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New Equity Guidelines. What PTOs need to know. History and Philosophy of Equity Policy.
New Equity Guidelines What PTOs need to know
History and Philosophy of Equity Policy The goal of the Equity Policy and the Equity Guideline is to maintain an equitable classroom learning experience across the district. The Equity Policy reflects the overall philosophy of NPS regarding equitable distribution of resources. The Equity Guidelines outline various categories for PTO spending and set limits on spending in areas that directly affect the educational experience. This does not mean that each school will be exactly the same, but that schools in our district generally will have equitable opportunities for curricular programs and materials. While the School Committee approved new Equity Guidelines in June 2018, the new guidelines will not take effect until the 2019-2020 school year.
Equity Policy Economic disparity can lead to inequality in educational opportunities and experiences. The District will ensure that student educational experiences are equitable and not influenced by family income. District resources, which include technology, instructional materials, programming and staffing must be allocated equitably by the School Committee and Superintendent considering such factors as the number of classrooms in the school, the number of students in the school, and student/family needs. Similarly, the District will endeavor to provide all students with equitable enrichment opportunities and experiences, such as performances and lectures by outside organizations, student performances, field trips, etc. To address inequity in educational or enrichment opportunities, the Superintendent or designee will develop guidelines to ensure that parent/guardian organizations' spending is equitable from school to school over time. The guidelines will specify categories of items and activities in which outside organizations may provide resources and funding, categories of items and activities in which outside organization assistance is limited, and categories of items and activities in which outside resources or funding is prohibited. An Equity Committee will be established and comprised of representatives from parent/guardian organizations, the Superintendent or designee and the School Committee in accordance with the guidelines. The Equity Committee will meet to periodically review the guidelines as well as monitor and ensure compliance with this policy.
Reminders • New Equity Guidelines take effect July 1, 2019 • The Guidelines will be revisited in 2 years • The new policy and guidelines apply to all schools (including middle and high schools); however, only the prohibitions apply to the preschool
Some things stay the same... Some things have changed... The guidelines regulate PTO spending and outline 3 categories: • Items that PTOs are PROHIBITED from purchasing • Items that PTOs are LIMITED* in purchasing • Items/activities that PTOs are UNLIMITED in their spending *currently only Elementary & Middle Schools • New caps for Elementary PTOs on spending in LIMITED categories (Curricular & Technology) • Some new curricular-related categories • Some items (both curricular and non-curricular) have new procedures and require permission • New reporting deadlines • Clear monitoring and enforcement
Prohibited spending for ALL PTOs • Staff • Textbooks • Computer Software • School-based Staff Development* • Technology Infrastructure, Consumables, and Maintenance • Peripheral Technology
Permitted, but Limited Elementary PTO spending Curricular-related Spending (CRS) $80 Per Pupil Limited Technology Spending (LTS) $15 Per Pupil
Limited Equity Spending categoriesElementary PTOs only • Creative Arts & Sciences • Field Trips • Library • Principal’s Discretionary Fund • Individual/Small Group Professional Development • Staff/Teacher/Classroom Support • PTO-Funded Mini Grants • Instruments & Supplies for Music Classroom • Equipment & Supplies for Physical Education • Equipment & Supplies for Art Classroom
Some changes to existing categories Staff Development - ALL PTOs Limited to 25% of total FTEs - see guidelines for calculation (number will be plugged into equity spreadsheet for 2019-20) Certain providers are automatically ok Approval needed (form is provided) if not pre-approved provider Staff/Teacher/Classroom Support - Elementary PTOs Broader definition now includes ALL items provided to teachers/staff, including all stipends, by the PTO. PTOs should collect and review staff receipts for compliance.
Limited Technology Spending All schools need to pre-approve using required form Elementary and Middle have own standards established by NPS. Principals should receive a letter, by March 15, outlining devices that may be purchased in compliance with the standard. Principals will be asked to share this info with PTO. Elementary and Middle schools can only purchase devices outlined in letter.
Permitted Spending with No Limits Spending categories (for reporting) have minor changes. Two categories have new parameters… Building & Facilities* - now requires a form and pre-approval of all work*NOTE:”Building & Grounds” split into two separate categories Grants - Gifts/grants intended for an individual school and made by an individual or corporate entity must be accepted by the School Committee. Any gifts made in this way must comply with the Policy KCD and may be reallocated by NPS. NEW - when grant money is spent it needs to be reported bythe PTO on its equity spreadsheet.
Equity and Data at the Elementary Level 15 elementary schools, 4 middle schools, 2 high schools, 1 preschool Each community has... • Different socio-economics • History • Student and Staff population • PTO fundraising capacity & spending priorities NPS is committed to having schools in our district having generally equitable opportunities for programs, and curricular materials.
A look at data from 2 schools PTO contributions that support the curriculum - 3-year per pupil averages
3 Year Average Per Pupil Spending by Elementary School, for Fiscal Years 2015, 2016, 2017
Reporting and Collection of Data June 15 - report budget for upcoming school year (Sept 1 fiscal year means budget is due September 1) October 15 - report actual expenses from prior year using equity spreadsheet By November, EC reviews the data reported
Monitoring & Compliance NEW - Principals are explicitly asked to partner with PTOs in complying with the new Equity Guidelines. Principals will exercise discretion in deciding whether to accept or reject specific contributions to their school. Principal Discretionary Funds cannot be used in any way that violates the Equity Policy or Equity Guidelines.
Monitoring continued If Equity Committee suspects a violation, it refers the matter to the Superintendent. The Superintendent decides what action, if any, to be taken and will document his/her conclusions in a letter to the School Committee, the affected PTO, and the principal. The Superintendent may take control of any item or service that was purchased in violation of the Equity Policy or Equity Guidelines. If the PTO is not satisfied with the decision of the Superintendent, the PTO may appeal decision to the School Committee within 30 days.The process is outlined in the Equity Guidelines.
Information about the Working Group The Working Group was formed by the Equity Committee to “consider the feasibility of pooling PTO funds to achieve more equitable distribution of resources across the schools without further limiting the financial support that PTOs may provide.” The Working Group can consider a central fund for any purpose that is consistent with the Equity Policy and Equity Guidelines. The Working Group is not considering any other changes (and not making any other recommendation for changes) to the Equity Guidelines. The Working Group consists of Kathy Shields (School Committee and parent at Ward), Kathleen Smith (Principal, Underwood), Orla Higgins Averill (Assistant Principal, Angier), Maggie Schmidt (Parent, Zervas & Oak Hill), Kerry Prasad (Parent, Countryside), Andrea Steenstrup (Parent, Day & NNHS), Christine Dutt (Parent, Burr).
Information about the Working Group con’t The Working Group is scheduled to make a recommendation to School Committee on March 4, 2019 and provide an update on its work on January 14, 2019. The Working Group is currently focused on how to solicit input from PTO leaders and from the community at large. Surveys • PTO leaders & treasurers (will include questions about fundraising efforts) • Community (different survey) Focus Groups • Participants will be identified by Elementary Principals