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OBJECTIVE…. To use media clips, independent study and mind mapping to understand more about Muslim attitudes to bullying. OUTCOMES…. Grade C All will be able to describe ways in which people who are being bullied can seek help. Grade B

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  1. OBJECTIVE… To use media clips, independent study and mind mapping to understand more about Muslim attitudes to bullying

  2. OUTCOMES… Grade C All will be able to describe ways in which people who are being bullied can seek help. Grade B Most will be able to explain Muslim attitudes to bullying. Grade A/A* Some will be able to express an opinion on whether enough is done to help victims of bullying Your GOALS for the end of this lesson are…

  3. Starter… Watch the following clip carefully... Who or what do YOU THINK is to blame for the mass increase of bullying aimed at Muslim students?

  4. The rise in ISLAMOPHOBIA… Since September 11th 2001, when terrorists who claimed to be Muslim flew plains into the Twin Towers in New York and killed thousands, there has been a BIG RISE in the bullying of Muslim students in the UK along with ISLAMOPHOBIA in general. Therefore many Muslim parents and organisations have tried to encourage schools to tackle the problem of bullying and support organisations which help victims of bullying.

  5. Help for victims of bullying… Web sites Counselling Help lines Where can victims of bullying get help/advice? Teacher/ School Media/ music Other victims Parents/ family Friends/ peers

  6. Beat the clock… http://www.online-stopwatch.com/ TIME is a valuable thing in the exam. You have to get use to processing information and noting IMPORTANT things down quickly – NO WAFFLE! You will be given a card on your desk – you have 3 MINUTES to use this to fill in your worksheet. • You must then SWAP your card (QUICKLY) and repeat this process until you have all FOUR parts of your worksheet filled.

  7. AIMS: To influence public policy and change attitudes and practices that affect children's safety and welfare. ON BULLYING: Childline have issued a number of guidelines to schools that it believes will tackle the issue of bullying... • Put up anti bullying posters • Use assemblies to explain the issues and problems • Make sure plenty of staff are around at break and lunch • Set up peer counselling schemes. WHAT: A free 24-hour confidential helpline for children and young people. It provides help and support from trained counsellors for young people on a range of issues

  8. AIMS: To teach children about personal safety and how to deal with bullying and other difficult situations. ON BULLYING: • 16,000 children have been helped through their anti-bullying helpline. • They also provide a parental anti-bullying helpline. • Their website provides information for young people on all aspects of bullying especially cyber bullying. WHAT: An organisation that campaigns for children’s safety. It was founded in 1984 and since then more than 2 million British school children have been involved in its child protection programme.

  9. AIMS: • To listen in confidence to anyone in any type of emotional distress, without judging or telling people what to do. • Samaritans don't offer advice, but encourage people who contact to talk about their feelings and help them to explore all the options they have. ON BULLYING: • Offer 24-hour telephone support for victims of bullying. • It website provides advice and support. • It provides resources for schools to tackle the issue. Many Christians volunteer for this organisation! • WHAT: • A confidential emotional support service for anyone in the UK and Ireland. • The service is available 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. • Volunteers offer support by responding to phone calls, emails and letters. Alternatively people can drop in to a branch to have a face to face meeting.

  10. AIMS: • That every young person in the UK can find the help they need to support their physical and emotional wellbeing. • Get Connected finds young people help by providing a free and confidential support and signposting service and working with others to ensure that appropriate help is available. ON BULLYING: • Provides 24-hour access to help and advice via phone, email and web chat. • Provides resources for children, parents and teaching on the issue of bullying. • Provides trained professionals who can refer young pupils on to other organisations to get further help. WHAT: Get Connected is the free helpline for young people under 25, who know they need help but don't know where to find it. They can talk by phone, email and web chat any day of the year. Their Helpline Volunteers are fully trained to support each young person in their unique situation, and help them choose the best service from over 13,000 in the UK.

  11. OUTCOMES… Grade C All will be able to describe ways in which people who are being bullied can seek help. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…

  12. Muslim attitudes to bullying… Like Christians Muslims are apposed to ALL bullying. Using your knowledge of Islam can you finish the sentences on your worksheet to EXPLAIN what Muslims believe about bullying.

  13. Bullying is WRONG because... Islam teaches that any type of violence without a JUST CAUSE is a SIN– also people should not act out of aggression!

  14. Everyone has been created by Allah so... It is wrong to abuse Allah’s creation – everyone should be treated as EQUALS!

  15. They will we JUDGED by God on how they have lived their lives and bullies will displease Allah. Muslims believe that on the last day....

  16. Muslims have a duty to... Put an end to injustice and cruelty (this includes bullying)

  17. Bullying goes against ______________ law on how to treat one another.

  18. The Quran teaches... READ all the quotes and EXPLAIN the general teaching of the Qur’an on bullying.

  19. OUTCOMES… Grade B Most will be able to explain Muslim attitudes to bullying. Did your achieve YOUR goals?…

  20. Watch the following clip carefully… Do you think bullying is a massive problem amongst young people in the UK today?

  21. Watch the following clip carefully… Can/should more be done to help victims of bullying? Complete pg 84 QUESTION 2of your REVISION WORKBOOK.

  22. Plenary... One thing I have learnt today is... One thing that has surprised me this lesson is... One thing I would like to know more about is...

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