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Standard 4 in Grades 3-5. Eddie Keel Haywood High School keelmath@bellsouth.net. Objectives. Examine all SPIs in the Geometry standard for grades 3-5 Complete one classroom activity for each grade Examine key web sites Examine other resources. Grade 3: Standard 4.
Standard 4 in Grades 3-5 Eddie Keel Haywood High School keelmath@bellsouth.net
Objectives • Examine all SPIs in the Geometry standard for grades 3-5 • Complete one classroom activity for each grade • Examine key web sites • Examine other resources
Grade 3: Standard 4 • SPI 0306.4.1 Recognize polygons and be able to identify examples based on geometric definitions. • SPI 0306.4.2 Determine if two figures are congruent based on size and shape. • SPI 0306.4.3 Identify the line of symmetry in a two-dimensional design or shape. • SPI 0306.4.4 Calculate the perimeter of shapes made from polygons.
Grade 3: Standard 4 • SPI 0306.4.5 Choose reasonable units of measure, estimate common measurements using benchmarks, and use appropriate tools to make measurements. • SPI 0306.4.6 Measure length to the nearest centimeter or half inch. • SPI 0306.4.7 Solve problems requiring the addition and subtraction of lengths.
Symmetry Activities • http://www.haelmedia.com/OnlineActivities_txh/mc_txh3_001.html • http://www.greatmathsgames.com/Symmetry/ • Manipulative: MIRA • Manipulative: Pattern Blocks
Grade 4: Standard 4 (Geometry) • SPI 0406.4.1 Classify lines and line segments as parallel, perpendicular, or intersecting. • SPI 0406.4.2 Graph and interpret points with whole number or letter coordinates on grids or in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane. • SPI 0406.4.3 Construct geometric figures with vertices at points on a coordinate grid. • SPI 0406.4.4 Identify acute, obtuse, and right angles in 2-dimensional shapes. • SPI 0406.4.5 Identify attributes of simple and compound figures composed of 2- and 3- dimensional shapes.
Grade 4: Standard 4 • SPI 0406.4.6 Determine situations in which a highly accurate measurement is important. • SPI 0406.4.7 Determine appropriate size of unit of measurement in problem situations involving length, capacity or weight. • SPI 0406.4.8 Convert measurements within a single system that are common in daily life (e.g., hours and minutes, inches and feet, centimeters and meters, quarts and gallons, liters and milliliters).
Grade 4: Standard 4 • SPI 0406.4.9 Solve problems involving area and/or perimeter of rectangular figures. • SPI 0406.4.10 Identify images resulting from reflections, translations, or rotations.
Geoboards • National Library of Virtual Manipulatives • http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_172_g_2_t_3.html?open=activities&from=category_g_2_t_3.html • Geoboard Activities • http://mathforum.org/trscavo/geoboards/geobd3.html • Mystery Shape • http://education.csm.edu/students/agubbrud/lesson%20plans/geoboard_mystery_shapes.htm
Grade 5: Standard 4 • State Performance Indicators: • SPI 0506.4.1 Solve contextual problems that require calculating the area of triangles and parallelograms. • SPI 0506.4.2 Decompose irregular shapes to find perimeter and area. • SPI 0506.4.3 Identify a three-dimensional object from two-dimensional representations of that object and vice versa.
Grade 5: Standard 4 • SPI 0506.4.4 Solve problems involving surface area and volume of rectangular prisms and polyhedral solids. • SPI 0506.4.5 Find the length of vertical or horizontal line segments in the first quadrant of the coordinate system, including problems that require the use of fractions and decimals. • SPI 0506.4.6 Record measurements in context to reasonable degree of accuracy using decimals and/or fractions.
Decompose • Graph Paper Activity • Find the area of the figure by counting the unit squares. • Decompose the polygon by creating 2 or more rectangles. Find the area of these new rectangles. Find the sum of the areas. • http://shodor.org/interactivate/activities/PerimeterExplorer/ • NCTM Illuminations Activity: http://illuminations.nctm.org/LessonDetail.aspx?ID=L583
Nets • Video Nets • http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~sqrt/unfold/unfolding.html • Illuminations: Nets • http://illuminations.nctm.org/activitydetail.aspx?ID=84 • Polydrons • http://www.shawnee.edu/acad/ms/ENABLdocs/Summer08pdfs/Polydrons%20Lesson%20Plan.pdf • http://shop.polydron.co.uk/images/manuals/polydronbooklet.pdf
Other Resources • http://www.stemresources.com/ • http://www.pbs.org/teachers/stem/ • http://www.tnelc.org/ • http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/math.html • http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/publications/practiceguides/