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Welcome to Inborden’s Professional Development Training!. Goals for Today: Develop highly rigorous math constructed responses and performance tasks Deliver highly rigorous and relevant math lessons Utilize authentic assessments designed to measure student application of learning
Welcome to Inborden’s Professional Development Training! Goals for Today: • Develop highly rigorous math constructed responses and performance tasks • Deliver highly rigorous and relevant math lessons • Utilize authentic assessments designed to measure student application of learning • Engage instructional staff in professional dialogue to promote teacher effectiveness and professional learning communities
Schedule 10:30- 11:15- 3-5 Unpacking Math 11:15-12:00- Skype Session w/Oak Hill Elementary in Guilford County 12:00-1:00-Lunch 1:00-2:15 3-5 Unpacking Math 2:15-2:30 Break 2:30-4:00 3-5 Teacher Work Session
Standards for Mathematical Practices MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. MP4: Model with mathematics. MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically. MP6: Attend to precision. MP7: Look for and make use of structure. MP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Playing Card Discussion • View the playing card given you. • Form a discussion group with the people who are holding the same numbered card as you. • Take turns answering the questions that match your suit. • Be sure to ask whether anyone in your group has anything to add about your topic. • Discussion continues until all group members have discussed their topics.
Playing Card Discussion Questions SPADES: What are the purposes of assessment in teaching and learning and why are they important? DIAMONDS: Describe the types of assessments being used in the district and discuss the one assessment most commonly used and explain why. CLUBS: How does assessment fit into the process of teaching for high rigor and high relevance? HEARTS: Summarize what you understand about designing assessments that mirror Next Generation Assessments and implementation of CCSS.
SMARTER Balanced Resource #1 Resource #2 Resource #3
Constructed-Response Items (CR) The main purpose of a constructed-response item is to address targets and claims that are of greater complexity. They ask students to develop answers without suggested answer choices.
Work with your partners to develop a constructed response for the following standard:
Turn and Talk • Choose a shoulder partner and turn to that person to discuss the skype session. Talk about one strategy that you will take away, one teaching idea, or something that you found interesting. You and your partner should take turns doing this. • After that, individually come up with one word that sums up the skype session to share with the group.
Performance Tasks (PT) • Integrate knowledge and skills across multiple claims. • Measure capacities such as depth of understanding, research skills, and/or complex analysis with relevant evidence. • Require student-initiated planning, management of information/data and ideas, and/or interaction with other materials. • Reflect a real-world task and/or scenario-based problem. • Allow for multiple approaches. • Represent content that is relevant and meaningful to students. • Allow for demonstration of important knowledge and skills. • Require scoring that focuses on the essence of the Claim(s) for which the task was written. • Seem feasible for the school/classroom environment.
Providing Rigor and Relevance Math Performance Task Chart.docx
Performance Task Standard: Expressions and Equations – Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations. How would you level this CCSS? A graphic designer is creating a poster for an art exhibition. The width of the poster will be 9 inches less than the length, and the perimeter of the poster will be greater than 74 inches and less than 110 inches. a) Write an inequality to show the possible lengths, in inches, of the graphic designer's poster. Don't forget to define the variables. b) Solve the inequality and graph the solution set on a number line. c) Write a one-paragraph interpretation of what the solution means for the graphic designer. Explain how you came up with the inequality, how you solved it, and what the graph represents.
http://linoit.com/users/aharvey0122/canvases/Inborden%20Math%20PD%203-20http://linoit.com/users/aharvey0122/canvases/Inborden%20Math%20PD%203-20 1. After viewing the performance task with your group, determine the level of rigor and relevance.2. Reflect on how performance task impacts instructional planning This will impact planning by_______________ .3. Post your response using the linoitbelow.
Performance Task Activity http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/assess/sbac.html#sbacsample
Reflecting and Planning Next Steps On an index card…. • What information/resources/ strategies did you find most helpful? • How will you use this information to inform your work? • Who will you share it with? • Comments/Ah ha Moments
Please complete the evaluation and submit it as you exit THANK YOU! Alicia Harvey