I got a really benign appearing eccentric lucent lesion in a 17 y/o in the proximal metaphysis extending into epiphysis. Physis looked closed. I gave diff. He showed me an mri with multiple fluid levels and no edema. I said favor abc, even though minimally expansile if at all.
I got a posterior dislocation of shoulder on ap confirmed with y view.
I got a chronic osteo with sequestration, sinus tract, dense thick smooth periosteal reaction of humerus (plain film and ct).
I got a calcaneous stress fracture. very osteopenic and vascular calcifications, I said maybe some calcaneal sclerosis, rec mri or bone scan. He showed me follow up with avulsion fracture of superior calc at achilles insertion. He also asked me to put it all together. I babbled about diabetes and osteoporosis maybe renal osteodystrophy.
I got a bucket handle tear of medial meniscus (he didn’t show me double pcl sign, but rather coronals).
I got what I thought to be most likely ra of shoulder (jsn, articular irregularity, high riding head, osteopenia, no osteophytes. Distal clav normal. I mentioned other things like cppd and post traumatic changes, but much less likely).
I got multiple bilateral tib, fem and fib infarcts (started with mri) and I gave diff
I got infer. endplate irreg and lytic changes at l4, very mild disk height loss and I thought normal l5 in a young girl. I said infection, maybe neoplasm like leukemia, get mri. He gave me followup 10 months later, with bad disk height loss and bad endplate changes l4/l5. I said likely infection, maybe favor granulomatous given 10 month interval.
I got osteochondritis of capitellum (I saw sclerosis on plain film, but for some reason started talking about stupid irreg of ulna, then he showed me mri). He asked me what the eponym was, and I blanked. Others I forget. He ended a little before the first bell and we talked a bit.