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Colorado Child Welfare Practice Reform

Colorado Child Welfare Practice Reform. A Service of the Children’s Bureau, A Member of the National Child Welfare Training and Technical Assistance Network. Mountains & Plains Child Welfare Implementation Center (MPCWIC).

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Colorado Child Welfare Practice Reform

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  1. Colorado Child Welfare Practice Reform A Service of the Children’s Bureau, A Member of the National Child Welfare Training and Technical Assistance Network

  2. Mountains & Plains Child Welfare Implementation Center (MPCWIC) • One of five regional Implementation Centers funded by the Children’s Bureau • MPCWIC project partners • University of Texas, Arlington • Butler Institute for Families, DU • Native American Training Institute (NATI) • In-depth, long-term consultation and support • Development and implementation of projects for systemic practice changes A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  3. Colorado’s System Reform Vision Colorado is committed to achieving positive outcomes for children and their families involved with child serving agencies across the state and to shaping and implementing practice and system reform A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  4. Colorado’s System Reform Vision • MPCWIC three-year implementation project • Explore, design & implement a Colorado practice model • Mission • Vision & values • Practice principles • Standards of practice • Strategies, methods and tools A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  5. Colorado’s System Reform Vision • Outcomes: • safety, permanency and stability for children • Continuity & connections • Increased capacity for families to care for their children’s needs • Use of data to inform decisions & practice • Quality assurance and quality improvement • Consumer involvement and satisfaction A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  6. MPCWIC – Year One Partnership between Colorado Division of Child Welfare, County Departments of Human Services, tribal agencies, clients and community stakeholders to identify the elements of a practice model and develop a plan for implementation A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  7. Project Approach • Integrate the recommendations from multiple reviews and reports of the Colorado child welfare system over the past three years into a coherent set of over-arching priorities, • Conduct statewide action planning to establish commitment to the set of practice priorities A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  8. Project Approach • Research, select and integrate the elements of the child welfare practice model • Facilitate the identification of the roles and responsibilities of the State and County child welfare and improve and enhance the State/County interrelationship in order to align the functions that are necessary to support implementation of a practice model at the local level. A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  9. Project Approach • Develop and refine internal and external communication methods • Develop and implement evaluation and quality assurance approaches that support installation, implementation and ongoing assessment of sustained changes in practice. A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  10. Project Activities • Integrate report recommendations. • Facilitate action planning sessions statewide. • Summarize statewide session results into a set of priorities for practice. • Research practice models in congruence with state goals and priorities. A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  11. Project Activities • Synthesize all information to inform a Colorado model of practice. • Develop ongoing evaluation plan including assessment of implementation, system and client outcomes. • Develop ongoing quality assurance/improvement processes to utilize data to monitor outcomes. A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  12. MPCWIC Technical Assistance & Support • Review, analysis, and provision of summaries of relevant information, • Facilitation of planning groups and leadership team(s), • Facilitation of statewide strategic action planning, • Facilitate plan for resource development and allocation, A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  13. MPCWIC Technical Assistance and Support • Onsite support for implementation of practice model and specific practice strategies. • Consultation and support for development of evaluation capacity to sustain QA/QI components • On-site oversight and management to the project. A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  14. How can County staff & stakeholders get involved? • Participate in state cross-system project steering and planning committees • Participate in regional strategic action planning sessions • Participate in workgroups • Provide input and feedback via stakeholder surveys A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  15. Project Years Two & Three Strategic implementation of one or more practice strategies, methods, or tools necessary to integrate the elements of a defined practice model, conduct an evaluation of practice efficacy and effectiveness, and build the State’s capacity for sustainability to most effectively meet the needs of CO’s children and families. A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  16. Immediate Next Steps • Convening Project teams and work groups • Training on Implementation Science and Practice Model (by invitation) • DCW Internal strategic action planning • Statewide regional meetings (early summer) A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  17. Contact Information • Judy Rodriguez – DCW Project Manager, judy.rodriguez@state.co.us • Anne Comstock – MPCWIC Implementation Specialist,annecomstock@uta.edu • www.uta.edu/mpcwic A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  18. Questions? A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

  19. Thank You! A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

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