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Agenda. Introduction Bag-of-words models Visual words with spatial location Part-based models Discriminative methods Segmentation and recognition Recognition-based image retrieval Datasets & Conclusions. Aim. Given an image and object category, to segment the object. Object Category

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  1. Agenda • Introduction • Bag-of-words models • Visual words with spatial location • Part-based models • Discriminative methods • Segmentation and recognition • Recognition-based image retrieval • Datasets & Conclusions

  2. Aim • Given an image and object category, to segment the object Object Category Model Segmentation Cow Image Segmented Cow • Segmentation should (ideally) be • shaped like the object e.g. cow-like • obtained efficiently in an unsupervised manner • able to handle self-occlusion Slide from Kumar ‘05

  3. Examples of bottom-up segmentation • Example: Normalized Cuts, Shi & Malik, 1997 • Difficult without top-down cues Borenstein and Ullman, ECCV 2002

  4. Random Fields for segmentation I = Image pixels (observed) h = foreground/background labels (hidden) – one label per pixel  = Parameters Posterior Joint Likelihood Prior • Generative approach models joint •  Markov random field (MRF) • 2. Discriminative approach models posterior directly •  Conditional random field (CRF)

  5. Likelihood MRF Prior Pairwise Potential (MRF) ij(hi, hj|ij) hi h(labels) {foreground,background} hj Unary Potential i(I|hi,i) Generative Markov Random Field i Prior has no dependency on I j I(pixels) Image Plane

  6. hi hj i j I(pixels) Image Plane Conditional Random Field Lafferty, McCallum and Pereira 2001 Discriminative approach Unary Pairwise • Dependency on I allows introduction of pairwise terms that make use of image. • For example, neighboring labels should be similar only if pixel colors are similar  Contrast term e.g Kumar and Hebert 2003

  7. hi hj i j I(pixels) Figure from Kumar et al., CVPR 2005 Image Plane OBJCUT Kumar, Torr & Zisserman 2005 Unary Pairwise Color Likelihood Distance from Ω Label smoothness Contrast Ω(shape parameter) • Ω is a shape prior on the labels from a Layered Pictorial Structure (LPS) model • Segmentation by: • - Match LPS model to image (get number of samples, each with a different pose • Marginalize over the samples using a single graph cut • [Boykov & Jolly, 2001]

  8. OBJCUT:Shape prior - Ω - Layered Pictorial Structures (LPS) • Generative model • Composition of parts + spatial layout Layer 2 Spatial Layout (Pairwise Configuration) Layer 1 Parts in Layer 2 can occlude parts in Layer 1 Kumar, et al. 2004, 2005

  9. OBJCUT: Results Using LPS Model for Cow In the absence of a clear boundary between object and background Image Segmentation

  10. Layout Consistent Random Field Layout consistency Part detector Winn and Shotton 2006 • Variant of conditional random field I = Image pixels (observed) h = foreground/background labels (hidden) – one label per pixel  = Parameters

  11. Layout CRF: Part detector • Decision forest classifier • Features are differences of pixel intensities Classifier [Lepetit et al. CVPR 2005] Winn and Shotton 2006

  12. Layout consistency (7,2) (8,2) (9,2) (7,3) (8,3) (9,3) (7,4) (8,4) (9,4) Winn and Shotton 2006 Neighboring pixels (p,q) ? (p,q) (p-1,q+1) (p,q+1) (p+1,q+1) Layoutconsistent

  13. Stability of part labelling Part color key

  14. Other recognition & segmentation papers Figure from Borenstein and Ullman, ECCV 2002 Object-Specific Figure-Ground Segregation Stella X. Yu and Jianbo Shi, 2002 Image parsing: Tu, Zhu and Yuille 2003 Implicit Shape Model - Liebe and Schiele, 2003 LOCUS model: See Jon’s talk tomorrowKannan, Jojic and Frey 2004; Winn and Jojic, 2005 Todorovic and Ahuja, CVPR 2006 3D Layout CRF, Hoiem et al. CVPR 2007 See CVPR 2007 course slides for more details

  15. Summary • Strength • Explains every pixel of the image • Useful for image editing, layering, etc. • Issues • Invariance issues • (especially) scale, view-point variations • Inference difficulties

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