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Selections. Triggers. HLT_Mu17_Mu8_v* HLT_Mu17_TkMu8_v*. Muon. Muon matched trigger objects Muon pT > 20 GeV and |Muon eta| < 2.4 Opposite charge muons Tight Muon ID from Muon POG Loose PF base Combined relative ISO from Muon POG Z mass window of 71 to 111 GeV. PF Jet.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Selections • Triggers HLT_Mu17_Mu8_v* HLT_Mu17_TkMu8_v* • Muon Muon matched trigger objects Muon pT > 20 GeV and |Muon eta| < 2.4 Opposite charge muons Tight Muon ID from Muon POG Loose PF base Combined relative ISO from Muon POG Z mass window of 71 to 111 GeV • PF Jet PF Jet pT > 30 GeV PFnoPU Compare Z+ only 1 jet in HF (|eta| >2.4) veto events that have jet in Barrel and Endcap Loose Jet ID from POG Clean Jets from muons with DeltaR<0.5 • Calo Jet Match Calo jet to PF jet with DeltaR < 0.5 Loose calo jet ID

  2. Notes • These plots are from all 2012 rereco data in the total of 19.62 fb-1. • We are working on new cuts in Z+jets X-section analysis. The new cuts will be used in the next release (Still on the discussion). • I picked Z+1PF jet in HF first before matching this PF jet to a calo jet with dR<0.5. • This is only from Z(mumu)+1 PF jet in HF.

  3. Calo Jet properties Energy Et

  4. Calo Jet properties S/L S/L vs Jet energy

  5. S vs L 2D Plots

  6. S/L vs nvtx 2D Plots 3.0<|η|<3.5 3.5<|η|<4.0 4.0<|η|<4.5 4.5<|η|<5.0

  7. S/L vs nvtx Profile Plots

  8. S/L vs L and S+L With 500<Calo Jet Energy<700

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