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Relevant evidence. Will your evidence get to court ? In order for evidence to be admissible in court , you need to ensure that it is relevant . Evidence only has probative value if it makes a fact more or less probable .
Willyourevidenceget to court? In orderforevidence to be admissible in court, youneed to ensurethatitisrelevant. Evidenceonly has probativevalueifitmakes a fact more orlessprobable. There are twotypes of evidence. Directevidence, which, ifbelieved, resolvesanissueimmediately. Circumstantialevidence, however, requiresthejury to makeaninferenceto link theevidence to theproposition. Forexample, a witnesswhotestifiesthatshewatchedthedefendantstabthevictimgivesdirectevidence.
Informationon DNA samples and fingerprintsgivescircumstantialevidence. Circumstantialevidenceusuallyaccumulatesinto a collection, eachpiececorroboratingtheothers. However, judgesmayexcludeevidence, evenifitisrelevant. First, theymayconsiderevidenceunfair – a confessionwhichwasmadeunderoppression, forexample. Second, confusingevidencemayalso be excludedifitisunnecessarilycomplex, orfocusesthejury´sattentionelsewhere.
Forinstance, evidence of a pastconvictionmaydistractthejuryfromthecurrent case. Evidencemayalso be excludedifitcreatesanemotive response, forexamplegraphicphotosfrom a crimescene. Evidencewillalsonot be permittedifitisconsidered to be prejudicedor a waste of time.
1 A The trial endedquicklybecausetherewasdirectevidence B Thecircumstantialevidenceshowedthedefendantwasundoubtedlyguilty. 2 A Thejudgeexcludedtheevidencebecauseitwasrelevant B Thetestimonywasconfusingbecause of thespecializedlanguage
A This meeting is a waste of time. I finditreallyhelpful and informative. B It´sunfairthatJill and Kevin do thesamejobbutearndifferent salaries. 4 A Thejurymadetheinferencethatthedefendanthadbeen at thecrimescene B Guyisprejudiced and keepsan open mind.