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Meson Exchange Currents in Pion Double Charge Exchange Reaction. Roman Ya. Kezerashvili NY City College of Technology The City University of New York.
Meson Exchange Currents in Pion Double Charge Exchange Reaction Roman Ya. Kezerashvili NY City College of Technology The City University of New York Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
Double charge exchange of pions on nuclei occupies a particular position among all known nuclear reactions. It is unique because through the reaction one can obtain nuclei for which the Z component of the isospin differs by two units from that of the original nuclei. This is possible by double isospin flip of the pion. de Shalit, Drell, and Lipkin in 1961 predicted existence of DCX Experimentally this process was discovered in the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at the JINR in 1963 During the 45 years after the discovery the pion double charge exchange reaction has generated a significant amount of theoretical and experimental work Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
What makes it attractive to study pion DCX reaction on nuclei? • In DCX at least two nucleons must participate in order to conserve the electric charge • DCX reaction is more sensitive to the two-nucleon effects, manifested here in the first order, than reactions in which there is no need to consider two nucleons and in which the effects of the two nucleons dynamics are manifested indirectly • pion DCX can give direct information on the two nucleons aspect of nuclear dynamics as short-range two nucleons correlations and meson exchange currents • In pion DCX we produced neutron-rich and proton-rich nuclei and can obtain and study nuclei far from the stability region • To obtain information about double-isobar states of nuclei • We hope of studying the expected deference between the neutron and proton densities in nuclei • Pion DCX reaction is sensitive to the details of the pion-nucleus interactions Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
p p p p p p- p- p+ The incoming pion undergoes two sequential single charge exchange scatterings on nucleons within a nucleus n n n n n n p p+ p+ p+ n p p n p+ p- p p p- p+ p0 DCX Reaction Mechanisms Meson Exchange Current Mechanism Two Step Mechanism Pole Diagram Contact Diagram Absorption Mechanism The incoming pion scatters wiha virtual pion of opposite charge in the "cloud" surrounding the target nucleon of the nucleus, and is itself absorbed on another nucleon. Germond and Wilkin Robilotta and Wilkin Pion-induced pion production is followed by two-nucleon absorption of one of the two final pions Jeanneret et. al. Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
Meson Current Mechanism Dotted curve - without Dibarion Solid curve - with Dibarion The energy dependence of the forward scattering pion DCX cross section on nuclei in the energy range from 0 to 300 MeV • Dibarion Mechanism: Bilger e.a. assuming the production of the hypothetical d′ dibaryon, a resonance in the pNN subsystem with mass 2063 MeV and baryon number B=2 • Before accepting such an interpretation, it is important to consider the more conventional ones • The peak in low-energy pion double charge exchange can be reproduced by the two-step mechanism when distorted waves obtained from a realistic optical model are used. Gibbs e.a. Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
p+ p- Pole diagram n p n p n Contact diagram p p+ p- n p MEC Mechanism For example, the transition amplitude for the p+p-→ p+p- process can be expressed through the invariant amplitudes A(s,t,u) as Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
p+ p- n p n p n p The sum of the pole and contact diagram p+ p- For forward scattering DCX amplitude in the Born approximation becomes n p Effective Lagrangian Formalism Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
Forward scattering DCX In PWA the forward scattering DCX cross section does not depend on the pion energy In the Born approximation the DCX amplitude is real and does not satisfy the unitarity condition Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
For forward scattering pion DCX Oset et.al. Dual Model Veneziano suggested the amplitude with local duality assuming that Redge trajectories are linear and the resonances have infinitimise width. In other words, poles lay on the real s and t. The corresponding amplitude is a function of trajectories. The model satisfy Adler's consistency condition and designed for off-shell extrapolation where λ is a constant, Γ(x) is gamma function and a(s) is linear Redge trajectory In Veneziano model the DCX amplitude is real and does not satisfy the unitarity condition Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
p n p- p+ p n Unitarization of the MEC Amplitude In effective Lagrangian formalism only the contribution of the "tree" diagrams are included and no pionic or baryonic closed loop diagrams. The tree diagrams correspond to the Born approximation for pp scattering, and their contribution is defined by the first term of the expansion of the pp-amplitude in terms of We can reconstruct the real part of the amplitude using the dispersion relation with three subtractions Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
n n p p p p + + + p+ p+ p- p- p- p- n n p p p p p n q p- f0 s q q r q p+ n p q q n n p+ p+ n n q The vertex box corresponding to pp scattering can be considered at the quark level and includes the quark diagrams which successfully describe pp scattering MEC in Composite Meson Model The quark-box diagram corresponds to the Pole diagram and represents the Born approximation in the effective Lagrangian method. = The choice of the other diagram is based on the probability of the two pion decay of mesons: r(770 MeV)pp (100%) s(600 MeV)pp(>90%) f0(975 MeV)pp (>90%) Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
Weinberg amplitude n p p p + + + p+ p- p- p- n p p p p n q p- f0 s q q r q p+ n p q q n n p+ p+ n n q Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
Red line- Born approximation + pion loop diagram MEC in Composite meson model and unitarization of the ppamplitude lead to the energy dependence of the forward scattering pion DCX Solid line – r, s and f0mesons contribution + contact diagram Dotted line – Born approximation (Pole +contact diagram) Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
Dotted line- two step mechanism Solid line – r, s and f0mesons contribution + contact diagram Dashed line – Born approximation (Pole +contact diagram) Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
Conclusions • Forward scattering pion DCX in the Born approximation does not depend on the energy when the pion distortion is neglected • r,s and f0mesons contribution, appreciably changes the cross section, leads to the energy dependence of the cross section and it shows the importance of these mesons at the energies above 600 MeV • Unitarization of the pp amplitude leads to the large correction and the energy dependence of the forward scattering pion DCX • MEC mechanism can reveal in the pion DCX and becomes the dominant because it has a substantial contribution at the considered energy region • The distortion of the pion waves will generally reduce the cross section in the composite-meson model as well as the contribution of the one loop diagram but it will not change the conclusion of the importance of the inclusion the pion resonances and the pion loop diagram into the MEC mechanism. • Interference of MEC with the two step mechanism can dramatically change the forward scattering DCX cross section. Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006
Vicente Vagas, 1996 Composite Meson Model Santos, Brazil August 25, 2006