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Ajdovščina, July 3, 2013. Wind in vipava waley – BURja (bora). The strongest local wind in Slovenia . North , north - east wind , dry , gusty , stronger more frequent in colder period of the year . Bora in Vipava valley with gusts of up to 180km/h.
Ajdovščina, July 3, 2013 Wind in vipavawaley – BURja (bora)
Thestrongestlocalwind in Slovenia. North, north-eastwind, dry, gusty, stronger more frequent in colder period oftheyear. Bora in Vipava valleywithgustsof up to 180km/h. Formationof bora due to temperature differenceandtypicalorography. BURJA - BORA
Bora in Vipava Bora on Nanos Overturnedtruck Winderosion Windemptiesthegarbagecontainer Damage in thecityMarch 10, 2010 videoS
Riskof human lifes. Directdamage to thebuildings, infrastructure. Directandindirectdamage to agriculture. Indirectdamagedue to closedschools, factories… Indirectdamagedue to closedroads. Mainproblems
There are threetypesofroads: • Major highway (DARS) • Regionalroad • Localroads • There are twosystemsofmonitoring bora • Burja (used formanagingregionalroads) • SNVP (used formonitoring major highway) • Thetwosystems are not sinchronised. ¸closingtheroads
Includessevenstations in Vipava walley The central computerlocated in Ajdovščina Fourlevelsofroadcloserbased on limit gustvelocity Burja
Includesninestations. Central controlstation in Kozina (30 km from Ajdovščina) Same criteria as in Burja system Differentlocations, differentmeasuringdevices, differentalgorithm → differentsmeasures. SNVP
Burja system • Status • SNVP system • Not publicallyavailable. Availabilityofthedata