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CIS 270—App Dev II. Big Java Chapter 22 Relational Databases. 22.1.1 Database Tables. tables. A relational database (DB) stores information in _________. Tables contain data in rows and __________. Columns represent data ________ such as SSN, Name, DateOfBirth , etc.
CIS 270—App Dev II Big Java Chapter 22 Relational Databases
22.1.1 Database Tables tables • A relational database (DB) stores information in _________. • Tables contain data in rows and __________. • Columns represent data ________ such as SSN, Name, DateOfBirth, etc. • Rows represent individual _________ such as students (which have SSN, Name, DateOfBirth, …). • Data in relational databases are accessed using SQL (structured query ___________). • Java can be used to send SQL commands to a DB. columns fields entities language
22.1.1 SQL Examples • SQL command to create a product table: CREATE TABLE Product ( Product_Code CHAR(11), Description CHAR(40), Price DECIMAL(10, 2) ) • Insert a _____ in a table: INSERT INTO Product VALUES (‘257-535’, ‘Hair dryer’, 29.95) • Remove a table from the DB: DROP TABLE Product row
22.1.2 Linking Tables instance • A Customerclass can have _________ fields that directly relate to columns in a relational table. • Customer table: customerId, name, address, city, state, zip • However, an Invoice class may have a Customer object as an instance field (more complicated). • This situation would require an Invoice table: • Invoice table: invoiceId, customerId, payment • These two tables are linked by the customerIdfield, which is the primary _____ of Customer and a __________ key of Invoice. key foreign
22.1.3 Implementing Relationships 1:1 • Each invoice has exactly one customer, which is a _____ relationship (single-valued). • But an invoice can have many line items (____ or multi-valued relationship): • private ArrayList<LineItem> items; • This requires two more tables. • LineItem table: invoiceId, productId, quantity • Product table: productId, description, price • Tables and relationships: Customer --- Invoice --- LineItem --- Product 1:n 1:1 1:n 1:1
22.2 Queries I query • Use the SELECT command to _______ a database: • SELECT city, state FROM Customer • SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE State = ‘CA’ • SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Name LIKE ‘_o%’ • SELECT * FROM Product WHERE Price < 100 AND Description <> ‘Toaster’ • Above, the _ means ‘match ____ character’ and the % means ‘match any number of characters’ • Calculations: • SELECT AVG(Price) FROM Product one
22.2 Queries II • Joins • SELECT LineItem.invoice_number FROM Product, LineItem WHERE Product.description = ‘Car vacuum’ AND Product.product_code = LineItem.product_code • Updating and Deleting Data • DELETE FROM Customer WHERE State = ‘CA’ • UPDATE LineItem SET quantity = quantity + 1 WHERE invoice_number = ‘11731’
22.4 Create a DB and a DSN source • Create a database using Access and save to a folder • Create a DSN (data ________ name) for the database • In Windows, click Start, Settings, Control Panel • Double-click Administrative Tools • Double-click Data Sources (ODBC) • Click User DSN tab • Click Add button • Select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb), click Finish • Enter a Data Source Name (your choice) • Click the Select button, navigate to the folder containing the database, select the database, click the database file • Click OK, OK, and OK
22.4 Write the Java Program I • Create a Connection object import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; public class Test { public static void main( String[] args ) { try { Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" ); String dataSourceName = "mdbTEST"; String dbURL = "jdbc:odbc:" + dataSourceName; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( dbURL, "","" );
22.4 Write the Java Program II • Create an SQL Statement object and use it to execute various SQL commands Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute( “CREATE TABLE Table1 ( aColumnName integer )” ); stmt.execute( “INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES( 77 )” ); stmt.execute( “SELECT aColumnName FROM Table1” );
22.4 Write the Java Program III • Create a ResultSetobject and use it to display results ResultSetrs = stmt.getResultSet(); if ( rs != null ) while ( rs.next() ) { System.out.println( "Data from first column: " + rs.getString( 1 ) ); } stmt.execute( “DROP TABLE Table1" ); stmt.close(); con.close(); } // end try
22.4 Write the Java Program IV • Finish up catch ( Exception err ) { System.out.println( "ERROR: " + err ); } // end catch } // end main } // end class • Install the database, compile the Java program and run • See http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=2691&lngWId=2#SECTION_SQL for more discussion