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Chapter 8

Chapter 8. Errors and Reliability. A Bug????. Captain Grace Hopper – 1945 Hardware vs software Physical hardware problems Logic problems Syntax problems Data problems. Some Examples. 1992 – Patriot missile that failed Really only about 10% success

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Chapter 8

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  1. Chapter 8 Errors and Reliability

  2. A Bug???? • Captain Grace Hopper – 1945 • Hardware vs software • Physical hardware problems • Logic problems • Syntax problems • Data problems

  3. Some Examples • 1992 – Patriot missile that failed • Really only about 10% success • Iran 655 Airbus shot down by missiles • 1987 British Air Defenses computer – delayed over 10 years • 1993 Surefire system from Russia

  4. More examples • Columbia space shuttle first launch – computer synchronization problem • Launch failure of Mariner 18 (missing NOT statement) • Splashdown of Gemini V over 100 miles away because of failure to take into account revolution of earth • Loss of 18.5 million rocket

  5. Some more examples • Hubble trouble • Korean Airlines shot down over Russia • 1988 – Airbus 320s have had several problems and crashed killing over 100 people • British Airways reported 10 incidents in one month where software errors caused changes of speed and direction

  6. More yet • Therac-25 • Britain – over a ten year period people didn’t receive enough radiation for cancer and only 447 out of 1,000 were still alive • Japanese mechanic killed by malfunctioning Kawasaki robot (other dealths also reported in Japan)

  7. More • Canada – release of thousands of liters of radioactive water • Shut down of Palo Alto nuclear power plant due to walkie-talkie • Translation problems “out of sight, out of mind: blind idiot” • Mistaken identities

  8. And even more • Payments for 0.0… • High telephone payments • High electric bill payments • Overpayment of electronic deposits after people have died • HERO – Hazarf of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance

  9. Yep – more still • Surplus computers sold with sensitive data • Pepsi bottle caps • 1992 computer unlocked all cell dorres in a high risk new County Jail • Y2K bugs

  10. Verification & Reliability • Data testing • Software Verification • Software Reliability • Software Consistency • Testing • Structured walkthroughs • Limited path testing • Program, interface, system

  11. Web sites • www.geekhumor.com • www.ccnr.org/fatal_dose.html • www.iht.com/articles/118457.html • www.jnd.org/dn.mss/error_design.html • www.vex.net/~smarry/oldbbs/errors.html

  12. Sites • www.ima.umn.edu/~arnold/455.f96/disasters.html • http://ta.twi.tudelft.nl/nw/users/vuik/wi211/disasters.html • http://www5.in.tum.de/~huckle/bugse.html

  13. Identity Theft • Minimize Your Risk • Choosing to Share Personal Information • Credit bureaus • Department of motor vehicles • Direct marketers

  14. How thieves get your info • Steal wallets and purses • Steal your mail • Complete change of address forms to divert your mail • Rummage through your trash, business as well • Fraudulently obtain credit report

  15. Getting your info continued • Find personal information in your home • Use personal information you share on the internet • Scam you • From workplace

  16. How they use your info • Call credit card issuer and ask to change address • Open a new credit card account • Create phone or wireless service in your name • Open a bank account in your name • File for bankruptcy

  17. How use continued • Use counterfeit checks or debit cards and drain bank accounts • Buy cars with loans in your name • Give your name to the police during an arrest

  18. Minimize your risk • Get copy of credit report from each of the 3 major credit bureaus • Equifax • Experian • TransUnion • Place passwords on credit card, bank and phone accounts

  19. Minimize continued • Secure personal information in home • Ask about information security measures in workplace • Don’t give out personal information on phone or internet • Guard your mail and trash • Don’t carry SSN – put in secure place

  20. Minimize continued • Only carry minimal credit cards and information • Pay attention to billing cycles • Be wary of promotional scam • Update your virus protection software regularly • Keep your purse or wallet in safe place

  21. Minimize continued • Don’t download files sent to you by strangers • Use a firewall program • Use a secure browser • Try not to store financial information on laptop • Before disposing of computing erase info

  22. If You’re a Victim • Place a fraud alert on your credit reports and review your credit reports • Close any accounts that have been tampered with or opened fraudulently • File a complaint with the FTC • File a report with local police

  23. Criminal Violations • Fake driver’s license • Investment fraud • Mail theft • Passpost fraud • Phone fraud • SSN theft and misuse • Tax fraud

  24. Laws • Federal • October 1998 • 18 U.S.C. #1028 • State • GA Code Ann. #16-9-120 through 128

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