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POBRE ANA. Capitulo uno. Hazlo Ahora (Do it NOW). CALENDARIO ¿ Qué día es hoy? ¿ Cuál es la fecha de hoy? ¿ En qué estación estamos ? ¿ Qué tiempo hace ?. You should Come to Class Knowing HOW to Exchange Basic Personal Information to Identify Immediate Family Members
POBRE ANA Capitulouno
HazloAhora (Do it NOW) CALENDARIO • ¿Quédíaes hoy? • ¿Cuáles la fecha de hoy? • ¿Enquéestaciónestamos? • ¿Quétiempohace? You should Come to Class Knowing HOW • to Exchange Basic Personal Information • to Identify Immediate Family Members TAKE A MOMENT TO WRITE A SHORT DESCRIPTION IN SPANISH ABOUT 2 MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY BELOW. PLEASE… • Give EACH PERSON A NAME, AGE, & TELL WHERE THEY ARE FROM • IDENTIFY THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN THE FAMILY & DESCRIBE THEM Pre-assessment of Today’s Lesson Make a Prediction – What do you Think the NOVEL, POBRE ANA will be ABOUT? (Answer on Pg. 1 of PACKET)
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this Lesson, Students will Be Able to… • Identify self & others • Exchange basic personal information • Describe self & others • Identify immediate family members
Student Learning Agenda TODAY IN CLASS… • HazloAhora • Vocabulary Warm-up • READ ALOUD CH. 1 – Pobre Ana • Reader’s Workshop (POST-ITS) • Comprehension Check • SELF EVALUATION COMING UP… • MORE FAMILY VOCABULARY PRACTICE • TIERED JENGA ACTIVITY • COMPARE & CONTRAST • TIERED REVIEW Of CH. 1 – Pobre ANA ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AT HOME I CAN… PRACTICE VOCABULARY USING QUIZLET / PPT
Josefina La Familia de Raúl¿Cómo se llama? Marta Elena Juan Carlos Raúl Marisa Roberto Andrea
BIENVENIDOS LEctores… MIENTRAS LEER (WHILE READING)... While you are reading this chapter, use the following reading strategies: THINK (TH), WONDER (W), PREDICT (P), or QUESTION (Q) to gain a deeper understanding of the material. Remember that it is important to connect your thoughts and ideas to what you are reading. Be sure to include a page number so that you can refer back to your thoughts & support it with appropriate evidence. • Use one of these sentence starters to record complete & thoughtful responses. • I think…because… / Yopienso…porque… • I wonder…because… / Me PREGUNTO…Porque… • I predict…because… / MiPREDICCiÓNes QUE… • Create a QUESTION that you hope will be answered by the end of the novel. Then PREDICT what you think the answer will be.
READING COMPREHENSION CHECK • Los padres de Ana trabajaenunaescuela. • La mama de Ana le da dinerocuando pone sulibroen el suelo. • Ana no tienemucharopaporquesufamiliaesrica. • Los hermanos de Ana la ayudancuandotieneproblemas. • Ana estáfelízporqueva a la escuelaen autobus. Verdad o Falso: Determine whether each of the following statements are true or false based on what you just read. MarcaV if the statement is verdad, true or F if the statement is falso, false. *Challenge yourself – Can you change the underlined word(s) in the statements below that are false to make them true? LAS RESPUESTAS FALSO - UN HOSPITAL FALSO – GRITA FALSO – POBRE FALSO – SE RĺEN FALSO - TRISTE
DETERMINING MY READINESS LEVEL I WAS ABLE TO… 1. Answer all TRUE/False Questions CORRECTLY. I may have been able to make a few statements true. READING LEVEL: Azul A 2. Answer all TRUE/False Questions CORRECTLY AND make each statement true. READING LEVEL: Azul B 3. I unable to answer at least 3 true/false questions correctly. READING LEVEL: AmaRillo A 4. I was able to answer 3-4 true/false questions correctly. READING LEVEL: Amarillo B NEXT CLASS… READING LEVELS AZUL A & AZUL B will BEGIN CLASS… • INDEPENDENTLY RE-READ CH.1 & ANSWER 5 WARm-UP QUESTIONS READING LEVELS AMARILLO A & AMARILLO B WILL BEGIN CLASS… • MEET WITH SRA. PORTER & RE-READ TOGETHER USING TPRS.