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THIS. IS. JEOPARDY. Your. With. Host. Sr. Sebastian. Las reglas del juego. La persona que agarra la pluma primero tiene 5 segundos para contestar la pregunta . Si no empieza , el otro tendrá 20 segundos para intentar a contestarla .

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Presentation Transcript


  2. Your With Host... Sr. Sebastian

  3. Las reglas del juego • La persona queagarra la plumaprimerotiene5 segundos para contestar la pregunta. Si no empieza, el otrotendrá20 segundos para intentar a contestarla. • Entonces, no agarres la pluma hasta quesepa de seguro la respuestaapropiada.

  4. Mid History Recent History Early History The Common Core Definitions Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  5. A person who uses two languages purposefully A 100

  6. A bilingual speaker (according to our class) A 100

  7. A type of bilingual education that encourages the maintenance and/or development of native language A 200

  8. Additive bilingualism A 200

  9. Wide inclusion of anyone who knows even one word in another language A 300

  10. Incipient A 300

  11. Seeing an individual as two separate monolinguals A 400

  12. Fractional view of bilingualism A 400

  13. A community where bilingualism is not the norm. Enters by way of immigration and/or other means. A 500

  14. Exogenous A 500

  15. Legislation passed in 1906 requiring that spoken English be required for naturalization. B 100

  16. The Nationality Act B 100

  17. Supreme court ruling in 1923 that allowed the teaching of languages other than English to occur outside of regular school hours. B 200

  18. Meyer v Nebraska B 200

  19. Supreme Court ruling in 1954 that deemed segregated education based on race unconstitutional B 300

  20. Brown v Board B 300

  21. Number one song in the country for several weeks in 1942 B 400

  22. Bing Crosby B 400

  23. Legislation passed in 1968 and attached to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that introduced funding opportunities for bilingual programs C 100

  24. Title VII, Bilingual Education Act C 100

  25. Supreme Court ruling in 1974 that required language programs for language minorities so that they would have equal educational opportunities. C 200

  26. Lau v Nichols. C 200

  27. Legislation passed that required native-language instruction with the explicit goal of English language acquisition. C 300

  28. 1974 Reauthorization of Bilingual Act Title VII of ESEA C 300

  29. Legislation passed that made full bilingual proficiency a lawful educational goal. C 400

  30. 1994 Reauthorization of Bilingual Education Act C 400

  31. The man behind a series of devastating propositions introduced to severely limit bilingual education C 500

  32. Ron Unz C 500

  33. Legislation in 2001 that eliminated the Bilingual Education Act D 100

  34. No Child Left Behind D 100

  35. Educational funding program introduced by the Obama administration in 2009 D 200

  36. Race to the Top D 200

  37. President who said: “It is absolutely wrong and against the American concept to have a bilingual education program that is now openly, admittedly, dedicated to preserving their native language and never getting them adequate in English so they can go out into the job market.” D 300

  38. Ronal Reagan (not Regan) D 300

  39. This guy. D 400

  40. Dr. John Tanton – advocate for English Only D 400

  41. This song (and artist) D 500

  42. All of Me, John Legend D 500

  43. A set of common standards (not curriculum) that officially begins in 2014-2015 E 100

  44. The Common Core E 100

  45. SBAC and PARCC E 200

  46. Organizations in charge of developing assessments aligned with the standards of the Common Core E 200

  47. Accommodations provided for ELLs under the new assessments E 300

  48. Extended time, word to word dictionaries, scribe or speech-to-text for mathematics. E 300

  49. One of the suggestions by the National Council of La Raza for how to roll out the Common Core with the ELL population in mind E 400

  50. -Aligned standards -Professional development -Increased awareness of accommodations E 400

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