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InTrAc Stewardship. In tegrity Tr ansparency Ac countability.
InTrAc Stewardship Integrity Transparency Accountability ὅτιἐνσκιᾷαὐτῆς ἡ σοφίαὡςσκιὰτοῦἀργυρίουκαὶπερισσείαγνώσεωςτῆςσοφίαςζωοποιήσειτὸνπααὐτῆς In the church world, accounting or financial management comes across as a foreign language to many. It requires a translation…… Ecc 7:12 Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor. (NIV) …and then at times it may require a commentary Ecc7:11-22 (Mathew Henry) Solomon, in these verses, recommends wisdom to us as the best antidote against those distempers of mind which we are liable to, by reason of the vanity and vexation of spirit that there are in the things of this world. Here are some of the praises and the precepts of wisdom. I. The praises of wisdom. Many things are here said in its commendation, to engage us to get and retain wisdom. 1. Wisdom is necessary to the right managing and improving of our worldly possessions: Wisdom is good with an inheritance, that is, an inheritance is good for little without wisdom……… Let InTrAc Stewardship help you understand what church financial management is all about.