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Chapter 9: Key Management. All algorithms we have introduced are based on one assumption: keys have been distributed. But how to do that? Key generation, distribution, storage, revocation Bind key to identity (owner). Overview. Key exchange Session vs. interchange keys
Chapter 9: Key Management • All algorithms we have introduced are based on one assumption: keys have been distributed. But how to do that? • Key generation, distribution, storage, revocation • Bind key to identity (owner)
Overview • Key exchange • Session vs. interchange keys • Classical, public key methods • Cryptographic key infrastructure • Certificates • Key revocation • Digital signatures
Notation • XY : { Z || W } kX,Y • X sends Y the message produced by concatenating Z and W enciphered by key kX,Y, which is shared by users X and Y • AT : { Z } kA || { W } kA,T • A sends T a message consisting of the concatenation of Z enciphered using kA (A’s key), and W enciphered using kA,T, the key shared by A and T • r1, r2: nonces (non-repeating random numbers)
Session, Interchange Keys • Session key: associate with a communication only; is used for a short period of time • Interchange key: associate with a principal; usually is used to establish session keys; is used for a longer period of time
Session, Interchange Keys • Alice wants to send a message m to Bob • Alice generates a random cryptographic key kA,B and uses it to encipher m • To be used for this message only • Called a session key • She enciphers kA,B with Bob’s public key kpub_B • kpub_B enciphers all session keys that Alice uses to communicate with Bob • Called an interchange key • Alice sends { m } kA,B || { kA,B} kpub_B
Benefits • Limit the amount of traffic that is enciphered with a single key • Use interchange keys to encrypt session keys • Use session keys to encrypt data • decrease the amount of traffic an attacker can obtain • Prevents some attacks • Example: Alice will send Bob a message that is either “BUY” or “SELL”. Eve computes possible ciphertexts { “BUY” } kpub-B and { “SELL” } kpub-B. Eve intercepts enciphered message, compares, and gets plaintext at once • Called “forward search”
Threats to key distribution/establishment procedures: • Who is the other party of the communication • She says that she is Alice, but is she? • Is the key generated for the communication b/w me and Alice? • Who are the two parties for the key • Does the other party actually know the key? • Is the key fresh? • Two ways to guarantee this
Key Exchange Algorithms • Goal: Alice, Bob get shared key • Key cannot be sent in clear • Attacker can listen and get the key • Key can be sent enciphered, or derived from exchanged data plus data not known to an eavesdropper (pre-distributed) • Alice, Bob may trust a third party • All cryptosystems, protocols publicly known • The only secret data are the keys, and some pre-distributed information to Alice and Bob (for key derivation) • Anything transmitted on the network is assumed to be known to attacker
Classical Key Exchange • Bootstrap problem: how do Alice, Bob begin? • Alice can’t send the key to Bob in the clear! • Assume a trusted third party, Cathy • Alice and Cathy share secret key kA,C • Bob and Cathy share secret key kB,C • Use this to exchange shared key kA,B
Simple Protocol {request for session key to Bob } kA,C Alice Cathy { kA,B } kA,C || { kA,B } kB,C Alice Cathy Alice, { kA,B } kB,C Alice Bob
Problems • Now let us look at Bob: • Does Bob knows the other party? Not really • Does Bob knows the key is for him: Yes • Does the other party actually know the key? Not sure • Is the key fresh? Not sure • Some attacks may exist • Session key reuse: Eve talked to Bob and got a session key. She replays this message and pretends to be Alice to talk to Bob
Methods to fix the problems • About two communication parties: • The names of two parties should be clearly identified in the encrypted messages • The other party needs to show that he/she actually knows the key • Challenge-response • Freshness of the key: • Use time stamp • Or use freshly generated random numbers
Otway-Rees Protocol • Does not use timestamps • Does not need clocks to be synchronized • Uses integer n to associate all messages with particular exchange
The Protocol n || Alice || Bob || { r1 || n || Alice || Bob } kA Alice Bob n || Alice || Bob || { r1 || n || Alice || Bob } kA || { r2 || n || Alice || Bob } kB Cathy Bob n || { r1 || ks } kA || { r2 || ks } kB Cathy Bob n || { r1 || ks } kA Alice Bob
Argument: Alice talking to Bob • Why a number n • To link all messages of this exchange together • How does Alice make sure: • This is b/w her and Bob • The random number r1 is linked to this connection b/w Alice and Bob. Only Cathy can open the 2nd message and see it. • The key is fresh • Because of the random number r1 • The other party actually knows the key • Not guaranteed in the protocol, but will see in the following data communication
Argument: Alice talking to Bob • How does Bob make sure: • This is b/w him and Alice • The random number r2 is linked to this connection b/w Alice and Bob. Only Cathy can open the 2nd message and see it. • The key is fresh • Because of the random number r2 • The other party actually knows the key • Not guaranteed in the protocol, but will show in the following data communication
Replay Attack • Possible attack • Eve acquires old ks and the message in the third step • The message is: n || { r1 || ks } kA || { r2 || ks } kB • Eve resends the message to Alice • Alice has no ongoing key exchange with Bob: n matches nothing, so is rejected • Alice has ongoing key exchange with Bob: r1 does not match, so is again rejected
Public Key Key Exchange • Here interchange keys are known to everyone • eA, eB: Alice and Bob’s public keys known to all • dA, dB: Alice and Bob’s private keys known only to the owner • A simple protocol to establish the session key • ks is the desired session key { ks } eB Alice Bob
Problem and Solution • Vulnerable to forgery or replay • Because eB is known to everyone, Bob has no assurance that Alice sent the message • Simple fix: uses Alice’s private key to double encrypt the message • Ks: is the desired session key { { ks } dA } eB Alice Bob
Notes • Assumes Bob has Alice’s public key, and vice versa • If not, they must get the public keys of the other party from a server • If a public key is not bound to an identity, attacker Eve can launch a man-in-the-middle attack (next slide) • Solution to this (binding identity to keys) discussed later as public key infrastructure (PKI) • Man-in-the-middle: Eve pretends to be Alice to Bob, and pretends to be Bob to Alice
Man-in-the-Middle Attack I need Bob’s public key Eve intercepts request Alice Cathy I need Bob’s public key Cathy Eve Bob’s pub key eB Cathy Eve Bob’s pub key eE Eve Alice { ks } eE Eve intercepts message Bob Alice { ks } eB Bob Eve
Cryptographic Key Infrastructure • Goal: bind identity to key • Classical: not possible as all keys are shared • Use protocols to agree on a shared key • Public key: bind identity to public key • It is crucial since people will use the public key to communicate to the principal whose identity is bound to the public key • Erroneous binding means no secrecy between principals • We assume that principal identified by an acceptable name
Certificates • A certificate token (message) contains • Identity of principal (here, Alice) • Corresponding public key • Timestamp (when issued, when expire) • Other information (perhaps identity of signer) signed by a trusted authority (here, Cathy) CA = { eA || Alice || T } dC
Use • Bob gets Alice’s certificate • If he knows Cathy’s public key, he can decipher the certificate • When was the certificate issued? • Is the principal Alice? • Now Bob has Alice’s public key • It does not have to come from Alice • Problem: Bob needs Cathy’s public key to validate certificate • Problem pushed “up” a level • Two approaches: • Certificate hierarchy: VeriSign signs certificate for EBay, EBay signs Alice, now you get Alice’s public key if you trust VeriSign • Signature chains: friend tells friend
Certificate Signature Chains • Create certificate • Generate hash value of the certificate content • Encipher hash with issuer’s private key • Validate • Obtain issuer’s public key • Decipher enciphered hash • Re-compute hash value from certificate and compare • Problem: getting issuer’s public key
Issuers • Certification Authority (CA): entity that issues certificates • It will be easy if the whole world has one CA • Multiple issuers pose validation problem • Alice’s CA is Cathy; Bob’s CA is Don; how can Alice validate Bob’s certificate? • Let Cathy and Don cross-certify each other • Each issues certificate for the other
X.509 Validation and Cross-Certifying • Certificates: • Cathy<<Alice>> • Dan<<Bob> • Cathy<<Dan>> • Dan<<Cathy>> • Alice validates Bob’s certificate • Alice obtains Cathy<<Dan>> • Alice uses (known) public key of Cathy to validate Cathy<<Dan>> • Alice uses Dan’s public key to validate Dan<<Bob>>
PGP Chains • Locate a chain of people that trust and issue certificate for the next one in the chain • In PGP, the public key of one principal can be signed by multiple signatures of different people • Notion of “trust” embedded in each signature • Range from “untrusted” to “ultimate trust” • Signer defines meaning of trust level (no standards!)
Validating Certificates • Alice needs to validate Bob’s certificate • Alice does not know Fred, Giselle, or Ellen • Alice gets Giselle’s cert • Knows Henry slightly, but his signature is at “casual” level of trust • Alice gets Ellen’s cert • Knows Jack, so uses his cert to validate Ellen’s, then hers to validate Bob’s Arrows show signatures Self signatures not shown Jack Henry Ellen Irene Giselle Fred Bob
Key Revocation • Certificates invalidated before expiration • Usually due to compromised key • May be due to change in circumstance (e.g., someone leaving company) • Problems • Who can revoke certificates: Entities that are authorized to do so • How to let every one know: Revocation information circulates to everyone • Network delays, infrastructure problems may delay information
CRLs • Certificate revocation list lists certificates that are revoked • X.509: only certificate issuer can revoke certificate • Added to CRL • PGP: signers can revoke signatures; owners can revoke certificates, or dedicate others to do so
Digital Signature • Construct a message that we can prove its origin and integrity of contents to a disinterested third party (“judge”) • Sender cannot deny having sent message (the service is “nonrepudiation”) • Limited to technical proofs • cannot deny one’s cryptographic key was used to sign • One could claim the cryptographic key was stolen or compromised • Legal proofs, etc., probably required; not dealt with here
Common Error • Classical: Alice, Bob share key k • Alice sends m || { m } k to Bob This is not a digital signature • Why? Third party cannot determine whether Alice or Bob generated message
Public Key Digital Signatures • Alice’s keys are dAlice, eAlice • Alice sends Bob m || { m } dAlice • In case of dispute, judge computes { { m } dAlice } eAlice • and if it is m, Alice signed the message • She’s the only one who knows dAlice!
RSA Digital Signatures • Use private key to encipher message • Key points: • Never sign random documents, and when signing, always sign the hash of the document • Mathematical properties can be turned against signer • Sign message first, then encipher • Changing public keys causes forgery
Key Points • Key management critical to effective use of cryptosystems • Different levels of keys (session vs. interchange) • Keys need infrastructure to identify holders, allow revoking • Key escrowing complicates infrastructure • Digital signatures provide integrity of origin and content • Much easier with public key cryptosystems than with classical cryptosystems • Two types of attacks • Forward search and man-in-the-middle