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SCHOOL TRIP: VISIT TO BARBADOS ( From March 2 nd to 8th, 2014). Classe de Première STMG EURO-English Topic : Management Teacher : Ms Ghislaine Schüller With Ms Edmond’s contribution. Our objectives.
SCHOOL TRIP: VISIT TO BARBADOS(From March 2nd to 8th, 2014) Classe de Première STMG EURO-English Topic: Management Teacher: Ms Ghislaine Schüller With Ms Edmond’s contribution
Our objectives Lycée Victor Schoelcher Full immersion in an English-speaking country in order to enhance junior students’ languageskills; Discoveranothereducation system in the Caribbeanregion; Develop a partnershipwithanother high-school, aiming at regular exchanges in the long run; Observe organizations in a differenteconomic, social and cultural environment
March 2nd: Arrival at Grantley Adams International Airport of Barbados LIAT flight 371 Lycée Victor Schoelcher
KEY FACTS ON BARBADOS Lycée Victor Schoelcher Population: 287,733 (2012) Literacy rate: 99%, one of the highest in the region Unemployement rate: 12% Major economicsectors: Financial sector& Tourism (more than 500,000 stayovertourists and more than 500,000 cruiseshippassengers) Main town: Bridgetown Currency: 1 euro = Bds$2,75 Electricity: 110/230V
Transfer to hostingfamilies A warm and friendlywelcome by « bajanmums and bajandads » Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Monday 3 rd: visiting one of the top rankinghighschools on the island HARRISON COLLEGE Lycée Victor Schoelcher
An old institution proud of its values and its contribution to the country:some of Barbadiangreat leaders werestudentsthere! Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Traditions maintained over generations… THE COLLEGE TIE IS AN HONOUR FOR CURRENT AND FORMER STUDENTS THE DAILY FLAG CEREMONY Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Somehistoricalfacts on Harrison College Lycée Victor Schoelcher Harrison Collegewasfounded in 1733. The CollegetakesitsnamefromThomas Harrison, a Bridgetown merchant, whointendedit to serve as « a public and free school ». It remained an all boys schooluntil the early 1980’s whenco-educationwasintroduced. Entry to the schoolisbased on the results of BarbadosSecondary Entrance examination (age of 11) and only the top performers are admitted, whichaccounts for its high academicreputation.
Harrison College(studentsfrom 11 to 18 yearsold) Lycée Victor Schoelcher At the age of 18, studentssit the Caribbean Advanced Proficiencycertificate (CAPE) – A- level. They have to passtheir CAPE to enter University.
Tuesday 4th: Visiting the Pom’MarineHospitality Institute • A full-service hospitalitytraining facility. • The Institute includes a 20 guestroomsHotel, a Cafe, a restaurant and purpose- builtclassrooms. Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Workingtogether and exchanging… Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Learning to providequality service to customers Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Wednesday 5th: visitingBarbadosCommunityCollege ( Uni campus) • Tertiaryeducation at BarbadosCommunityCollegeproviding a widechoice of departments: • foreignlanguages • fine arts • literature… • Wespent the day in a French class, whereour group made presentations on Martinique (in English of course…..) Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Gainingconfidence by introducingoneself and presenting Martinique Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Takingadvantage of all opportunities to speak and practice… • All studentsdid a good job and the audience waslistening and hadnumerous questions. It is not soeasy to presentone’sown culture in a comprehensiveway . • Presentationshad been prepared in class in Martinique on ourHistory, ourEconomy, our Education system and tourism. Our studentsalsotalked about theirhighschool. Lycée Victor Schoelcher
DiscoveringBarbadianHeroes at the Parliament Museum Lycée Victor Schoelcher WhowasGrantley Adams? How didhe serve hisislandsothat the airportwasnamedafterhim? Sir Grantley Adams (1898-1971) was one of the first Barbadianpoliticians. He was the first Prime Minister of Barbados. Errol Barrow:hisnameis to befoundalmosteverywhere, on the highway, on major roads… Errol Barrow (1920-1987) isacclaimed as the Father of Barbados’ Independence. WhyisBussa’s statue erected in the middle of one of the mostdrivenroundabouts as a symbol of the abolition of slavery? He ledriotsagainstslavery (1816) and waskilledduring a slave revolt.
The National Galleryis in an oldgothicaisle of Parliament Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Some major historicalfacts on Barbados Lycée Victor Schoelcher The original inhabitantswereAmerindians. Bridgetown wasgiventhisnamebecause of a wooden bridge crossing the river, when British took possession of the island The islandremainedunder British rulefrom 1627 to 1966. Barbadosbecameindependent in November 1966. The island has the thirdoldestParliament in the Commenwealth. It is a parliamentarydemocracybased on a bicameral system: The Senate and the House of Assembly. The dominant religion isAnglicanism, with a growing influence of other religions; Two major local newspapers: The Advocateand The Nation
Thursday 6th : A geologicalwonder, Harrison’s caves Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Learning about the geologicalbirth of Barbados, so unique in the Caribbean • Barbados is the most eastern island of the Caribbean (Lesser Antilles). • The birth of Barbados came about as a result of a natural impact that occurred between the Atlantic and Caribbean plates. Over a period of about a million years, Barbados was born of the gradual accumulation of the oceanic sediments and regular tectonic uplifts. • Barbados arose gradually from coral reefs created in clear, shallow waters which surrounded the exposed part of the Barbados ridge. • The peculiar activity of Barbados' geology also explains why there are so many caves. They came about as a result of continued rain and ground water eroding the surface and structure of underground coral beds. The porosity of coral limestone bedrock also acts as a natural filter for rain water which is tapped in reservoirs and pumped throughout the island as excellent potable water. • (extract from geology in Barbados website) Lycée Victor Schoelcher
At Harrison’s caves Lycée Victor Schoelcher
How are companiesmanaged and organized in Barbados? Twoexamples Lycée Victor Schoelcher Caribbean label cratfs: a local companymanufacturing all sorts of labels for a large range of corporations in the Caribbean and in Central and South America. Wewerelucky to findtwoMartinicansworkingthere, whowent on a school trip like ours and latermarried a « bajan ». You never know whatmayhappen…
The company’s profile Lycée Victor Schoelcher Caribbean Label Craftswascreated 25 yearsago by two « Bajan » brothers. The companyemploys more than 100 employees. The organizationchart comprises four departments: Production, Accounting and controlling, Sales and Human ressources. The Companybelongs to theGoddard Group, the leading corporation on the islandwithdiversifiedactivities. Three shifts operate the printing lines: 24 hours a day The Companyexports batches of labels to 36 countries. Printing processused: digital printing with UV or water ink.
The digital printing process Lycée Victor Schoelcher
The Companyalso supplies leadingMartinicanmanufacturerswith labels Lycée Victor Schoelcher
VisitingBank’sbreweries Ltd, a leadingCompany on the island An original entrance desk made out of an oldcupper fermentation tank. The waiting room, with a clear and welcomingatmosphere at the company’scolors. Lycée Victor Schoelcher
The company’s profile Lycée Victor Schoelcher BANK’semploys90 people, amongthem 12 are dedicated to fillingand bottling. The company uses return bottles. They are desinfected and sterilizedthrough a pasteurizationprocess. BANK’smovedtwoyearsago to new premises in Newton Industrial zone. BANK’sused to be a family-ownedcompany, but nowTrinidadianinvestorsshare part of the capital. The fullyautomatedfilling and bottlinglinesoperate at a pace of 39,000 bottles an hour or 18,000 cans an hour. BANK’sbeeramounts to 70% of the company’s production. The Companyalsoproduces soft drinks, malta… Leader on the local market, the Companyalso exports to the UK and the USA.
Advertisements and awards Rihanna, as a teenager, drinkingsomeBank’s soft drinks BANK’swinsregularly gold medals Lycée Victor Schoelcher
SamplingBank’s soft drinks Some of their soft drinks brands: Swift, Coconutcooler Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Beachand sun : Just enjoyit! Lycée Victor Schoelcher
The Fastfoodchain « Chefette », worthtasting! Do you know thatMacdonald’sclosed down yearsago in Barbados? Unbelievable, isn’tit? Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Bathsheeba, North-East coast (Atlantic side): the Surfers’ spot Lycée Victor Schoelcher
At Oistinsfishmarket, Friday night: an experience to live! A deliciouspiece of marlin or traditionalflyingfish! Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Swimmingwithturtles Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Flight back to Martinique « Rien ne développe l’intelligence comme les voyages. » Emile Zola Withour best thanks to Melba and Martin WOOD, whoorganized the visitand also to our host families. Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Sinceour return, junior students have kept in touchwiththeirHostingfamilies, as well as with « their new bajanfriends» from Harrison college, BarbadosCommunitycollege ad Pom’MarineHospitality Institue. Furthermore, theyhave volunteeredto help organizingthe CARIFTA Games, a major sport event, whichwilltakeplace duringthe Easterweek end in Martinique. SeveralCaribbean sport delegations are expected, amongthemBarbadianathletsfrom Harrison College. Somestudents plan to follow English summer classes at BarbadosCommunityCollegethissummer. We are currentlytrying to establish an exchange program withone of the collegeswevisited. Lycée Victor Schoelcher
Quelques témoignages d’élèves... Lycée Victor Schoelcher « What I liked in Barbadoswas the facilitywehad to communicatewithothers. I liked to discusswithotherstudents and I loved to visit the island, becauseitis a verybeautifulisland » Nazim « This trip wasgreat!In a few days I have been able to talk to foreigners and to discover a different culture and it made me think about my future studies ». Givens « Le voyage à Barbade était très instructif. On a vu de très beaux paysages. On a rencontré des Barbadiens très accueillants. J’ai beaucoup aimé nager avec les tortues. Nous avons découvert une très belle culture et j’aimerais beaucoup retourner là-bas ». Anthony « This trip wasreallygreat and we met manydifferentstudents and discoveredanothereducation system. All of themwereverynice. I wasreally happy to swimwithturtles, discover Harrison ’s caves and various cultural aspects of Barbados. At my host family, I had a very good time and I had the opportunity to speak a lot. So I think I might go back to Barbados one day. » Abstein
« Le véritable voyage de découverte ne consiste pas à chercher de nouveaux paysages, mais à avoir de nouveaux yeux » Marcel Proust Lycée Victor Schoelcher