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Asset Allocation Design and Care of Portfolios. Chapter 8.
Harry Markowitz (1952), in writing in the Journal of Finance, fired “the shot heard around the world,” a 15-page article unobtrusively titled “Portfolio Selection,” in which he suggested that rational investors were concerned not only with maximizing return but also with minimizing volatility. In other words, if there is more than one portfolio that returns 10 percent per year, then the optimal one is that which has the lowest volatility, with variance being his designated proxy for volatility.
More obviously, the converse is also true: If there are multiple portfolios with a given volatility, then the one with the highest return is the optimal one. Put another way, the investor should always be willing to trade off some return for a reduction in risk or take additional risk in order to get a larger return. For risk-averse investors, the ratio of incremental required return to risk is large; and for risk-tolerant ones, small.
Much has been made of a landmark trio of papers by Gary Brinson and several colleagues (1986, 1991, 1995) that demonstrated that over 90 percent of the variance of portfolio return was explained by the allocation among three different asset classes: stocks, bonds, and cash by pension funds. Later, Jahnke (1997) pointed out that this rather artificial and constrained example overstated the importance of the policy portfolio.
So how important is asset allocation, really? Obviously, stocks and bonds have very different risk and return characteristics, and the overall stock–bond mix is the single most important parameter determining the long-run risk and return of any portfolio. • Allocation within equity categories, however, is another story. There is no reason why long-term equity returns in different national markets or industry sectors, after adjustment for risk, should be different: All compete in a nearly global capital marketplace.
Consider, for example, the returns of the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 and the EAFE (Europe, Australasia and the Far East) for the 38-year period between 1970, and 2007 which were nearly identical, at 11.07 percent and 11.57 percent annualized, respectively. Exhibit 8.1 plots the returns and risks of varying mixes of these two assets. On the x-axis is plotted the standard deviation (SD), and on the y-axis is plotted the annualized return.
First, note how compressed the y-axis is, with the returns of all the portfolios falling within a relatively narrow range. Next, note that although the EAFE was more volatile than the S&P 500, adding in a small amount of the foreign equity index actually decreased portfolio volatility. This is one of the basic principles of portfolio theory: A volatile asset class may actually decrease the risk of a portfolio if its correlation to the portfolio is low enough.
In terms of long-term portfolio return, then, the precise mix of foreign and domestic stocks mattered relatively little, since their returns were nearly identical. But in any individual calendar year, the mix mattered a great deal. In 1986, for example, the S&P returned 18.47 percent, while the EAFE returned 69.94 percent, while in 1997, the pattern reversed, with returns of 33.36 percent and 2.06 percent, respectively. So, the answer seems to be, in the very long run, the only truly important dimension of asset allocation is the overall stock–bond mix, whereas in the short term, the precise allocation among equity classes matters a great deal.
Now, let us look at a more complex mix of assets. Exhibit 8.2 plots a large number of randomly constructed portfolios, consisting of random mixtures of one riskless asset (in this case, five-year Treasury notes) and six risky assets. In this case, I have used U.S. large and small stocks, and Japanese, European, Pacific Rim, and precious metals stocks for the seven-year period between 1990 and 1996. However, for the purposes of this discussion, it really does not matter which assets or time period is used.
First, take a look at the vertical line, which is placed at a standard deviation (SD) of 10 percent. (The SD is simply the square root of the variance and is today the more commonly accepted measure of portfolio volatility.) All of the portfolios that lie along this line have an SD near 10 percent. Clearly, the one with the highest return is preferable to all the others.
Next, focus on the horizontal line, placed at a return of 10 percent. All of the portfolios along this line have a return near 10 percent. Obviously, the one at the far left—that is, with the lowest SD—is the optimal one. The portfolios along the upper left edge of this cloud form the so-called efficient frontier of optimal asset allocations, which produces the highest return at a given degree of risk, or, conversely stated, the lowest risk at a given degree of return.
In Exhibit 8.3, I have expanded the analysis over a much longer period, from 1970 to 1996. Note how much thinner the cloud is; this is because mean reversion has smoothed out the long-term return differences among the risky asset classes, demonstrating that in the long run, the precise allocation among risky assets matters much less than the overall stock–bond mix.
Which portfolio along the efficient frontier should the investor choose? As a practical matter, most investment policies, from those of the smallest individual portfolios to those of the largest institutions, begin with an estimation of risk tolerance and time horizon. The goal, then, is to seek the highest return at that degree of risk. Markowitz’s genius lies first in clearly describing this principle and, second, and more profoundly, in providing an algorithm that allows the investor to calculate the compositions of the efficient frontier portfolios.
This methodology, known as mean-variance analysis, needs only three sets of deceptively simple inputs: the return and variance (or SD) for each asset, and the correlations among them. For the given example of seven asset classes, there are 35 variables: 7 returns, 7 SDs, and 21 correlations.
Calculating the Markowitz efficient frontier for even the simplest combinations of portfolios cannot be accomplished easily by hand. Typically it is performed with a software package known as a mean-variance optimizer, or MVO. What could be simpler? Simply gather up a long list of asset classes, obtain their returns and SDs, calculate a correlation grid among them, and, presto, you now possess a wide range of optimally efficient portfolios.
1. An MVO will favor assets with high returns and low correlations, particularly the former. Increase an asset class return by a percent or two, and it will dominate the portfolio—perhaps even constituting all of the allocation to risky assets; decrease it by a percent or two, and it disappears entirely. • 2. Over periods of several years, asset class returns have a slight tendency to mean-revert; that is, the best-performing asset class for the past five years will tend to be below average over the next five years, and vice versa.
In the late 1980s, MVOs became all the rage, and investment professionals naively fed historical data into them. Their outputs, and the inevitable results, were predictable: portfolios heavy with the previous winners: foreign equity, particularly Japanese, and U.S. small stocks. (Since at that time small investors could neither afford the software and nor access the necessary data, they avoided this particular train wreck.)
For example, Bernstein (2000b) showed that if between 1975 and 1998 one had designed an all-stock portfolio of the six-stock asset classes mentioned earlier (U.S. large and small stocks, and Japanese, European, Pacific Rim, and precious metals stocks) based on optimizations of the trailing five years’ performance, the overall annualized return of those portfolios would have been 8.40 percent versus 15.79 percent for a naive strategy consisting of equal amounts of all six asset classes.
Practitioners and programmers attempted to compensate for this unfortunate tendency of optimizers (or “error maximizers,” as they came to be known in some quarters) by constraining their outputs within “reasonable” bounds. But this begged the question: If one already has an idea of what a reasonable portfolio looks like, of what real use is the optimzer?
An MVO is useful only to the extent that one is able to forecast the returns of securities or asset classes with great accuracy. This, alas, is a fool’s errand. And if one could accomplish this, the optimizer would still be of little additional use since in that case, one would largely confine one’s risky assets to the best performers. • We thus spend the rest of this chapter answering three questions:
1. What does a “reasonable” portfolio look like? • 2. How should the practitioner adjust the allocations back to policy over time—that is, rebalance—as allocations change with market prices? • 3. How should the practitioner change the policy target allocation, if at all, over time?
POLICY ALLOCATION • If one believes that the global equity markets are efficient, then the obvious starting point for the equity portion of any portfolio is the capitalization-weighted world market portfolio of all investible equities. For example, as of December 31, 2007, the Morgan Stanley Capital Indexes World Index, consisting of the free float, or tradable, shares of world equity, consisted of the allocation shown in Exhibit 8.4.
How should one modify this allocation? Most U.S. investors would find the 50.6 percent foreign weighting excessive and would likely cut it down to less than 25 percent. For starters, foreign stocks are more expensive to trade. Further, investing is simply an operation that defers present consumption for future consumption, and for almost all U.S. investors, most of that consumption will take place in the United States, so it makes good sense to keep more of that investment in dollar-denominated securities.
For the past decade or so, it has been possible to execute such a cap-weighted global equity strategy with the appropriate mix of just two low-cost vehicles: a U.S. S&P 500 or Total Market index fund and an international equity index fund. Retail mutual fund investors can now purchase open-end and exchange-traded mutual funds that accomplish this at a cost as low as 10 to 20 basis points (0.10 to 0.20 percent) per year; for U.S. government employees, the cost is just 1.5 basis points—0.015 percent.
The final balanced stock–bond investment strategy can be obtained by adding in a bond index fund. Because of its low fee structure and near-total absence of internal transactional costs, such a three-fund Simpleton’s portfolio has outperformed the overwhelming majority of active managers over the long term, and should continue to do so.
Does the investor believe that small stocks or value stocks have higher returns than growth stocks? If so, then he or she will deviate away from market-cap weighting in each of the world’s regions. Note that this method of allocation is geographic. Some have argued that with the rising correlations of world equity markets, this is obsolete, and that a sector-based strategy is more useful. During the late 1990s, correlations among many industry groups were indeed lower than among nations, but this appeared to be an artifact of the tech-related bubble of that era; more recently, the physical location of where a stock trades has regained its primacy.
This does not, preclude, however, adding sector weightings to a geographic one; because of the low correlations of the next asset classes to other equities, many practitioners add these asset classes futures to primarily geographically based allocations: real estate investment trusts (REITs), both domestic and foreign; precious metals equity; and commodities.
One widely followed and respected allocation that employs a largely, but not exclusively, geographically based value- and small-biased allocation is the Balanced Equity Strategy of Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) (2008) shown in Exhibit 8.5. • This does not look anything like the uneven allocations that typify MVO out-puts; the numbers are round and quite obviously somewhat arbitrary, but they conform to a basic principle: large allocations to economically broader and less volatile components, and smaller allocations to less conventional and more volatile components.
Between 1995 and 2007, this strategy returned 13.04 percent versus 11.27 percent for the S&P 500. Even more impressively, it did so at a lower SD, 13.13 percent, versus 14.21 percent for the S&P (and also was less volatile overall than the least volatile component, international small-value stocks, which had an SD of 13.96 percent). Note that many of these asset classes are quite volatile; for example, the SDs of the emerging markets and small-cap portfolios were greater than 20 percent yet added no significant risk to the overall portfolio because of their relatively low correlations to other asset classes.
The performance of this allocation becomes even more impressive when one realizes that this was not a theoretical exercise, conducted inside of a microprocessor, but an allocation designed in the early 1990s and that could be executed almost completely with actual mutual funds that paid management fees and transactional expenses. (The Emerging Markets Small and Value, and International Small portfolios were not available for the first few years after 1995; substituting similar funds would not have affected the results materially.)
There was nothing magic about DFA’s strategy; any “reasonable” globally diversified, value- and small-biased allocation that was efficiently and inexpensively executed would have performed similarly. The drivers of this performance—asset class returns, standard deviations, and correlations—simply cannot be known in advance with nearly enough accuracy to reliably improve on allocations that do not stray too much from market-cap weighting (see Exhibits 8.5 and 8.6).
Even the most successful allocations, however, will temporarily underperform. Exhibit 8.6 plots the annual returns of the DFA Balanced Equity strategy versus that of the S&P 500, and Exhibit 8.7 plots the difference between the two. Note how the DFA strategy, even with its superior performance, underperformed the S&P 500 in 6 out of 13 years. Worse, 5 of those years occurred consecutively.
Between 1995 and 2000, all three of the “biases” of the DFA strategy relative to the S&P—foreign, small, and value—lost money. Consequently, the DFA strategy yielded a total return of 112 percent versus a return of 219 percent during the same period for tech-heavy S&P. Between 1995 and 1999, deviating from the S&P 500 (or any other broadly based domestic index, such as the Wilshire 5000) sorely tested the most rational and best-informed investment strategies, and rewarded those who bought into the new-era euphoria of the period.
Eventually, the more diversified and historically grounded DFA strategy won out, but many inexperienced investors, and even many seasoned ones, abandoned this efficient strategy before it paid off. The experience of those years underscores what is perhaps the most important principle of investing: Mastering the theory is not nearly so hard as applying it under fire. Talking the talk is easy; walking the walk is another matter.
The temporary underperformance of the DFA strategy is a direct warning to most institutional money managers, very few of whom would survive five such years of subpar results. Even the best managers are likely to suffer long droughts, during which they will likely hemorrhage assets and lose their jobs. Unless one’s clients are extremely sophisticated and/or loyal, superior strategies always entail substantial tracking errors and are consequently best left to organizations, such as endowments, pension plans, and individual investors, that do not have to answer to excitable, uninformed investors and committees every quarter.
One size does not fit all. Several factors will influence the policy asset allocation. We have already touched on risk tolerance, which is the primary driver of the overall stock–bond allocation. Another factor that determines the overall stock–bond balance is time horizon; only portfolios designed with a greater than 5- or 10-year horizon should contain appreciable amounts of equity. Obviously, funds designated for a house purchase in one or two years should be invested only in either in a diversified pool of short-term high-quality debt securities or in a U.S. Treasury issue.
Samuelson (1969) states that human capital also needs to be taken into account. Much has been made in recent years about the fact that stocks do not in fact become less risky with time and that this does not consequently demand a reduction in equity as the investor ages. However, human capital—the investor’s future income stream—does decrease with time. This income stream behaves similarly to a bond.
Thus, the young investor, with a small amount of investment capital and a large amount of human capital, can and should invest nearly all of that investment capital in equity; the older investor, with a large amount of investment capital and a small amount of human capital, should hold a substantial amount of his or her investment capital in bonds.
The nature of that human capital also needs to be taken into consideration; if the investor works in a stable, noneconomically sensitive job, such as repossession work or in the government, then a relatively large amount of equity can be held. Contrariwise, the investor who works in the securities industry should be more cautious, since a severe economic downturn might lose him his job as well as his portfolio.
(And needless to say, an employee of a publicly traded company should never, ever own stock in his employer’s company.) And finally, the nature of the employer should be considered; if it is highly leveraged or distressed, then the employee probably should not pursue a value tilt, since value companies also tend to be both leveraged and distressed.
Does the investor have a pension or significant Social Security income? Then these should likewise be treated as a bond holding of a grade appropriate to the issuer and would mandate that they be balanced by equity holdings in the investible portfolio. Further, Social Security payments are, at least for the moment, indexed not only to inflation but also to wages, which provide even more inflation protection. Most private pensions do not have this feature; this will affect the rate at which the respective payments streams must be discounted by to arrive at the appropriate present value for these “bonds.”
REBALANCING • A portfolio resembles nothing so much as a garden in a tropical climate; unless constantly tended, it does not remain in its intended condition for long. Consider, for example, a simple 50/50 mix of the S&P 500 and Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index purchased at the beginning of 1995 and left untended for five years until the end of 1999.
During the interval, the very high stock returns would have increased the equity allocation to 71 percent, just in time for the bursting of the bubble. By the end of 2002, the losses in the equity part of the portfolio would have reduced the mix back to 53/47. Overall, the portfolio would have had a creditable annualized return of 9.50 percent, albeit with a very rocky ride toward the end.