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सम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानचारित्राणिमोक्षमार्ग तत्त्वार्थसूत्र (1-1) Samyag-darshan-jnän-chäriträni Mokshamärgah Samyag Darshan (Right Conviction, Belief or Faith), Samyag Jnän (Right and Rational Knowledge) and Samyag Chäritra (Right Conduct) together constitute the path to liberation.
सम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानचारित्राणिमोक्षमार्गसम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानचारित्राणिमोक्षमार्ग तत्त्वार्थसूत्र (1-1) • Samyag-darshan-jnän-chäriträni Mokshamärgah Samyag Darshan (Right Conviction, Belief or Faith), Samyag Jnän (Right and Rational Knowledge) and Samyag Chäritra (Right Conduct) together constitute the path to liberation.
My soul characterized by knowledge and faith is alone eternal. All other phases of my existence to which I am attached are external occurrences that are transitory. ~Mahävir (Niyamasär, 99)
अनित्य : The changeless beneath the changes • Impermanence is a frightening word • Because it is labeled ‘my’ • Understand the impermanent and the permanent reality behind the ever-changing elements of existence in our lives • Re-educate the mind to focus on permanent entity--soul
Lead me from the untruth to the truth.Lead me from darkness to light.Lead me from death to immortality.(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad — I.iii.28)
Upädhyäy Sädhus who have acquired complete knowledge of the Jain scriptures (Ägams) and philosophical systems. They teach Jain scriptures to other ascetics and laypeople for spiritual journey towards liberation.
Knowledge, faith, conduct, austerities and vigor constitute the fivefold code of conduct
Loving all leads to prayer. • Prayer will make us peaceful. • Peace will manifest in a state of blissfulness. • Soul has innate blissfulness.
Sat-chit-änanda Pure existence, pure consciousness and pure bliss.
Prayer is a mode of communication between devotees and the divine. • It is a vehicle to approach the divine with unconditional devotion. • We express our respect, gratitude and love for Tirthankars, and Pancha Paramesthi.
Pujä • Stotra Concentrate • Jäpa Contemplate • Dhyäna Meditation • Laya Stabilization
One should not speak unless asked to do so. • He should not disturb others in conversation. • He should not back-bite and indulge in fraudulent untruth. Mahävir (Dasha-vaikälika, 8/46)
Mind • Not thinking of any vices • Not thinking of having desirable objects • Not thinking of avoidance of unpleasant objects
Speech • Not Speaking untruth and lies • Not speaking with deceit, anger and ego • Not criticizing
Mind • Positive thinking • Self Introspection • Adopting Vows • Speech • Praise Virtues • Singing prayer, chanting Mantra • Swädhyäy, Study of Scriptures • Body • Giving up activities for pleasure of senses • Help others
Meditation • Discipline in which the mind is focused on an object of thought or awareness. • Turning attention to a single point of reference. • Higher state of consciousness • Self regulation of attention
Dhyäna The state of meditation • Concentration of thought on a single object • Suspension of thought process • Perfect stillness of all organs of body and mind, is the highest meditation
Dhyäna • The ability to sustain its attention without getting distracted. • Not a technique, but rather a state of mind • Delicate state of awareness. • Dhyätä, Dhyän, Dhyeya • Swädhyäy is cause and meditation is effect
Ärta Dhyäna • Ärta means sorrow • Concentration of mind which is produced owning to pain real or imaginary • Thought or activity due to intensity of sorrow. • There are four types of Ärta Dhyäna
Anishta-samyoga • Sorrow due to contact with disagreeable objects or an unhappy situation. Ishta-viyoga • Sorrow due to separation with desirable objects or a happy situation
Vedanä • Having persistent desire for less suffering. • Dwelling on ridding oneself of unpleasant feelings Nidäna • Desire and intense anxiety to fulfill unfulfilled desires for future comfort .
Remedy • Adverse situation Equanimity • Favorable situation Try to acquire Punya • Mind nourishment Samyag Darshan, jnän, chäritra
Chandanbälä • Princess • Slave • Chain • Tearful eyes
Chandanbälä • Princess Values, faith in religion • Slave Humility • Chain Bondage of karma • Tearful eyes Constant longing of Arihanta
Raudra Dhyäna (Wrathful Meditation) • Wrathful, Harsh, Merciless • Inclement thoughts
Violence enchantment (Himsä-änand) wrathful meditation • Untruth enchantment (Mrushä-änand) wrathful meditation • Stealing enchantment (Chaurya-änand) wrathful meditation • Protection and preservation of property (Parigraha-änand) wrathful meditation
Protection and preservation of property Parigraha-änand • Consumption Restraints Bhoga-upabhoga Parimäna-vrata Which one is worse?
Non-virtuous Meditation • Hinder spiritual uplift. • Obscure the attributes of soul. • Cause the natural disposition of self to disappear and initiate corrupt dispositions. • Life is full of surprises, pleasant and unpleasant • Life is a like ferries wheel • Pleasant and unpleasant situations are temporary
Dharma Dhyäna Righteous and Religious Meditation • Contemplation about devotion, beneficial to self and others, and proper conduct
Dharma Dhyäna The practitioner meditates deeply on subtle facts • In Ägnä vichaya - on Jiv and Ajiv, the inflow, bondage, stoppage and removal of karmas, and the liberation and contemplation about reality as described in the scriptures • In Apäya vichaya --One contemplates on the incorrect insights one indulges, which eventually develops right insight ---One thinks of the nature of unhappiness and misery as generated by defilements and to think about how to get rid of the defilements --Universal suffering oriented righteous meditation
Dharma Dhyäna • Karmic fruition oriented (Vipäk Vichaya Dharma Dhyäna). Pain or misery are the results of my own deeds (Karma). Perform austerities and practice equanimity to get rid of the existing Karma.
Sansthän vichaya Universe oriented Lokasvabhäva Bhävanä (Nature of cosmos) • Thinking about the vastness of the universe and the loneliness of the soul. • Contemplate on the constituents of the universe, its nature and the interaction of soul and matter. • Thinking about our attachment to the ever-changing matter makes us aware of its futility and our ignorance. • Thinking about our trivial place in the vastness of the universe makes us humble and dissolves our pride. • Thinking about our attachment to the ever-changing matter makes us aware of its futility and our ignorance.
Objectives of Meditation • To live in the moment of divine bliss realizing boundless energy • To pacify negative emotions and attain peace • To attain physical, mental and emotional health • Transforming and transmuting the nature and behaviour towards non-violence way of living • Purification of consciousness to know the ultimate truth • Balancing action, reaction and inaction.
Metaphysical basis • There is bondage • There are causes of bondage • There is freedom • There are ways of attaining freedom Scientific basis • Neuro-endocrine system regulates and governs human's actions • Emotions and hormones responsible for good and bad activities • Subconscious mind controls human behaviour • Innate mechanism describes human personality
Yoga police: "You have the right to remain silent!" • When two psychic friends met, one said:"You are fine. How am I ?" • The best vitamin to be a happy person is B1. • Question: Why can't Buddhists vacuum their meditation cushions?Answer: Because they don't have any attachments.
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.