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SNC2P. Labware and Lab Safety. Labware. Beaker. Beaker tongs. Evaporating dish. Watch Glass. Wash bottle. Test tube. Test tube clamps. Test tube rack. Graduated cylinder. Florence flask. Erlenmeyer flask. Stirring rod. Pipette. Funnel. Wire screen (gauze). Ring clamp.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SNC2P Labware and Lab Safety

  2. Labware

  3. Beaker

  4. Beaker tongs

  5. Evaporating dish

  6. Watch Glass

  7. Wash bottle

  8. Test tube

  9. Test tube clamps

  10. Test tube rack

  11. Graduated cylinder

  12. Florence flask

  13. Erlenmeyer flask

  14. Stirring rod

  15. Pipette

  16. Funnel

  17. Wire screen (gauze)

  18. Ring clamp

  19. Ring stand

  20. Goggles

  21. Crucible

  22. Crucible tongs

  23. Triple Beam Balance

  24. Pestle

  25. Mortar and pestle

  26. Bunsen Burner

  27. Scupula and handle

  28.  Clay triangle

  29. Striker

  30. Set up for heating

  31. Thermometer

  32. Lab Safety

  33. Lab Safety • Always be safety conscious. Move around the laboratory in a safe and slow manner. • Never perform unauthorized experiments. Follow all instructions, verbal and written.

  34. Plan ahead. Become familiar with all the health and safety hazards of the equipment and chemicals to be used. If you are not comfortable, inform the teacher.

  35. Know the location of the safety equipment and fire exits. Use this equipment only in emergencies. • Report all accidents – no accident is too small to report. Do not attempt to clean up a spill until checking with the teacher. Broken glassware must be dealt with immediately. Inform teacher of all broken glassware.

  36. Safety glasses must be worn while working with any chemical. It is recommended that you do not wear contact lenses during labs where chemicals will be used. If you get chemical in your eye, do not wait for the teacher, have a peer take you straight to the eyewash station and flush eyes for 5 minutes.

  37. If you get chemical splashed or spilled on your skin, flush it with water at one of the sinks around the room. If irritation or pain develops, see a physician. • Wash hands thoroughly before leaving the laboratory. • If you get chemicals on your clothes, wash the clothes, but not with good clothing. You should not wear loose clothing in the lab, nor should you wear good clothing.

  38. Handle all chemicals as if they were dangerous. • Tie back long hair. • Do not consume food or drink while in the lab. Never taste the chemicals.

  39. Keep workstations clear of all books, bags, and clothing. Workstations should have only the materials needed for the lab. Do not sit on the workstation counter • Clean all equipment thoroughly and put it back where you found it.

  40. Follow all directions regarding the disposal of chemicals and solutions. Not everything goes down the sink. Do not put used chemicals or solutions back into the original container. • Clean your lab station before leaving the classroom.

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