LA TERZIARIZZAZIONE The trend to have the development of the service industry is one of the tendencies which, in the last 40 years, has characterized the trasformation of all the advanced economic systems; that was due to the growing of the revenue and the employments produced by the service industry. This could be interpreted in a negative way (low productivity of the services, the lack of interest in technical progress) or, on the contrary, it could be appreciated for the advanced economy.
Such process in the Liguria economy had already started at the beginning of the eighties, because of the turistic nature of the region. Besides, trade-union reasons made industry become weaker so that the most important steel and iron, chemical and mechanical industries. In Liguria the growth of the service industry has also been a way to improve the construction industry (private building trade connected to tourism, garden houses, shopping centers).
Demography Between 1971 and 2001 ligurian population number decreased, much more than in the other part of Italy (15,2%). The industry crisis caused a very important emigration of young people looking for work far from our region. On the contrary a lot of old people was coming in liguria because of good weather and healthy accomodation. Besides the difference between incoming and outcoming people in Liguria was negative so that immigration of foreign people improved. However, even if a lot of foreign workers came in Genova, natural deficit is still on.
IMMIGRATION IN LIGURIA In 1970 there were legally 144.000 foreign people witch had got residence permit and in 1990 they were only 548.000, most of them from Europe. After that date the foreign population increased quickly. Since 1990 immigration was due to demographic fall, much more than to the italian economy growth, that was becoming lighter and lighter in theese years. From 1965 to 1995 the number of sons in italian families became really smaller changing from 2,67 to 1,19 sons pro family. Indeed the workers’ age grew up so that italian industry had to ask for foreign workers. Besides a lot of families, where everyone worked out of home, had to find an assistant for old people; the assistants usually were found abroad because italians weren’t interested in it.
Rapallizzazione When we talk about “rapallizzazione”, we mean the out-of-hand building of blocks in places initially taken up by fields and vegetable gardens. This process finds its origins after the building of the highway in 1969: in this period, the whole country was overwhelmed by a great economic surge, and Rapallo followed this trend as well. Even if most of the intellectuals and urban planners of the time pointed out the problem, just with the passing of time the gravity of the situation has been noticed, especially for the troubles in viability between Rapallo, Santa Margherita Ligure and Zoagli.
Comparison Between Italy and France National Parks Fuor out of the seven national parks in Liguria include coastal areas. They are headland jutting out into the sea located on the eastern riviera: natural park of Portofino, national park of Cinque Terre, natural park of Porto Venere, Regional park of Montemarcello Magra. The highly tourist relevance of this areas coupled with the people’s fears that the existence of this parks hight limit the development of local economies have bridled the protection policy to the point that in Portofino the parkland area is being progressively reduced. Let aside national parks ragional and natural parks and all other “traditional” forms of environmental protection, the most astonishing discovery has been that of the “Conservatoire du littoral”. An institution which contrary to the italian pivatization policy works for the improvement and enforcement of coastal prevention policy.
Ecomuseums Hugues De Varine during a meeting with Georges Henri Riviere choose the name “ecomuseum” and this word was used for the first time in 1971. Ecomuseums, made before they took this name, was thought as a way to defend the traces of the rural populations while, the trend to become urbanized, new thecnologyes and social changes, represent a serious risk of losing a millenial heritage. Ecomuseums’ work on the space of a community, proposing landscape, architecture, evidences, traditions and every day objects as exhibits of the museum.
The “Via dell’ardesia” ecomuseum in Chiapparino The “Via dell’ardesia” (Slate Route) was born as an ecomuseum in Fontanabuona. Thanks to the European funds and the cooperation between “regione Liguria” and the province of Genoa, the Valley Community created an ecomuseum opened in 1997, undoubtly a big innovation for the economy of the territory so far based mainly on the slate industry. Since then tourism has became a new opporunity of development being possible to visit the exhibition in Chiapparino (Cicagna) and take a walk along the quarries nearby. In The route along the black stone begins at Chiapparino, where there is an old slate factory. It proceeds to Cicagna to the small museum expressly dedicated to the working of the stone and to its history and to the hisoty of the valley. One can experience the quarrying of the stone when visiting the open air sites. In Isolona di Orero, an underground quarry is equipped for a visit. Inside it the old methods of extraction still live in the myriads of dents on the rock surface made by pickaxes while the new methods are revealed in the traces left behind by machineries used nowadays, which cut the slate into blocks, many meters thick. Two walking paths complete the Slate route. One follows the historical quarries of Monte Tuggio near Tribogna. The other, Mount San Giacomo, is where the extractions were made.