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Clear Creek Riparian Management Education and Demonstration FY09-1200. John Pennington and Katie Teague County Extension Agents – Agriculture/Water Quality. Clear Creek Watershed Location. Project Strategy. Engage streamside landowners and stakeholder groups Urban Homeowners
Clear Creek Riparian ManagementEducation and DemonstrationFY09-1200 John Pennington and Katie Teague County Extension Agents – Agriculture/Water Quality
Project Strategy Engage streamside landowners and stakeholder groups • Urban Homeowners • Rural Landowners • Agricultural Producers • Businesses and Industries • Municipalities ~ 1,700 Streamside properties • Streambank stability • Pollutant filtration • Wildlife habitat • Noticing problems
NPS Management Program Elements in Project • Agriculture (4.1-4.12) Direct technical assistance to landowners in targeted watersheds. Provide and improve extensive education and training to promote BMP implementation and to acquaint landowners with conservation practices to reduce runoff, sediment transport • Silviculture (5.1 -5.3 ) Develop additional mechanisms for delivering BMP implementation training targeted at private landowners and continue to promote incentives for landowners to increase voluntary BMP implementation • Surface Erosion (7.9-7.10) Develop education programs for landowners and developers concerning proper stream corridor management and corridor restoration • Household and Business Activities (8.8) Continue to maintain and implement broad based education programs aimed at increasing awareness and disseminating BMP to urban and rural households and businesses
Task 1 – Planning and Input Establish landowner database Collect stakeholder input through focus group meetings Utilize the Watershed Approach
Task 1 – Planning and Input Steering Committee – Representing 19 groups/agencies UA Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Club
Task 2 - Individual Landowner Riparian Assessments Assess the condition of riparian lands, provide information and education on how to improve or maintain these areas, connect landowners with technical assistance needed 153 Assessments 269 improvements made 46 leading to technical assistance: FSA - CREP enrollment NRCS - EQIP enrollment AGFC Stream Team Watershed Conservation Resource Center Arkansas Forestry Commission Washington County Environmental Affairs Washington County Conservation District
Task 3 - Riparian Management Implementation Establish residential, municipal, and rural riparian management demonstration sites, and work with property owners, conservation organizations, technical service providers, municipalities, communities, and the U of A to encourage proper riparian management 15 Riparian Buffer Demonstration Sites 2 Urban buffers in city parks
Task 3 - Riparian Management Implementation 8 Urban Homeowners/businesses 5 Rural buffers
Task 4 – Public Outreach & Education Work in a grassroots-style synergistic effort with watershed, conservation, and municipal organizations, and watershed stakeholders to carry out individual contacts, creek walks, a streamside assessment guide for landowners, media releases, and riparian buffer ordinance input/education meetings School programs Creek Cleanups Riparian Management workshops
Task 4 – Public Outreach & Education Provide riparian buffer education and facilitate public input through Fayetteville’s riparian buffer (Streamside Protection) ordinance process Riparian buffer function education Ordinance fact sheet 12 Public comment meetings 236 Participants Input summary report First ordinance in Arkansas
Task 4 – Public Outreach & EducationAccomplishments • Bi-monthly newsletter mailed to 1,800 streamside landowners • 1,665 participants at 17 creek clean-ups - 5 associated fact sheets • 201 volunteers for 72 riparian buffer plantings – 7.6 miles of buffers installed • 236 participants in 12 ordinance input meetings • 100 % found this process beneficial • 91% found education was beneficial for giving ordinance input • 98% learned more about functions and values of riparian areas • 2,167 participants at 45 other educational programs • Presented at AWRC, AWAG and National County Ag Agents Conference • 46 new educational materials • Streamside Landowners Assessment Guide –Stream*A*Syst
Task 5 - Technology Transfer Share successful methods for 1) fostering participation, 2) engaging stakeholders in affecting public policy, and 3) inciting BMP implementation and conservation program adoption among riparian landowners • Showcased how you can work with tough policy like a riparian ordinance • Provide example of how the topic of land use planning might be approached • Collaborated with organizations to have more impactful events • New method to identify streamside landowners for the CREP program • Successful methods to educate elected officials and involve the public • Shared techniques for outreach and education with several other watershed organizations across the state
Sponsors Southtown Sporting Goods 2