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Obser vatory of Emp loyability and student’s profile

Obser vatory of Emp loyability and student’s profile. Data about employment among students who completed Bachelors at the School of Economics and Management in the academic year of 2009/2010 February 25, 2011. Professional careers after Bachelors at the School of Economics and Management.

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Obser vatory of Emp loyability and student’s profile

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  1. ObservatoryofEmployabilityand student’s profile Data about employment among students who completed Bachelors at the School of Economics and Management in the academic year of 2009/2010 February 25, 2011

  2. Professional careersafter Bachelors at the School of Economics and Management the sucess of the model of teaching focused on employability 2% entrepreneurs 32% consulting and auditing 68% annualcompensationbetween15 e 20 thousand euros 82% find a job in less than3 month 48% secureemploymentbeforecompleting a degree 8% workingabroad The employment rate of students graduated at the School of Economics and Management is 100%. The statistics related to employments arppraise students who choose to enter the labor market soon after the end of the course. The statistics refer only to students that entered the labor market.

  3. The profile of graduates at the School of Economics and Management dynamic young people, entrepreneurs and skilled professionals for companies 35% Continuethestudies on Mastersdegree 36% Havealreadyrealized an Internshipor Business Plan 16% Mobilityin Europe and United States 49% arewoman 21% Havehadprofessionalexperience 48% graduateswithagebetween 20 and 21 years 23% ContinuetheMastersdegreeattheSchool of Economics and Management 5% Go to studyabroad The teaching model is focused onthe approach to the labor market before the degree completion: on the context of the Final Project discipline, the students can choose, among others, the option of Internship ou Business Plan discussed and evaluated by the external business jury. The presented statistics refer to the total number of students graduated by the School of Economics and Management in the academic year 2009/2010.

  4. 11% 9% 14% 30% Others 3 months 3 - 6 months 3% Employability Services 5% At the Catholic 2 months 18% 6 - 12 months University of Porto Response to job ad 21% 1 month 8% Spontaneous Application 27% 48% Social Network 6% famíly, friends Before the course finish and school Doesn’t looked for a job The first job… begins before the course is even finished, facilitated by networking The time to get started: (number of mounth between Bachelors degree completion and the beginning of work) The form of access to the first job:

  5. 23% 17% Studying at Catholic University ofPorto [10 a 15] 65% 68% Entering the 5% labor market [15 a 20] [superior than 25] 7% Studying at other Universities in 10% Portugal [20 a 25] 5% Studying abroad The first job... For majority of studentsthe annual compensationis between15 and 20 thousend euros Annual Compensation: (gross values in thousands of euros) Students who are working: (destinations of students after finishing the degree)

  6. 21% 16% 20% 21% Product, Client Manufacturing Indústry Finance & Commercial & Manager Securities Marketing 8% Trade & Distribution 9% 8% 21% Accounting& Telecommunication Auditing Others 32% 16% Auditing & 28% Consulting Others Advisor The first job... Predominate service companies, advisory and commercial functions Activity Sector: Performed functions:

  7. 16% Lisbon 11% Northern Portugal 62% Porto 3% Central Portugal 8% Foreign countries The first job... Is in medium and big companies in Porto and Lisbon Companies Size: (number of employees) Geographic area:

  8. Thanks to... All the companies that recognise our quality of education, recruiting the graduates at the School of Economics and Mangement of Catholic University of Porto The list of companies:

  9. Thanks to... All the companies that are engaged in internships, evaluation and monitoring of our students (mentoring and coaching) Participants of the jury in the skills demonstration : Companies that provide internships: X

  10. 13% 23 years 19% 51% 22 years Male 10% 24 years 24% 21 years 49% 10% 24% Female +25 years 20 years Thanks to... Our students that engage in studies at the Catholic University of Porto and help the School of Economics and Management to be a reference brand in the economics and management education. Graduatesby gender: (Male and Female) Graduates by age:

  11. 25% Top Average 12.8 valores 5% Top 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Thanks to... Our students that engage in studies at the Catholic University of Porto and help the School of Economics and Management to be a reference brand in the economics and management education. Final evaluation: (ithe interval of the final classification, TOP 25% e TOP 5% )

  12. Technical file Caracterization ot the population and sample In the academic year of 2009/2010 , 137 students were graduated by the School of Economics and Management of the Catholic University of Porto, shared by graduates in Economics (40) and Management (97) The survey was released to all students that finished the Bachelors course,, there have been 109 responces recorded, what represents a coverage rate of about 80% of the population. The survey has been made online, and subsequently has been made telephone contact with those who, in the first phase, haven’t respond the electronic survey. There have been 33 responses obtained online and 76 telephon responses. Tha remaining students did not have the valid contact number, ou there was no answer. The time between the completion of the course and the beginning of professional activity has been measured in months, counting the period from the end of the academic year ( July 2010) and the montht the work has actually started. There is a possibility that some students have found the job earlyer than the date of actuall commencement of their duties. Assuming that the students had vacation during the monthAugust, the reported results are exaggerated , on average, in one month.

  13. The School of Economics and Management www.porto.ucp.pt/feg Atlantic Business School www.ege.pt Disclaimer This communication was prepared to disclose the results of the “Observatory of Employability 2010: The School of Economics and Management”. The information contained in this document has been updated at the time of disclosure. Tha statistical information used, results from a survey to all students who completed their degrees in the academic year of 2009/2010 and that entered the labor market in 2010. The response rate for this survey realised during the months of January and February 2011 was 81%. Released statistics preserve the data confidentiality and anonymity of the sources. Porto, February 22, 2011 Álvaro Nascimento Director The School of Economics and Management Catholic University of Porto E. anascimento@porto.ucp.pt Sources: Students and Employabilityand Academic Services.The Shared Servives of Catholic University of Porto.

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