “,”

  9. The Preamble--2 • 3. contains WHAT • statement of seriousness of issue, • What has UN done, • What’s being done, • What your country’s position is, • What int’l community should do,

  10. A Sample Preamble • Recalling previous United Nations relevant resolution 8235 (1990), which illustrates the active involvement of the International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) in addressing the issue of global warming and greenhouse gases emissions,

  11. Useful Preamble Starters • Affirming Contemplating • Approving Deeply concerned • Alarmed by Emphasizing • Aware of Desiring • Bearing in mind Further recalling • Believing Reaffirming

  12. THE OPERATIVE CLAUSES-1 • Begins with V-s, • Ends with “;” except the last phrase, which ends with a period, “.”.

  13. The Operative Clauses-2 • Contains “HOW” • How should the UN state members cooperate; • What should be done with existing international laws; • What kinds of laws should governments make accordingly; • What is the role of NGO’s & UN agents; • What should parties concerned do;

  14. A Simplified Operative Clause • 1. Urges international cooperation by, • a) ratifying the Kyoto Protocol by all member states by, • i) signing the Kyoto Protocol; • Ii) ratifying the Kyoto Protocol;

  15. Useful Operative clause starters • Affirms Calls upon Deplores • Accepts Calls for Recommends • Approves Considers Suggests • Authorizes Confirms Encourages • Asks Emphasizes Invites • Notes Takes note of Regrets

  16. Happy MUNing • Please refer to the PDF file • “How to help MUN delegates become prepared” • for a more comprehensive description of MUN opening speeches, procedures, draft resolutions, motions, points, amendments, MUN roles, and, of course, voting procedures.

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