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Cause and Effect SPI 0401.5.2

Cause and Effect SPI 0401.5.2. Created by: Cheryl C. Conrad Adapted from Dianna Burke’s original powerpoint. Cause…. what makes something happen. Effect…. what happens. The little girl was sleepy, so she sat on her mother’s lap. What is the cause?. What is the effect?. CAUSE?.

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Cause and Effect SPI 0401.5.2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cause and EffectSPI 0401.5.2 Created by: Cheryl C. Conrad Adapted from Dianna Burke’s original powerpoint

  2. Cause… what makes something happen.

  3. Effect… what happens.

  4. The little girl was sleepy, so she sat on her mother’s lap. What is the cause? What is the effect?

  5. CAUSE? The boy was hungry, so he plantedcorn. EFFECT?

  6. The baby laughed because she liked her toy. EFFECT? CAUSE?

  7. He broke a class rule, so he had to write sentences on the board. WHICH PART OF THE SENTENCE IS BOXED? EFFECT CAUSE



  10. Now it is time to practice Cause and Effect – choose #1 Quia - Cause and Effect

  11. Great Job!!! • Now show your teacher your results.

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