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http://healthfavo.com/human-digestive-system-for-kids.html. Digestive System. Main Function of the Digestive System.
http://healthfavo.com/human-digestive-system-for-kids.html Digestive System
Main Function of the Digestive System • The main function of the digestive system is to take food in, turn the food into usable energy or storable energy, and ultimately dispose of the unusable products that you consume Mouth http://www.oldschool.com.sg/index.php/module/PublicAccess/action/Wrapper/sid/9595afb87c8cf767f034c3ae53e74bae/coll_id/6671/recs_ppg/5/desc/End+Year+Examination+(%232)%3A+Section+B/pg_id/3 Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Rectum Anus
Functions of Digestion Broken Down • The mouth and esophagus begin the digestive system ~ Mouth starts breaking down of food with the process of chewing. Also saliva begins breaking starches into sugar ~ The esophagus pushes food from the mouth to stomach through peristalsis • Thestomachholds food and mixes it with enzymes and acid while pushing the food to the small intestine • The small intestine is a muscular tube that breaks down food using enzymes to extract nutrients from the food to absorb into the blood stream then to the liver
Functions of Digestion Broken Down cont. • The gallbladder simply stores bile and helps break down fat • Next we have the colon or large intestine. Its main job is to take the digested waste from the body, remove the water, and compress the waste so it can be disposed of easily. • Lastly the rectum and the anus. The rectum is there to store stool and tell the brain that it needs to be evacuated. Finally the anus which is the final sphincter that releases the stool.
Major Organs in the Human Digestive System • Mouth-the opening in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips, through which food is taken in. • Esophagus- the part of the alimentary canal that connects the throat to the stomach; the gullet. In humans it is a muscular tube lined with mucous membrane. • Liver-a large lobed glandular organ in the abdomen of vertebrates, involved in many metabolic processes. • Gallbladder-the small sac-shaped organ beneath the liver, in which bile is stored after secretion by the liver and before release into the intestine. • Small intestine-the part of the intestine that runs between the stomach and the large intestine; the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum collectively • Large intestine- the cecum, colon, and rectum collectively. • Stomach-a saclike enlargement of the alimentary canal, as in humans and certain animals, forming an organ for storing, diluting, and digesting food. • Salivary Glands- any of several glands of the mouth and jaw that secrete saliva.
Major Organs Continued • Pancreas-a large gland behind the stomach that secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum • Pharynx-the membrane-lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the esophagus. • Anus-the opening at the end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste matter exits the body. • Anal Canal-The anal canal is the terminal part of the large intestine. It is situated between the rectum and anus, below the level of the pelvic diaphragm. • Appendix-a tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine in humans and some other mammals. • Rectum-the final section of the large intestine, terminating at the anus. • Cecum-a pouch connected to the junction of the small and large intestines. • Ascending colon-the first main part of the large intestine, which passes upward from the cecum on the right side of the abdomen. • Descending colon-the part of the large intestine that passes downward on the left side of the abdomen toward the rectum.
Digestive System Diagram • The mouth consumes the substance and makes it into something called a bolus. It then travels down the esophagus and drops into the stomach past the liver. It then travels through the intestines by the gallbladder and next to the pancreas. Finally goes through the rectum and exits through the anus.
– Pathway Food enters the Mouth Pancreatic juices formed in the Pancreas Travels down the Esophagus Deposits in the Stomach Bile formed in the Liver Goes through Small Intestine Bile deposits in the Gallbladder Then through the Large Intestine Deposits in the Rectum Exits through the Anus
– Pathway Video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b20VRR9C37Q
Interactions with other body systems: Circulatory System: • The digestive system works very closely with the circulatory system to get the absorbed nutrients distributed through the body. • The circulatory system also carries chemical signals from the endocrine system that controls the speed of digestion. Excretory System: (the kidney & urination) • The digestive system works parallel with your excretory system. • These two systems are closely connected in controlling the amount of water in the body. • Also, while the digestive system collects and removes undigestive solids, the excretory filters compounds from the blood stream and collects them in urine.
Question: What's the first step in digesting food? Answer: It begins when you smell something irresistible or when you see a favorite food you know will taste good. Just by smelling, tasting, or even thinking how delicious your food is going to taste, you begin to salivate — and the digestive process kicks in, preparing for that first scrumptious bite. What’s happening is, our salivary glands, which are located under the tongue and near the lower jaw, begin producing saliva. A digestive enzyme called amylase, found in saliva, starts to break down some of the carbohydrates in the food even before it leaves the mouth.
Question: What is Chyme? Answer: By the time food is ready to leave the stomach, it has been processed into a thick liquid called chyme. A walnut-sized muscular tube at the outlet of the stomach called the pylorus keeps chyme in the stomach until it reaches the right consistency to pass into the small intestine. Chyme is then squirted down into the small intestine, where digestion of food continues so the body can absorb the nutrients into the bloodstream.
INTERACTIVE THING • http://kidshealth.org/teen/interactive/digestive_it.html
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