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Description of the friction force and degree of uncertainty with and without wigglers. David Bruhwiler G. Bell, R. Busby, P. Messmer & the VORPAL team Brookhaven National Lab: A. Fedotov, V. Litvinenko & I. Ben-Zvi JINR, Dubna: A. Sidorin. RHIC Electron Cooling Collaboration Workshop
Description of the friction force and degree of uncertainty withand without wigglers David Bruhwiler G. Bell, R. Busby, P. Messmer & the VORPAL team Brookhaven National Lab: A. Fedotov, V. Litvinenko & I. Ben-Zvi JINR, Dubna: A. Sidorin RHIC Electron Cooling Collaboration Workshop May 24-26, 2006 Tech-X Corporation 5621 Arapahoe Ave., Suite A Boulder, Colorado 80303 http://www.txcorp.com Work supported by US DOE, Office of NP, SBIR program, contract #DE-FG03-01ER83313
Motivation & Background • There’s a need for high-fidelity simulations of dynamical friction, making a minimum of physical assumptions • We are using the VORPAL code • C. Nieter and J.R. Cary, Journal of Computational Physics (2004) • http://www-beams.colorado.edu/vorpal/ • Goals of the simulations • Resolve differences in theory, asymptotics, parametric models • Quantify the effect of magnetic field errors • Original numerical approach • use algorithm from astrophysical dynamics community • success w/ idealized case of magnetized cooling • Bruhwiler et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 773 (Bensheim, 2004) • Fedotov et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 821 (2005); PRST-AB (2006) • Recent efforts • Effect of wiggler fields for “unmagnetized” approach Simulating dynamical friction…
Outline • Description of modified numerical approach • Required for wiggler simulations • Semi-analytic binary collision model w/ operator splitting • G. Bell et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 821 (2005) • Statistical uncertainty due to diffusive dynamics • use of averaging, central limit theorem, numerical tricks • Question of maximum impact parameter • finite time effects • incomplete and asymmetric collisions • Reduction of friction force by wiggler dynamics Simulating dynamical friction…
New simulation approach: Operator Splitting • Numerical technique used for ODE’s & PDE’s • Consider Lorentz force equations • Robust 2nd-order ‘Boris’ uses operator splitting • J. Boris, Proc. Conf. Num. Sim. Plasmas, (1970), p. 3. • Add external E, B fields via operator splitting • Hermite algorithm: drift + coulomb fields • Boris ‘kick’: all external E, B fields • Benchmark w/ pure Hermite alg. for constant B|| Simulating dynamical friction…
Operator splitting is implemented for ‘reduced’ model • Use analytical two-body theory for ion/e- pairs • handle each pair separately in center-of-mass frame • calculate initial orbit parameters in relevant plane • advance dynamics for a fixed time step • electron’s new position and velocity are known • changes to ion position/velocity are small perturbations • total ion shift is sum of individual changes • Major improvement in simulation capability • Benchmarked with “Hermite algorithm” • Parallelizes well to 64 processors & beyond • Roughly an order of magnitude faster • Enables treatment of arbitrary external fields • e-/e- interactions can be included via electrostatic PIC Simulating dynamical friction…
Semi-analytic ‘Reduced’ Model for Binary Collisions • Must find the plane in which partial orbit occurs • necessary rotations (yaw, pitch, roll) are complete • transformations are messy, but straightforward • “initial” positions & velocities obtained in this plane • Then standard orbital parameters are calculated Simulating dynamical friction…
Hermite & Binary Model agree well for constant B Binary Collision Model Hermite Algorithm Simulating dynamical friction…
Diffusive dynamics can obscure friction • For a single pass through the cooler • Diffusive velocity kicks are larger than velocity drag • Consistent with theory • For sufficiently warm electrons ( “linear plasma” regime) • numerical trick of e-/e+ pairs can suppress diffusion • Only remaining tactic is to generate 100’s of trajectories • Central Limit Theorem states that mean velocity drag is drawn from a Gaussian distribution, with rms reduced by Ntraj1/2 as compared to the rms spread of the original distribution • Hence, error bars are +/- 1 rms / Ntraj1/2 • How to generate 100’s of trajectories for each run? • in past, we used “task farming” approach to automate many runs • now, we use “micro-particles” and parallel processing • run 8 trajectories simultaneously Simulating dynamical friction…
Noise reduction 1: “micro-particle” electrons 1 macroparticle per electron 266 macroparticles per electron Simulating dynamical friction…
Noise Reduction 2: using correlated positrons 133 macroparticles per electron133 macroparticles per positron 266 macroparticles per electron Simulating dynamical friction…
Present simulation parameters – questions regarding rmax, finite interaction time, asymmetric collisions • e- Beam parameters • density: 9.50E13 e-/m3 • RMS e- velocities [x,y,z]: 2.8x105, 2.8x105, 9.0x104 m/s • Wiggler parameters • Length: 80 m • Wavelength: 8 cm • Sections: 10 • Field on axis: • Interaction time: 2.47 ns (beam frame) • Problem setup in VORPAL • Domain size: 0.8 mm x 0.8 mm x 0.8 mm • Gold ions per domain: 8 • Electrons per domain (actual): 4.86x104 • Periodic domain Simulating dynamical friction…
Finite interaction time modifies Coulomb log • The unmagnetized longitudinal friction can be written • above form has the usual problem with logarithmic divergence • assumes sufficient time for large rmax collisions to complete • Explicit treatment of finite interaction time t leads to modified Coulomb logarithm: • Assuming the log can be pulled outside of the integral • and that • we can use the following Coulomb log: • v is characteristic relative ion/e- velocity Simulating dynamical friction…
What is rmax, really? • One should not be worrying about detailed calculations of rmax & rmin • the Coulomb log should be “large” • uncertainties in calculation are ~1/ln(rmax/rmin) • Nevertheless, rmax is a concern • how large must the simulation domain be? • run-time scales as Lx3 • very painful, but large Lx possible with supercomputers • What happens in simulations? • maximum possible r is ~0.5 Lx • we choose Lx~Vion*t and then check with 2*Lx • typically, differences are within the noise • if noise is sufficiently low, one sees weak growth of friction Simulating dynamical friction…
For wpet<<2p, rmax is ~rbeam • However, one must include finite t effects: • Strictly speaking, one requires Lx ~ 2*rbeam • for RHIC parameters, there is no time for “shielding” • finite time effects yield a modified Coulomb log that is essentially equal to the original case • Choosing Lx ~ 2*rbeam would be a waste of resources • in practice, results change very little for Vion*t<Lx<rbeam • inherent uncertainty of Coulomb log formulation is >10% • uncertainties due to size of Lx are of the same order • Note: correct treatment of detailed wiggler fields and misalignments will also require Lx ~ 2*rbeam • see talk by George Bell tomorrow Simulating dynamical friction…
Wiggler approach to RHIC cooler • Advantages of a wiggler • provides focussing for e- beam • suppresses recombination • Modest fields (~10 Gauss) effectively reduce recombination via ‘wiggle’ motion of electrons: • Negative effects of ‘wiggle’ motion on cooling? • intuition suggests an increase of the minimum impact parameter in the Coulomb logarithm: • this has now been confirmed via VORPAL simulations Simulating dynamical friction…
Friction force reduction for 10 G wiggler • VORPAL simulations confirm the expected reduction in dynamical friction due to wiggler Simulating dynamical friction…
Conclusions • Reliable first-principles simulation of dynamical friction is now routine with VORPAL • unmagnetized, wiggler, solenoids, errors • requires (can take advantage of) parallel computers • scales well up to 64 processors and probably higher • typically ignores e-/e- interactions • these are included via electrostatic PIC, when necessary • VORPAL simulations confirmed that the effect of a wiggler is to increase rmin Simulating dynamical friction…
Acknowledgements We thank A. Burov, P. Schoessow, P. Stoltz, V. Yakimenko & the Accelerator Physics Group of the RHIC Electron Cooling Project for many helpful discussions. Discussions with A.K. Jain regarding solenoid field errors were especially helpful. Work at Tech-X Corp. was supported by the U.S. Dept. of Energy under grants DE-FG03-01ER83313 and DE-FG02-04ER84094. We used resources of NERSC. Simulating dynamical friction…