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2013 – A Brilliant Year!

2013 – A Brilliant Year!. In 2012/13 we traded through a drop of over 55% of turnover and emerged stronger, leaner and operating profitably. Very few businesses would have the resilience to achieve that. Secured contracts totalling over £2.2million revenue and c£7million of capital.

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2013 – A Brilliant Year!

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  1. 2013 – A Brilliant Year!

  2. In 2012/13 we traded through a drop of over 55% of turnover and emerged stronger, leaner and operating profitably

  3. Very few businesses would have the resilience to achieve that

  4. Secured contracts totalling over £2.2million revenue and c£7million of capital

  5. Exceptional Work Programme job sustainability of c78% - up there with the best in UK among Avanta sub-contractors

  6. Established new Welfare Assistance services for Stockton, County Durham and Northumberland to successfully meet challenging targets and criteria

  7. Secured extension to New Enterprise Allowance contract to deliver up to £2million of loans to c1500 new businesses

  8. RBS SE100 ‘Impact Champion’ and one of only 10 social enterprises in the UK to score 10/10 for impact measurement

  9. Highly commended in the ‘Enterprise Agency of the Year’ category at the National Enterprise Network awards 2013

  10. Leading provider of non-statutory youth services in Stockton – continuing brilliant work with VIBE; All Stars; Muslim lads and Youthy… and an MB award!

  11. On site with first of our 75 Empty Homes properties in Evenwood, County Durham and in Darlington

  12. Delivered first few large business loans of up to £50k from our Regional Growth Fund pot of £750k capital

  13. Over 1,500 MyBnk attendees and agreement with MyBnk to expand our staffing to grow the initiative further

  14. Graeme Oram, won ‘Social Entrepreneur of the Year’ for the North of England in the prestigious Ernst & Young ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ 2013

  15. We made over 13,000 personal loans to financially excluded people unable to access affordable credit

  16. Shortlisted in ‘Best Communication’ category at 2013 NEN Awards

  17. Over £1.5million of ‘Helping Hand’ loans across all 12 NE local authorities

  18. Strong performance on our ‘Get On In Life (GOIL)’ project rewarded with new sub-contract to support NEET young people

  19. Extended our role in a broad range of energy saving/fuel poverty initiatives – Warm Homes Healthy People; Big Community Switch; Big Energy Saving Network

  20. Secured funding from Yorkshire Building Society Charitable Foundation to create a soft-play area at The Youthy

  21. Employed over 30 new staff, a massive challenge which HR have delivered on, creating our strongest and most talented staff team ever

  22. Successfully bid for £42k of investment funding to lead the growth to scale and impact of our colleagues at Tees Credit Union

  23. Expanded our ‘FamilyWise’ delivery into Redcar & Cleveland and Middlesbrough, gaining three staff in the process

  24. Bought our first house for refurbishment – 3 Chapel Street, Evenwood …… and nearly found ourselves on ‘Homes Under The Hammer’!

  25. Shortlisted for CDFA ‘Citi Microentrepreneurship’ Impact Award 2014

  26. CDFA ‘Inside Community Finance 2012’ shows us delivering nearly 40% of loans made in UK by their members

  27. Our external auditors highlighted the exceptional performance of our finance team in managing our increasingly complex finances and also the work of our credit control and admin team within Financial Inclusion

  28. Successful joint bid to Synergy securing funding for ‘Healthways’, a consortium approach to improving health outcomes of hard to reach and vulnerable groups in Stockton

  29. DWP told us that 1 in 4 of NEA loans made nationally is from Five Lamps

  30. Our buildings are looking better than ever thanks to our splendid caretaking and front of house teams and more people than ever are coming through the doors at South Thornaby

  31. Exceptional performance on the Start-Up Loan Company contract (nearly 200 loans totalling close to £1m) has opened up further growth into North Yorkshire in 2014

  32. Our contract to deliver ‘CapacityBuilders’ financial inclusion support to pre-release prisoners in HMP Kirklevington was extended and there is strong interest from other prisons

  33. Strengthened relationship with ‘Smarterbuys’ to provide white goods and other household items for Welfare Assistance and Financial Inclusion services

  34. Reaccredited as Investors in People Gold – a tremendous achievement for any organisation

  35. Soon to be published third set of social accounts – the best yet!

  36. Established our trading company ‘Conduit’, enabling surpluses to be gift-aided to the Charity

  37. Completed the restructuring of our Senior Management Team with the recruitment of Director of Financial Inclusion & Housing and new structures will be fully implemented from 1 January 2014

  38. Introduced our ‘Culture Champions’ initiative with representation from all parts of our business

  39. Revised our Charitable Objects, with the approval of the Charity Commission, to allow us to work throughout England

  40. Now ‘Creating Possibilities: Improving Lives’ for over 30,000 people per annum


  42. We want growth in all areas of our business

  43. EU Structural Fund proposals totalling £17.4million have been submitted to grow Financial Inclusion; Enterprise – Access to Finance and Enterprise – Managed Workspace in the period 2014-2020. Amazingly, we are bringing over £14.4million to the table

  44. Expanding our Empty Homes activity by purchasing and repairing a further 50 properties per annum and establishing a social enterprise letting and property management agency

  45. Introducing a fully-functioning on-line application portal for personal loans early in 2014 with an integrated automated decision-making system and credit assessment

  46. Actively seeking further investment from banks and social investors

  47. Giving detailed consideration to the acquisition of other businesses to enable growth and widen our geographic reach

  48. Working with partners to establish the ‘North East Social Investment Fund’ which matches Big Society Capital funding to other investment to create a possible £20million fund for social enterprises

  49. Evaluating the benefits of delivering savings and other financial support and securing the relevant Financial Conduct Authority accreditation

  50. Working with ‘Synergy’ the local VCS Consortium to take a prominent role in local Carers and Young Carers tenders

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