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Little Grunt and the Big Egg. Pages 228-229 1. Does the word past in the first sentence mean “farther than” or “time gone by”? Underline your answer. Why did you answer that way? __________________________________________________________________
Little Grunt and the Big Egg • Pages 228-229 • 1. Does the word past in the first sentence mean “farther than” or “time gone by”? Underline your answer. Why did you answer that way? • __________________________________________________________________ • 2. What problem does Little Grunt find after he finds the big egg? • A. He has to run away from its mother. • B. He has to find a way to get the egg home. • C. He breaks the egg and has to figure out how to clean it up. • 3. How does Little Grunt solve his problem? • A. He rolls the egg home. • B. He goes back home and gets help. • He weaves a mat and pulls it home. • Pages 230-231 • 4. How do the rest of the Grunt family feel about the egg? • A. They think it’s too big. • B. They are happy because it will be yummy. • C. They are mad because they didn’t find it. • Pages 232-233 • What hatches from the egg? ____________________________________ • Some of the Grunts say yes to keeping the baby dinosaur; some say no. What does the author tell you by using these antonyms? • A. They don’t agree about what to do. • B. They do agree about what to do. • C. They don’t care.
Pages 234-235 • What happens when George starts to grow? • A. He has to live outside. • B. He grows so much that the cave gets too crowded. • C. He has to go live with the other dinosaurs. • Could a boy like Little Grunt really have a pet dinosaur? • A. Yes, because there were lots of dinosaurs around. • B. No, because they are wild animals and they’re too big. • C. No, because his mother wouldn’t let him. • Pages 236-237 • How is George like a puppy? How is he different? • Pages 238-239 • Find a pair of antonyms in the first three paragraphs. _________________________ • Why did the author use these antonyms? • A. To show the Grunts decide a giant pet is O.K. • B. To show the Grunts can’t decide what to do. • C. To show the Grunts decide a little pet would be best. • What happens to George? How do his actions show you this is a fantasy? • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pages 240-241 • What does pitchmean in this sentence: The floor began to pitch, and loud rumblings • filled the air? Find the synonym for pitch in the same paragraph to help you know the meaning. _____________________________________________________________ • Summarize what happens when the volcano erupts. • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Pages 242-243 • How do the Grunts escape the lava? • A. They run away. • B. They climb on George. • C. They stay stranded until the volcano stops erupting. • What does George do to show he is caring and forgiving? • A. He rescues the Grunts even after they sent him away. • B. He sees the Grunts, but leaves them in trouble. • C. He hugs and kisses the Grunts and says he forgives them. • 16. Draw a picture of the surprise ending.