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Seminari PILE - AICLE 1r any MVO. Curs 2012-1013. PILE Year 1. 22/11/2012. OBJECTIUS DE LA SESSIÓ. Utilitzar l’entorn col·laboratiu general. Explicar el context i l’enfocament de les 4/5 Cs. Descriure el procés de planificació d’una unitat AICLE. The 3 As Tool.
Seminari PILE - AICLE 1r anyMVO Curs 2012-1013 PILE Year 1 22/11/2012
OBJECTIUS DE LA SESSIÓ • Utilitzar l’entorn col·laboratiu general. • Explicar el context i l’enfocament de les 4/5 Cs. • Descriure el procés de planificació d’una unitat AICLE. The 3 As Tool. • Localitzar en activitats de referència els continguts descrits i extreure’n criteris d’anàlisi. • Aplicar aquests criteris a activitats pròpies. • Recollir tècniques i estratègies de treball per a l’aula AICLE. • Incorporar i compartir recursos AICLE.
ACTIVEM LES NOSTRES IDEES... Ref: Imagtge a http://ow.ly/f1Wud Aprenentatge Integrat de Contingut i Llengua Estrangera
Seminari PILE - AICLE 1r anyMVO Curs 2012-1013 PILE Year 1 22/11/2012
CONTEXT: EUROPA On 25 October 2011, the Council of Europe concluded to: “Encourage innovative forms of European co-operation, experimentation and new approaches to language teaching and learning, such as content and language-integrated learning (including in bilingual schools), opportunities for language immersion mobility and, where appropriate, more extensive use of ICT also in creative language learning environments.” Ref: Council (2011). Council Conclusions on Language Competences to Enhance Mobility., Official Journal of the European Union. Council of the European Union.. EDUC 256 SOC 891 CULT 83, 20.12.2011 (2011/C 372/07) Retrieved from: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2011:372:0027:0030:EN:PDF
CONTEXT: CATALUNYA • El PILE vol afavorir el desenvolupament de • projectes plurilingües de qualitat. • En especial, vol facilitar les actuacions que impliquin l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de continguts curriculars en llengües estrangeres (AICLE) en almenys una àrea no lingüística del currículum, i actuacions que incideixen tant en els aspectes metodològics vinculats amb el desenvolupament de les classes, com en la potenciació d’activitats complementàries i projectes que facilitin l’ús de les llengües en contextos reals i significatius. Ref: http://www.xtec.cat/alfresco/d/d/workspace/SpacesStore/c5a8e8f3-cc43-4a62-97aa-d000f38507e4/PILE.pdf
CONTEXT: CENTRE Immersió/acollida en llengües oficials Llengües estrangeres i accions AICLE Estratègies transversals a les altres àrees Accions comunicatives en llengües extraescolars CATALÀ-ARANÈS CASTELLÀ ANGLÈS - FRANCÈSITALIÀ - ALEMANY LLENGUA ENALTRES ÀREES LLENGÜES NOCURRICULARS PRESA DE DECISIONS Recursos humans Formació assessoria Materials didàctics Recursosorganitzatius Currículum i programacions Estratègies Projecte Lingüístic Plurilingüe TIC TIL PEL Euromania ...
CONTEXT: AULA Aprenentatge Integrat de Contingut i Llengua Estrangera http://www.xtec.cat/centres/a8031757/eso.htm
CONTEXT: AULA +Continguts + Llengua AICLE Cognitive Academic Language Learning Cross-curricular Language Teaching Content-based Language Teaching Task-based Language Instruction English for Specific Purposes Content-based Instruction Total Immersion Partial Immersion Bilingual Immersion Foreign language Immersion Heritage Language Immersion Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Ref: Adaptat de Mª Jesús Frigols
Tip #6 And... Or... Such as... First... Second... TO DESCRIBE When... then If... then....Despite /Despite of... TO EXPLAIN Because...In order to...Whenever... TO JUSTIFY As we can see at...So it happens when...Therefore... TO GIVE EVIDENCE La interacció dialògica: compartir, una estratègia AICLE Ref: Adaptat de Neus Santmartí, http://www.slideshare.net/francescvilabatalle
Seminari PILE - AICLE 1r anyMVO Curs 2012-1013 PILE Year 1 22/11/2012
Thanks to eLibrary, Consolate of USA in Barcelona eLibrary The digestive system in one animal, such as a fish, is very different from the digestive system in another animal, such as a bird. This is because animals have very different bodies, eat different food, and use the food differently.
Thanks to eLibrary, Consolate of USA in Barcelona Cells • Cells are the smallest living part of an animal's body. • Every part of an animal's body is made up of different types of cells. • The cells look different and workin different ways. • Heart cells and blood cells are both part of the circulatory system, but these two kinds of cells look very different.
Thanks to eLibrary, Consolate of USA in Barcelona The solar system is the part of space around the sun. The solar system includes Earth, the other planets, and many other things in space. Planets are large objects that orbit, or go in a circle around, the sun. Ref: http://ow.ly/exzNU
Thanks to eLibrary, Consolate of USA in Barcelona • The two most important chemical processes in the living world are photosybthesis and glycolysis. These processes happen over and over again while an organism is alive. • Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that creates energy for plants. Photosynthesis usually takes place in the leaves of plants. The leaves get energy from the sun. Photosynthesis turns the sun's energy into chemical energy for the plant. The process of photosynthesis builds sugar. Sugar is a kind of stored energy in plants. Plants need photosynthesis to live. • Plants also need glycolysis to live. Glycolysis is a chemical reaction that breaks down sugars. Glycolysis happens in most living things, including humans.This process gives energy to the cells in the organism. Cells are the smallest living parts of organisms. Some tiny organisms are made up of only one cell. Humans are made up of billions of cells. Without photosynthesis and glycolysis, plants could not stay alive Water is transferd from below ground...Absortion & Release Roots, leaves (plant) Ref: eLibrary http://ow.ly/ezvXI
“The major future challenges in the educational field are how to reform our learning systems to prepare our young people for jobs that do not exist yet, using technologies that have not been invented yet, in order to solve problems that haven’t been identified yet.” (Jan Figel, 2009)
Seminari PILE - AICLE 1r anyMVO Curs 2012-1013 PILE Year 1 22/11/2012
Bloom’s taxonomy High Order Thinking - HOT Putting information together in an innovative way. Making judgements based on a set of guidelines. Breaking the concept into parts and understand how each part is related to one another. Use the knowledge gained in new ways. Making sense of what you have learned. Recalling relevant knowledge from long term memory. Low Order Thinking - LOT Ref http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/bloomtax.htm
And... Or... Such as... First... Second... TO DESCRIBE When... then If... then....Despite /Despite of... TO EXPLAIN Because...In order to...Whenever... TO JUSTIFY As we can see at...So it happens when...Therefore... TO GIVE EVIDENCE La llengua de les ciències Ref: Adaptat de Neus Santmartí
L’estructura del text Many animal behaviors are instinctive. This means the animal knows how to do something when it is born. An example of an instinctive behavior is a bird building its nest. Birds do not need to learn how to build nests. They are born knowing how to do it. Another type of instinctive animal behavior is called imprinting. Animals do not have to learn this kind of behavior. An example of imprinting is when geese babies learn to follow their mother. A goose baby follows the first thing that makes the call of a goose and that moves. Thanks to eLibrary, consolate of USA in Barcelona. Ref: http://ow.ly/exzNU
El component cultural • Was the Bikini in fashion during the Roman Empire? • How can you prove it? (Can you locate this image?) • Explore webs of Roman clothes (describe) • Translate Latin texts (on-line translation) • Investigate on the Bikini and its history (…?) • Present your conclusionsand your research process. • Make a list of useful:- Lexis & Structures • Topic information • ICT Tools • Working attitudes Ref: "bikini girls" mosaic (found by archeological excavation of the ancient Roman villa del Casale near Piazza Armerina in Sicily. Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Casale_Bikini_modified.jpg & http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Armerina.jpgRef: http://www.unrv.com/culture/ancient-roman-clothing.php & http://www.newsfinder.org/site/more/bikini_an_ancient_swimsuit/
AICLE: Principis estratègics • Integració d’aprenentatges (continguts, cultura i llengua) • Integració curricular (desenvolupament competencial) • Gestió del coneixement (desenvolupament cognitiu) • Funcionalitat comunicativa de la llengua • (context, vehicle i objectiu d’aprenentatge) • Experimentació educativa (innovació) Aprenentatge Integrat de Contingut i Llengua Estrangera • Coordinació docent (cohesió de centre) Ref: http://ow.ly/f1Wud
LA SEQÜÈNCIA DIDÀCTICA Rol del professor • Avaluar • Afavorir • Avaluar • Estimular • Assessorar • Reflexionar • Facilitar eines • Mostrar el procés • Produir, actuar • Col·laborar amb l’equip • Organitzar • Crear la situació • Accedir a la informació • Gestionar la recepció Rol de l’alumne • Participar • Connectar • Què volem que l’alumne sigui capaç de fer? (OBJECTIUS COMPETENCIALS) • Com sabrem que ho ha après? (CRITERIS D’AVALUACIÓ) • Què farem per arribar-hi?(ESTRATÈGIES)
Seminari PILE - AICLE 1r anyMVO Curs 2012-1013 PILE Year 1 22/11/2012
La única cosa que sabem del futur, és que serà diferent. Peter Drucken És tasca de l’escola ajudar a les noves generacions a descobrir i imaginar el futur que volen construir...
Experimentació i pràctica: Ivan P. Pavlov B. F. SkinnerAlbert Bandura, Ed. Lee Thorndike John B Watson ... The articles The planets Ref: http://ow.ly/f40mj Arbre de sciència, Ramon Llull, 1296 • ALUMNAT: • Aprèn per memorització de • dades, reproducció i creació • d’hàbit. • [conductisme] • PROFESSORAT: • Programa per continguts(acumulació d’informació) [positivisme] • ESCOLA: • Proporciona el modeli centralitza els recursos. [escolàstica] Ensenyament tradicional (s.I –s.XX)
Anàlisi i seqüència: Ferdinand Saussure, Jean Piaget, Lew S. Vygotsky, Jerome Bruner, Laurence KohlbergPaul Bloom... Likes and dislikes Matèria, energia i màquines http://ow.ly/f40YI Ref: http://ow.ly/f47W1 • ALUMNAT • Aprèn per transferència, • organització d’informaciói creació de coneixement. • [constructivisme] • ESCOLA: • Controla el procési selecciona ritmes. [funcionalista] • PROFESSORAT: • Programa per processosi rutines d’aprenentatge [evolucionisme] http://ow.ly/f41NX Ensenyament modern i contemporani (s.XX)
Multiperspectiva: Howard Gardner ,George Siemens Stephen Downes Sugata Mitra Mark Johnson George Lakoff… Save the bees Stop climate change http://ow.ly/f4RPO http://ow.ly/f4SGX • ALUMNAT • Aprèn per interacció, implicació i • desenvolupament competencial. • [connectivisme] Ref: http://ow.ly/f48vC • ESCOLA: • Facilita oportunitats i situacions d’aprenentatgediversificades [inclusiva] • PROFESSORAT: • Programa per principis i escenaris d’aprenentatge [lideratge] Ensenyament innovador i proactiu (s.XXI)
“The major future challenges in the educational field are how to reform our learning systems to prepare our young people for jobs that do not exist yet, using technologies that have not been invented yet, in order to solve problems that haven’t been identified yet.” (Jan Figel, 2009)
Curs 2012-1013 Seminari PILE - AICLE 1r anyMVO PILE Year 1
Jigsaw Reading 4 C’s Framework
Communication Culture Content context Cognition Theoretical framework Do Coyle – The 4 Cs Framework
The 4cs Framework: Communication Learning strategies for the CLIL classroom • Language OF learning • Language FOR learning • Language THROUGH learning Dictogloss!
Communication is in 3 planning stages: The 3 As Tool 1. ANALYSE: The content, cognition, culture for language OF learning. 2. ADD: language FOR learning - all the language students will need to operate in the CLIL classroom. Eg discussion skills, effective group work skills, research skills. 3. APPLY: language THROUGH learning – new language which grows from the learning to the recycling of language.
Communication: 3 stages: The 3 As Tool 1. ANALYSE: language OF learning. 2. ADD: language FOR learning 3. APPLY: language THROUGH learning
Cultural awareness Intercultural understanding Pluri-culturalism Communication Through The Why: Cognition (Thinking) Of The What: Content For How to: Meta-cognition and Grammar system Embedding language in CLIL: an analytical framework (Do Coyle)
Some ideas about LANGUAGE In CLIL 01 – Language + Content 08 – Planning language 11 – Use of L1 + L2 12 – Detailed language support 14 – Communication vs. Grammar accuracy 16 – Receptive / productive competence in L2 18 – Never use L1 19 – Pupils use of L2. When? 20 – Pupils need a high level of L2 21 – Plan language support 24 – Teacher: confident and fluent in L2 26 – Knowledge of skills for language reception/ production Our CLIL teacher Profile (revisited)
Classify the words and sentences using the table 1. RIVER 2. I AGREE WITH YOU 3. THIS HAPPENS BECAUSE THE WATER PARTICLES WERE MORE SEPARATED 4. WHAT DOES “BONE” MEAN? 5. BONE 6. MOUNT EVEREST IS THE HIGHEST IN THE WORLD 7. SHAPE: IT HAS GOT... 8. CITYSCAPE 9. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 10. HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU BREATH IN A MINUTE? River I agree with you This happens because… Bone Mount Everest is the highest in the World What does ‘bone’ mean? Shape: It has got… Read the instructions carefully How many times do you breath in a minute? Cityscape
Communication Culture Content context Cognition Analysing your CLIL activities Do Coyle – The 4 Cs Framework Try toidentifythe 4c’s in youractivity: Communication, Cognition, Content and Culture. Define the3 A’sorthe3 types of language: OF-FOR-THROUGH
Mind map www.mywebspiration.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcqghsgtmq0&feature=related
Mind map Working in pairs in your own mind map
Seminari PILE - AICLE 1r anyMVO Curs 2012-1013 PILE Year 1 22/11/2012
TASCA 2 • crear mind map de l’activitat que heu dut a la sessió 2. • trobar les 3 A i les 4 C de la unitat didactica, l'activitat l'heu de dur el proper dia per seguir treballant amb ella.