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Overview of course CS598MP Spring’05. modeling. heuristic. spec. seminar paper. Algorithm/thm. Modeling systems with finite data. MOPED. Model-check CTL/mu-calc. Mu-calculus. Regularity of conf of PDA. Binary Decision Diagrams. CTL bisimulations. Emptiness of PDA. Games on
modeling heuristic spec seminar paper Algorithm/thm Modeling systems with finite data MOPED Model-check CTL/mu-calc Mu-calculus Regularity of conf of PDA Binary Decision Diagrams CTL bisimulations Emptiness of PDA Games on FSMs Modeling FSM, PDA
modeling heuristic spec seminar paper algorithm LTL and automata LTL Model-checking Emptiness of Buchi automata Mu-calculus Omega Buchi automata Nested DFS algorithm LTL Modeling FSM, PDA
Abstraction MOPED Abstraction in SLAM; Boolean programs CVC Cartesian abstraction Binary Decision Diagrams Graf-Seidi Predicate abstraction modeling Abstract Interpretation heuristic spec seminar paper
SAT-based model-checking Interpolation and SAT-based Model-checking SATURN Bounded Model Checking Using SAT Internals of a SAT Solver: Search, conflict clause Learning, boolean Constraint propogration, etc. SAT modeling heuristic spec seminar paper
Handling the heap: shape analysis Analysing memory accesses in x86 TVLA: Shape-based Program analysis • Heuristics: • -Focusing • instrumentation predicates Finding abstract Shape transformers modeling Abstracting data-structures as shapes, FOL heuristic spec seminar paper
Other seminar papers Random Interpretation Summarizing procedures in concurrent programs: Transactions Timed automata modeling heuristic spec seminar paper
There is more theory! – course next semester • regular languages, MSO on words and Buchi-Traktenbrot theorem; • omega-regular languages, MSO, and Buchi's theorem; • omega-regular tree languages, MSO, parity games, Rabin's theorem; • FO on words, temporal and tense logics, Kamp's theorem; • mu-calculus and parity games; alternating automata; temporal logics; • decision problems for logic including model checking and satisfiability; • FO and SO on finite graphs; connections to complexity; EF-games; • decidable logics on infinite graphs; • other decidable theories like Presburger arithmetic and FO on reals.