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Bubble Chamber Physics in the Morrison Empire

Bubble Chamber Physics in the Morrison Empire. Bubble Chamber. Physics. in the Morrison Empire. The ABBCCHILVW Collaboration. London. Warsaw. Berlin. Aachen. Bonn. Cracow. Heidelberg. Vienna. CERN. Innsbruck. Aachen - Berlin - Bonn - CERN - Cracow - Heidelberg - Innsbruck -

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Bubble Chamber Physics in the Morrison Empire

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  1. Bubble Chamber Physics in the Morrison Empire

  2. Bubble Chamber Physics

  3. in theMorrison Empire The ABBCCHILVW Collaboration London Warsaw Berlin Aachen Bonn Cracow Heidelberg Vienna CERN Innsbruck Aachen - Berlin - Bonn - CERN - Cracow - Heidelberg - Innsbruck - London - Vienna - Warsaw

  4. thetechnology * • thephysics * • thecollaboration • personal memories * Proc.BUBBLES 40, 1993

  5. the technology: - bubble chambers - film - data processing

  6. bubble chambers: more than 100 BCs built between invention by R. Glaser in 1953 and 1987

  7. METERS Glaser’s first chamber BEBC 4 3 2 1 0

  8. bubble chambers: more than 100 BCs built between invention by R. Glaser in 1953 and 1987 more than 60 used for physics sizes from 1 cm to 3.7 m ø filled with H2, D2 noble gases: He, Ne, Xe heavy liquids: diethyl ether, isopentane freon, propane number of pictures taken: ?? > 108( x # of views 1 - 6)

  9. the film, the events, the measurements “scanning”: film projected onto table to find the events: armies of physicists, students and “scanning ladies” the events: physics “vizualised”

  10. the film, the events, the measurements “scanning”: film projected onto table to find the events: armies of physicists, students and “scanning ladies” the events: physics “vizualised” aspects of science, popularization and (even) art measurements: from simple manual digitization of points along tracks ( IEPs ) to computer assisted and fully automatic measurements (HPD, PEPR, Spiral Reader, ERASME, ....)

  11. data processing the heroic beginning of applied on- ond off-line computing hardware: the IBMs vs. the PDPs with CDCs, Univacs, etc. around remember the word length and memory space ..... Hollerith cards, DEC tapes, magnetic tapes software: THRESH - GRIND - SLICE Data Summary Tapes (DSTs) SUMX remember the octal and hexadecimal (!) memory dumps ...

  12. for the sake of this presentation subdivided into 4 domains: - hadronic s - channel physics (quasi-)stable particles and hadron resonances - hadronic t - channel physics meson resonances, production processes - neutrino physics with the big chambers - charm production with high resolution optics, holography R R the physics with BCs

  13. the Morrison Empire

  14. the ABBCCHILVWCollaboration Aachen - Berlin - Bonn - CERN - Cracow - Heidelberg - Innsbruck - London - Vienna - Warsaw

  15. The ABBCCHILVW Collaboration London Warsaw Berlin Aachen Bonn Cracow Heidelberg Vienna CERN Innsbruck Aachen - Berlin - Bonn - CERN - Cracow - Heidelberg - Innsbruck - London - Vienna - Warsaw

  16. the ABBCCHILVWCollaboration Aachen - Berlin - Bonn - CERN - Cracow - Heidelberg - Innsbruck - London - Vienna - Warsaw - meson beams - into BCs filled with hydrogen - at the highestavailable energies

  17. data collected between 1963 and 1980 : • in CERN 2m chamber: • 8, 16, 23GeV/c+ p ABC 1st run in 1963 16GeV/c- p ABBCCHW 10, 16GeV/cK- p ABCILV 1st run in 1965 in Mirabelle: 32GeV/cK- p in 1974 in BEBC: 110GeV/cK- p ABCCLVW in 1979 in FNAL 15’: 100GeV/c-p CERN in 1980

  18. R physics in the Morrison Collaboration • production ofstrange hadron resonances :  • hadronic t - channel physics : • one particle exchange reactions ( OPE ) • diffraction dissociation • multiparticle production and exchange

  19. One Particle Exchange reactions production of meson resonances: , , A2, f in  beams K*890, K*1420 in K beams  production mechanisms: energy dependence and t- distributions of meson and baryon resonances Regge poles, trajectories, ... duality: Veneziano diagrams

  20. diffraction dissociation production of A1 , A3 in  beams Q , L in  beams N* resonances Morrison - Gribovrule: P = (-1) J JP: 0 -1+ , 2 - , 3 +, ... “Pomeron” - exchange: weak energy dependence (“non-standard Regge trajectory”) partial wave analysis of (3) and (K) systems (“Ascoli” - program)

  21. multiparticle production and exchange multi-Regge exchanges 5 - point function = longitudinal phase-space distributions, “sea-gull effect” van Hove plots

  22. summary of physics results: • extensive and intensive study of hadronic reactions • relevance for today’s understanding: • important input for the establishment of the quark model • SU(3) multiplets, duality • input for hadronization models • Monte Carlo models to relate fundamental q, l reactions to • observable data • - diffraction dissociation: Pomeron double gluon exchange

  23. social and political aspects • (reflections by DROM (1978): • “The Sociology of International Scientific Collaborations” ) • ABBCCHILVW collaboration was a prototype of an • international collaboration as stipulated by CERN Convention • bubble chamber film and data were ideally suited for university groups • to participate in front-line research together with CERN team • central CERN team responsible for technical and managerial aspects: • general organisation (D.R.O. Morrison) • data collection, organisation and distribution (G. Kellner) • editing and submission of publications (V. Cocconi)

  24. D.R.O. Morrison V. Cocconi G. Kellner

  25. mode of collaboration: • consensus of group leaders • strong personalities (M. Deutschmann, R. Sosnowski, ...) • contributions to conferences (submission of papers, speakers) • frequent (short and long) visits of collaborators at CERN • (fellows, associates) • collaboration meetings for 2-3 days some 5 times per year • half of the time at CERN and at collaborating institutes • political aspects: collaboration across “iron curtain” • 2 strong Polish groups • unique collaboration of teams from Western and Eastern Germany • social activities: collaboration dinners at hosting institute • wine tasting at DROM’s place, Vienna • skiing outings in Geneva area, Innsbruck • carneval at Aachen, Bonn

  26. personal memories I joined the collaboration as a member of the Vienna group in 1968 when Peter was already one of its members on Peter’s invitation I spent the academic year 1972/73 at Imperial College following that year I joined the CERN group as a fellow and stayed there for 32 years ... together we had memorable adventures at the Tbilisi Conference in 1976 Peter left the collaboration in 1976 for the TASSO experiment at DESY but we often met again at CERN when he worked on ALEPH and LHCb

  27. I feel privileged and very lucky for having lived my career together with Peter and in parallel to his career

  28. I feel privileged and very lucky for having lived my career together with Peter and in parallel to his career thank you, Peter, and all my best wishes for a well deserved, active and interesting retirement

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