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AMS as an Astroparticle Physics Experiment. 제 4 회 고에너지물리 여름학교 6 월 19 일 ( 토 ) 김 귀년. Astroparticl Physics is Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos. Neutron. Proton. Periodic System of Elementary Particles. What Powered the Big Bang?. Inflation (Big Bang plus 10 -34 Seconds).
AMS as an Astroparticle Physics Experiment 제 4회 고에너지물리 여름학교 6월 19일 (토) 김 귀년
Astroparticl Physics is Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos
Neutron Proton Periodic System of Elementary Particles
What Powered the Big Bang? Inflation (Big Bang plus 10-34 Seconds) Big Bang plus 300,000 Years light Now gravitational waves Big Bang plus 15 Billion Years
What is the Dark Energy? We do not know what 95% of the universe is made of!
Cosmic Rays • What are cosmic rays? Elementary particles, nuclei, EM radiation of extra-terrestrial origin, including m, p, L • At the edge of the Earth's atmosphere 50% protons, 25% a, 13% C/N/O nuclei, <1% e-, <0.1% g • Discovery of cosmic rays Victor. F. Hess, Nobel Prize in 1936
Where Cosmic Ray come from? CR ASTRONOMY S. Swordy
Cosmic Rays composition in space ~88% proton, ~ 9% He nuclei, ~1% Z > 2 nuclei, ~ 2% electrons, <0.1% gamma Development of Cosmic-Ray Air-Shower
국제우주정거장에서 수행되는 세계최초의 고에너지물리실험 2007년 7월에 국제우주정거장(ISS) 설치되어 3-5 년 동안 수행 14개국 46개 기관의 200명 이상의 과학자와 산업체가 참여하는 다국적 국제공동연구 AMS 실험은
International Collaboration~200 scientists + dozens of contractors from 14 countries Spokesperson: TING, Samuel C. C.
질량: 6200 kg 이내 크기: ~ 3.2 x 2.7 m 소모전력: 2 kW이내 이륙시 중력가속도: 9 g 작동온도 범위: -180o + 50oC 유출 기체 한계 : <10- 12 g/s/cm2 Trigger rate: ~ 200 Hz Data rate: ~ 3 Mb/s AMS 02 검출기의 특징 ► 우주에서 수행되는 최초의 고에너지 물리실험 검출기로서 3-5년 동안 무인 우주실험에 사용됨으로 여러 가지 제약 점이 있다.
AMS02 : technological challenge Superconductive Magnet: Bdipol =0.87 Tesla I~459A Size: d=1.2m l=0.8 m; Mass 2.3 t cooled to 1.8K by superfluid He (2500 l) Tracker: 8 planes of double sided Silicon(6 m2). 110 and 208mpitch Resolution =17 in bending plane and 30 nonbend. Rigidity pc/Ze=0.3BR measurements up to ~3TeV dE/dx ~ Z2 measurement. Conversion of gamma e+e- Time of Flight: 2x2 planes of scintillator hodoscope Resolution T=120 ps . Used in Trigger Velocity measurement =L/ct1-ct2 /~3.5% E/dx measurements Anticoincidence: veto plastic scintillators used in Trigger
AMS02 : technological challenge Transition Radiation Detector:20 layers of 6mm straw tubes(Ntot=5248) filled with Xe/CO2 (44 kg Xe+3.7kg CO2) interposed with fleece radiator (22 mm). dE/dx measurements . Separation e/h ~10 3 - 10 2 p=1-250 GeV Ring Image Cherenkov Detector: radiators (NaF n=1.336 and Aerogel n=1.035) +PMT's velocity measurements (up to 20 GeV /~ 0.1%) Absolute charge measurements Nphotons~Z 2 (=0.2) up to Z=26 Electromagnetic Calorimeter: Pb+ scintillators fibers readout by 324 PMT's (2x2cm readout granularity) Overall 18 x-y planes. Size 65x65 cm2 . Weight 640 kg. Thickness ~16 Xo and ~ 0.5 nucl. . Energy measurements for leptons dE/E=0.03+0.13/E[GeV] Used in gamma trigger e,g / h separation ~10 3 E=1-1000 GeV
AMS 실험 목적은 • 우주에서의 반물질 검색(세계 최고의 감도로, 세계 최초) • 우주 대폭발 (빅뱅) 시 물질/반물질 비=1 • 현재 우주는 대다수 반물질이 아닌 물질로 구성 • 만일 100억분의 하나가 반물질로 자연에 존재할 경우, 이를 측정하고자 함. • 현재 한계는 < 1.1 x 10-6 ( <100 GeV) - AMS 01 실험과 BESS 실험에 의하여 • 암흑물질 (우주물질의 90%가량) 탐색(우주에서 직접 수행하는 세계 최초 실험) • 암흑물질의 충돌로 반물질인 반양성자, 양전자, 광자 등이 다수 생성되며, • 이들의 스펙트럼에 bump로 나타남. • 따라서, 반물질의 스펙트럼을 측정 • 우주선의 기원에 대한 연구(직접 우주에서 수행하는 첫 실험) • 갤럭시 내에서 입자전파 현상에 대한 정보 제공 • 109동위원소를 측정 (D, He, Li, Be, B, C 등) • 이들의 측정 시 배후과정인 보통의 우주선 측정 • 직접 s 쿼크들로 구성된 strangelet를 탐색(가설을 최초로 검증) • Strangelet는 중성별과 같이 보통의 상태에서는 존재하지 않은 특별한 상태의 물질 • S 쿼크는 실험실에서만 검출되었음 • 고에너지 감마선 검출(최고 에너지의 감마선 측정 능력 보유)
Is the Universe Composed only of Matter? How to explain Baryon Asymmetry? Principles of Baryogenesis (D.Sakharov 1967) three conditions have to be fulfilled: non-conservation of baryons Violation both C and CP Deviation from thermal equilibruim Anti-matter Domain Anti-CR Different models of baryogenesis: • Grand Unified Theory (GUT) inspired (D.Sakharov) • SUSY condensate (I.Afleck et al) • Spontaneous baryogenesis (A.Cohen et al) • Etc Us Matter Domain Local domains of antimatter are not excluded by baryogenesis. antistars, antiblackholes... Present bounds are coming from gamma rays and CMB spectra lB>10 Mpc Unambiguous proof would be an observation of heavy (Z>=2) anti-nuclei in Cosmic rays (A.Dolgov et al)
(1) Indirect Search for Antimatter: Photons If the Universe contains regions of antimatter and matter, annihilation radiation at the boundaries should occur via the process: • This should result in: • a distortion of the cosmic microwave background • (COBE measures a quite isotropic blackbody radiation • for a distance up to about 10 Mpc) • a signal in the extragalactic diffuse -ray background • induced by the (redshiffed) annihilation photons. Non-observation of this radiation excludes large zones of antimatter in our supercluster of galaxies.
(2) Direct Searches for Antimatter • Antiproton measurements do not provide evidence for extragalactic antimatter. • The p-flux near the earth can be explained mainly by secondary interactions of cosmic rays depending on: • - incident spectra • - interstellar gas composition • - solar modulation at lower energies • However the probability to produce antinuclei by high energy interactions falls drastically with the amount of antinucleons. • (more than 104 per antinucleon) • - Discovery of antinucleus (e.g. antihelium) evidence for • cosmologically significant amounts of antimatter. • - Discovery of anticarbon nuclei antistars ? • Up to now, No antinucleus with Z2 has ever been found in the cosmic radiation.
Antihelium Search(AMS 01 Results) (Ref. Phys. Lett. B461(1999)387-396) NHe/NHe = 1.1·10-6 , R ( pc/Ze)<100 GV Same spectrum for He, He Any Spectrum from He
Antimatter Search Results for Heavier Nuclei
AMS02 discovery potential : Antimatter Antimatter search Negative Z >=2 nuclear background Hesecondary /He < 10 -12 ; AMS01 limit 10 – 6, AMS02 expected ~10 -9 is limited by statistics
Dark Matter Search ►Direct search: nuclear interactions with detector (ground based experiments) ►Indirect search: products of annihilation (in Space ) AMS 02 -indirect Search for the relic Dark Matter in Space Supersymmetric Dark Matter is a prime candidate Lightest Supersymmetric(mSUGRA) Particle (LSP) is heavy (>100GeV) stable (R parity conserved) weakly interacts with baryonic matter (WIMPS) s< 10-42 cm2 can annihilate and produce stable SM particles (p,antiprotons, e+.e-, g) Different candidates : axions, magnetic monopoles etc.
Neutralino Dark Matter Neutralinos: {cc1, c2, c3, c4} • Properties of Neutalino • Mass: ~ 100 GeV • Interactions: weak • The “typical” WIMP (but note: neutralinos are Majorana fermions – they are their own anti-particle) • Direct detection: see Prof. S. Kim’s talk • Indirect detection: cc annihilation • in the halo to e+’s: AMS-02, PAMELA… • in the center of the galaxy to g’s: GLAST, AMS/g, telescopes,… • in the center of the Sun to n’s: AMANDA, NESTOR, ANTARES,…
Supersymmetric Dark Matter LSP is a bino-like neutralino neutralino is a spin ½ Majorana particleand can annihilate Neutralino is the Dark Matter candidate.
Signature of Dark Matter: e+, p, Background Cosmic Ray spectra is dominant by SM stable particles : p, He, e- Have chance to see signal from annihilation in e+, p and components where backgrounds from nuclear interactions is smaller. Flux for i -component is :
Signal signatures : cross sections Annihilation of neutralino Tree diagrams Dominant channel>90% After hadronization and decays ->stable particles with continuum spectra 1 loop diagrams Monochromatic gamma lines E =m m mz2/4m < eff V> thermal averaged cross section depends strongly on tanb , m1/2 (mc~0.4m1/2, s~1/mc2) and mo
Hard Positron Signal • Turner, Wilczek (1990) • Kamionkowski, Turner (1991) • Best hope: e+e- If are Majorana-like ( Pauli Jinit = 0), • This process is highly suppressed • Next best hope: cc W+W-, ZZ e+… • Problem: conventional wisdom in simple models, c ≈ Bino, does not couple to SU(2) gauge bosons • We are left with soft e+: cc bb ce+n…
AMS02 discovery potential : Dark Matter (by V. Zhukov University of Karlsruhe) Hard Positrons Most promising channel. Specific bump at ~ 5-100 GeV. Small contamination and large significance Signal flux is ~ 1/mc4 . For the high mc one needs larger Boost factors to see signal A.Baltz et al. Astro-ph/9808243 MSSM scan m c=336 GeV mc=130 GeV
AMS02 discovery potential : DarkMatter Antiprotons (by V. Zhukov University of Karlsruhe) AntiDeutrons p+n->d Difficult case since the shapes of the signal and background are similar and at the low energy part(<10GeV) flux is prone to the solar modulation and the background is not well defined Significance can be better than for antiprotons
Signal signatures : DM halo profile From rotation curves - neutralino is spherically distributed around galactic center. Navarro, Frenk, White type Dark Matter halo profile : J.F.Navarro Et al Ap.J.462(1996) define the slope 0 - local density 0.3-0.7 GeV/cm3 a -scale parameter (depends on 0) Local 'clumps ' of DM can significantly increase signal from the Dark Matter annihilation (Boost factors) We are here ro~ 8kpc L.Bergstrom et al astro-ph/9806072
Composition and Energy Spectrum of Conventional Cosmic Rays • The relative abundance of particles, elements and • isotopes is related to: • Primordial nucleosynthesis for the particles created • just after the Big-Bang: • Astrophysical sources accelerating primary particles: • Interactions with interstellar gas create secondaries: • (Spallation), • 10Be/9Be ratio depends on propagation time • Propagation described by the Leaky Box model
AMS02 discovery potential : CR composition AMS 02 will measure chemical compositions up to ~1 TeV/n and will constrain a propagation model. Propagation model: - describes propagation (diffusion, convection, reacceleration) of cosmicray particles in galaxies - calculates nuclear interaction of primary produced particles with interstellar medium(ISM) Predicts abundances of element. Estimates backgrounds. Main parameters of the model: diffusion constant, size of ISM disk, density of the ISM, reacceleration speed, etc can be fixed by ratios of abundances I.Moskalenko and A.Strong Astro.J 509 (1998)
1 day 6 months 1 year AMS02 discovery potential : CR composition B is secondary produced in nuclear interaction, C is primary produced in stars. B/C is sensitive to the diffusion constant 3He/4He ratio is sensitive to the density of the ISM 10Be (t1/2=1.5myr) / 9Be will allow to estimate the propagation time and size of the ISM
High Energy -ray Physics • Astrophysical sources of -rays: • - point sources: • blazars, GRBs, and pulsars • - diffuse sources: • ray background, • from WIMP annihilation GRBs AGNs Pulsars
AMS02 discovery potential: Gamma astrophysics Gamma ray astrophysicspowerful tool to test the Univers Diffuse gamma spectrum up to few hundred GeV • Detailed study of gamma spectrum. Extra Galactic F ~ E-2.7 and galactic component F ~ E-2.1 • Probe the model of gamma rays production and propagation. • Study gamma rays profile vs galactic latitude and longitude. • ●Gamma from neutralino annihilation reflects the DM halo profile. • Monochromatic lines from neutralino annihilation->at E=m. can constrainthe clumpiness. Experimental data , models and AMS02 projection A.W.Strong Et al. Astr.J.537 (2000)
AMS02 discovery potential : Gamma astrophysics Point sources: Active Galactic Centers(AGN), pulsars etc. EGRET(1991) third source Catalog AMS02 angular resolution: < 2.5o ECAL mode E>10GeV < 0.1o Tracker conversion E >10GeV (EGRET 2-3o GLAST 0.1o) Acceptances: A(=0) 1750 cm2 ECAL 450 cm2 Tracker conversion (EGRET 1500cm2,GLAST 12000 cm2) Source identification at E>20GeV Energy spectra of sources Point like sources observed by EGRET at E<30GeV 271 sources >100MeV Time variable point sources: Gamma Ray Bursts(GRB), blazars
Summary • AMS-02 : an exciting challenge • - Cosmic rays will be measured with order of • magnitude higher precision than before and up to • the TeV region • - Search for antinuclei (antihelium sensitivity: 10-9) • - Search for dark matter • - High energy gamma ray physics (0.3 < E<100 GeV) • - Physics beyond the standard model • - Astrophysics • - Strangelets and other exotics • - ????
The Satellite: Resurs DK1 The Space Experiment PAMELAMirko Boezio – INFN Trieste
ToF TRD Anticoincidence shield Calorimeter Shower tail catcher scintillator Magnetic spectrometer
PAMELA Status Detectors are ready and compling with the design performances Detectors tested at PS / SPS Test facilities as Prototypes and in FM configuration Mass/Termal Models Qualified, March-May 2003 Integration of PAMELA Technological Model completed and delivery to Russia underway Integration of PAMELA FM underway at INFN – Roma2 The PAMELA Launch is in 2004 from Baikonur
PAMELA will explore: • Antiproton flux 80 MeV - 190 GeV • Positron flux 50 MeV – 270 GeV • Electron flux up to 400 GeV • Proton flux up to 700 GeV • Electron/positron flux up to 2 TeV • Light nuclei (up to Z=6) up to 200 GeV/n • Antinuclei search (sensitivity of 10-7 in He/He) PAMELA Capabilities
The MAGIC Physics Topics • Cosmological g-Ray Horizon • AGNs • Pulsars • Origin of Cosmic Rays • Tests of Quantum Gravity effects • SNRs • Cold Dark Matter • GRBs