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Hello, My name is Richard L’Archer. I am a priest and a member of the Voluntas Dei Institute (Will of God Institute). I am an Educator and a Public Speaker on spiritual Matters.
Hello, My name is Richard L’Archer. I am a priest and a member of the Voluntas DeiInstitute (Will of God Institute). I am an Educator and a Public Speaker on spiritual Matters. Father Louis-Marie Parent is the Founder of the Voluntas Dei Institute, Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, the Volunteers of God and the Missionary Recluses of Jesus and Mary. To all of us, he left an extraordinary spiritual heritage. For me, this heritage has permitted me to get on the Highway of Happiness. Does this Highway interest you? Then, click anywhere, to continue! • I was born in Quebec city, QC, Canada. I feel privileged to have studied part of my philosophy at Laval University, in Quebec, and part at the College of Dominicans, in Ottawa. I graduated with a Bachelor and a Master Degree in Theology from Laval University. But studies are never really over. There is always more to learn. Biography
Come and join me on the Internet For a Human and Spiritual Growth Formation, entitled: You are able of God! Imagine, a virtual classroom into which you enter with your computer. From all over the World, you will be able to ask questions, raise your hand and write comments. A real classroom! And LIVE, YES, LIVE! All you’ll need, besides a computer, will be an Internet connection and an open heart to tenderness. You are able of God! Does that expression stun you and make you smile? Good, cause it should! But the expression doesn’t come from me. I’ll tell you from where it does come… I come from a family of six. I am the fourth child. My mother had thirteen brothers and sisters out of which six entered religious life. I spent the Sundays of my childhood visiting Monasteries. I take that as a gift! Those visits taught me my Faith and I have come to love it. My life gives a particular colour to my animations and conferences. I think people enjoy them… Biography
You are able of God! The Holy Spirit, Benedict XVI and the Universal Church invite us to a New Evangilization. During eight years, I deepened my knowledge of Faith mentored by persons strong in formation that transmitted to me Love for Christ and for his Church. In the Jubilee of 2000, I became a member of the Voluntas Dei Institute. Thank You, Lord! The Human Being is at the core of all my formation sessions and conferences. Pope John-Paul IInd invited us also and going back further, John XXIIIrd did the same through the Vatican II Council! Biography In that spirit, I invite you to join me, live on the Internet, for a series of formation sessions inline with the New Evangelization.
You are able of God! A meeting per month, from February 2013 till June 2013. Five consecutive months, always through the Internet. You will find a description of the themes and the exact dates at the end of this Slide Show. In 1994, I joined a Spanish Class in the Dominican Republic to acquire a third language. I also taught in Cameroun, Africa, with the Marist Brothers. It was a Magnificent Experience, I thank them for it! Some appreciations will follow… Biography It will be easy, pleasant and from your own home!
You are able of God! This series of Five Formation Sessions is addressed to all adults 18 years and over. Between 2004 and 2005, we followed a formation with Father Richard L’Archer. What a privilege to have met a person so inspiring by his words and his ways of doing. With his head, his body, his heart and his soul, this messenger of God presented himself with integrity revealing the God of eternal LOVE. We wish that all, Christian or not, live such a journey. Only God knows all the blessings one can receive through such an exceptional person and we are thankful to God for it! Liette and Serge Levac Conseil scolaire catholique Franco-Nord North Bay So, please, do not hide this information under the bushel! Send it to all the people for whom you have an email address. Maybe, some of those persons will thank you, one day, who knows… ! Appreciations
You are able of God! All Formation sessions are given in English and in French according to their respective dates. Thank You, Father in Heaven, for Fr. Richard. Through his homilies and formation, we have rediscovered our thirst for God. Since then, thisPresence of God is the Well of our lives.The Magnificat Booklet has become the tool that nourishes our daily prayer. The sharing with Fr. Richard helps us to pray and search for the Love of God in us and around us. Now dwells, in our hearts: peace, joy, harmony and serenity. God was looking for us, we were looking for Him and, we met… Renel and Cécile Berard, Winnipeg, MB The hours of Formation try to respect the change in time: (Please forgive the inconvenience that this may bring) Time in the Maritimes: 8h30 à 22h Time in Quebec: 7h30 à 21h Time in Manitoba 6h30 à 20h Appreciations
You are able of God! Offer yourself and all others a beautiful gift for this Year, 2013. What am I saying? A gift for life, The Highway of Happiness! SPREAD THIS MESSAGE! This formation should help you review your Lifestyle! I am 82 and I have 55 years of priesthood. I have often celebrated the Eucharist with Richard. He integrates the reality of daily life into the Liturgy of the Mass with a particular talent. His personal prayers emerge from his Heart of Fire bringing beauty to the greatness of the Liturgy. He is seriously concerned with applying in his life the Virtue of Service that he teaches. He serves everyone truthfully, faithfully and freely. Fr. EugèneRaimbault, MB, Canada Appreciations
THANK YOU FOR SPREADING THIS INVITAITON! The suggested cost for these formation sessions is $75 for the series of five meetings. If you cannot pay this amount, just offer what your conscience is telling you, but do not miss out on this formation just on account of money. Everything will stay confidential. I leave it to your discretion! Important A description of the themes and the dates will follow
Description of each theme 1 : To Recognize the Heritage of God To identify our participation in the rich heritage of divine life presented in three parts. The first divine heritage, God gives it, that of being created in his image and likeness. The second, he calls us to it, this is our baptismal vocation. The third heritage, he offers it to us, that is our lives commitment. 2 : Eliminate Frustration NeitherGodnor society likes frustration. But each of them proposes differentmethods for eliminating or integratingit. In this formation, wewillseewhatGod proposes to us and what society suggests. Wewill observe thatitis not astonishingthateach one has a different point of view. 1: To Recognize the Heritage of God It wouldbe good to beatthis first meeting for itis basic. I could have written: « How have we been created to be capable of recognizingGodwhen He revealsHimself to us? » 2: Eliminate Frustration As usual, I do not divulge to youstraighawaymy secret, but I believethat the onlyelementthatGod and society agreeuponperfectlyisthatneitherlikes frustration. However, the follow-up isdifferent . . . More about the themes
Description of each theme 3 : FindijngInteriorPeace People, in general, seem to seekpeace and serenityat all costs. Whatisthispeacethatweseekwithin? What are the tools for findingit and how to utilizethesetools in order for thispeace to takeholdtrulywithin us. 4 : To ThankGod People, who attend regularly the Eucharist on Sunday, wouldwish, withreason, thatothersmightbenefitfromthisprivilege. Then, theypass on their message and feelsad if thoseinvited do not come to the wedding. However, should the invitation to celebrate the Mass betheirway of coming to Godthrough the interior? How should the New Evangelizationbroachthis challenge? 3: FindingInteriorPeaceT A secret, betweenyou and me, interiorpeaceis the fruit of interiorfreedom. It isfreedomthatwe must seek and peacewill come to us by the samefact. Wewill come back to this in this formation. 4: To ThankGod For thistheme, I almostwrote: « Don’t go to Mass if you have not had an experience of God. » But, itis not politically correct for a priest to say to people not to attend Mass. It isnecessary to understandthat the Eucharistis the response to a meeting of love. It is the fruit of a journey. Let us not pull on the petals of a flower in order for it to grow more rapidly. More about the themes
Description of each theme 5 : Making Love and Truth The thing must necessary, and , yet, the mostimposssible to attain in this world is the perfect balance between love and freedom. Yet, the meeting of the twois vital and we must seekit. It istherewefind the sign of humanequilibrium. It is the summit of humanitythatdwellswithin us. 5:Making Love and Truth Workshop leaders search for titlesthatattract attention and reaction. Here, I have proabablysucceeded. Saint Augustine did the same in affirming: Love and do whateveryouwant . . . » In fact, itis not possible to make Love if thereis no Truth. Elsewhere, Psalm 84 affirms: « Love and Truthmeet, Justice and Peaceembrace. Wewillseewhat all of thismeans. More about the themes
The dates are: Thank you on my own behalf, but mostly on behalf of all the people that will enter this Highway of Happiness because you were kind enough to send them this Slide Show. Thank you also to all Volunteers forming this team supporting in many ways this Project. Thanks to Robert Lebel for allowing me to use his music for this Slide Show. Thank you God for using us as your Messengers of Love. Let us share this message and be proud of it! Many Thanks For the English registration, click on www.robertlebel.com YES !