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The XYZ mesons. Stephen L. Olsen University of Hawaii PANIC-08 Nov 10-14, 2008 Eilat. (Decay to final states with a cc pair & S q i =0 ). X & Y mesons. X(3872). B K p + p - J/ y. Y(4260). Belle. BaBar. e + e - g ISR p + p - J/ y. Belle. Y(4008)?. M( p + p - J/ y)- M(J /y ).
The XYZ mesons Stephen L. Olsen University of Hawaii PANIC-08 Nov 10-14, 2008 Eilat
(Decay to final states with a cc pair & Sqi=0 ) X & Y mesons X(3872) BKp+p-J/y Y(4260) Belle BaBar e+e-gISRp+p-J/y Belle Y(4008)? M(p+p-J/y)-M(J/y) Belle Y(3940) M(p+p-J/y) BaBar BKwJ/y Y(4350) & Y(4460) e+e-gISRp+p-y’ BaBar Belle M(wJ/y) M(wJ/y) M(p+p-y’) X(4160) X(3940) e+e-DD*J/y e+e-D*D*J/y e+e-gISRLcLc Belle Belle Belle M(LcLc) M(DD*) M(D*D*)
Are any of these standard cc charmonium? predicted measured
Is the 1++ X(3872) the cc1’ (23P1) ? ?? 3872MeV • Mass is too low • cc1’ppJ/y violates Ispin • Bf(X3872ppJ/y)>4% • G(gJ/y) should be >>G(rJ/y) • expt: G(gJ/y) <<G(rJ/y)
Neutral cc X & Y mesons It is pretty widely --but not universally-- accepted that the X(3872) is not a standard cc charmonium state. For a dissenting view, see C Meng & KT Chao PRD 75,114002 (2007)
Could the Y(3940) be charmonium? True for all other BK(cc) transitions assuming Bf(BKY3940)<Bf(BKJ/y) = 1.0x10-3 G(Y3940wJ/y)>1MeV >10x higher than any measured cc hadronic transition
X(3940) & X(4160) = hc” &/orhc’’’ ? hc’’’ hc” 4160MeV 3940MeV One, or the other, could be the hc”, but it seems very unlikely that one is the hc” and the other is the hc’’’
Neutral cc X & Y mesons ????? ?????
σ(e+e–→open charm) DD ? DD* (4160) Y(4350) Belle: Sum of all measured exclusive contributions Y(4008) Y(4260) D*D* (4415) (4040) (3770) (4160) Y(4008) Y(4350) Y(4660) (4415) DDπ Y(4260) Y(4660) (4040) NEW Λc+Λc– Durham Data Base if Ruds=2.285±0.03 1-- ISR Y states not seen in D(*)D(*) G.Pakhlova et al (Belle): PRD 77, 01103 PRL 98,092001 PRL 100,062001 PRL 101,172001 This means that the ISR Y states have G(ppJ/y(y’)) > 1 MeV Too large for charmonium
Neutral cc X & Y mesons ????? ????? ????? At most 1 of the 1-- Y states can be conventional cc charmonium
The Z mesons Electrically charged counterparts of the X & Y mesons
The Z meson candidates BKp+y’ 6.5 Z(4430) M2(p±y’) GeV2 M(p±y’) GeV S.-K. Choi et al (Belle) PRl 100, 142001 M2(Kp’) GeV2 BKp+cc1 >6 Z2(4250) M(p±cc1) GeV M2(p±c’c1) GeV2 Z1(4050) M2(Kp’) GeV2 R.Mizuk,R.Chistov et al (Belle) PRD 78, 072004
Z meson properties d c Can’t be cc charmonium minimal quark content: ccud u c
Still controversial Z(4430) not confirmed by BaBar (but neither do they rule it out). Belle A full Dalitz-plot analysis of the Belle BKp+y’ data will be reported at next month’s QWG meeting in Nara BaBar Arafat Gabareen Mokhtar talk at ICHEP-2008 B.Aubert et al (BaBar) arXiv/0811.0564
suggested possibilities(some references in backup slides) diquark-diantiquarks Expect SU(3) multiplets cc-gluon hybrids LQCD: M>~4.3 GeV Open charm thresh =MD+MD**4285 (above Y4260 peak) Non-zero charges are not allowed D(*)D(*) molecules (real or virtual) masses should be near M(D(*))+M(D(*)) mass thresholds Favored model for X3872 M(D0)+M(D*0)=3871.8±0.4 M(X3872)=3871.4±0.4
Thresholds (*)(*) D(*)D(*) DSDS ?? No p exchng for DSDS some of the states are near thresholds, but this is not a universal feature
no evidence for multiplet partners diquark-diantiquark expectations: X+(3872) Xu(3872) Xd(3872) X-(3872) u d c c u d c c c c d u c c u d Expect: B+K-Xu B0K0Xd Bf(B0K-X+)Bf(X+p+p0J/y) ≈ 2 M(Xd)-M(Xu)= 2(md-mu)/cosq Bf(B-K-X0)Bf(X+p+p-J/y) 8±3 MeV L Maiani et al PRD 71,014028 (20050
no X±(3872) isospin partner is seen B0 K±p∓p0J/y B∓ KSp∓p0J/y BaBar BaBar ? ? Bf(B0K-X+)Bf(X+p+p0J/y) < 0.4 Bf(B-K-X0)Bf(X+p+p-J/y) (expect 2) B. Aubert et al (BaBar) PRD 71, 031501
B0KSXd & BK±Xu with Xu=Xd? K±mode BaBar, arXiv: 0803.2838 Belle BaBar K±mode KSmode Belle KSmode BaBar DM = 0.22 ± 0.90 ± 0.27 MeV Compared to 8±3 MeV (Maiani et al PRD 71 014028) DM = 2.7 ± 1.6 ± 0.4 MeV
PRL97,162002,2006 PRD77,011102,2008 NEW 6.4σ B+& B0D0D*0K 4.9σ B KD0D0p0 347fb-1 What about in the X3872DD* channel? M=3875.1 +0.7 ±0.5 M=3875.2±0.7 +0.9 -0.5 -1.8 Is this Maiani et al’s partner particle? ~4s higher than M in ppJ/y mode ~2s higher than M in ppJ/y mode
B KD0D*0 D*→Dγ Preliminary D*→D0π0 605 fb-1 Flatte vs BW similar result: 8.8σ New results on X3872DD* from Belle More details in Tagir Aushev’s talk @ this meeting Agrees with M from ppJ/y mode M=3872.6 +0.5 ±0.4 MeV -0.4 N.Zwahlen, T.Aushev et al (Belle) arXiv/0810.0358
How about cc-gluon hybrids? c c • qq-gluon excitations predicted 30 yrs ago • LQCD: lowest 1-- cc-gluon mass ~4.3 GeV • - QCD sum rules get lower values ~3.7 GeV • relevant open charm threshold is D**D (~4.28 GeV) • G(ppJ/y) larger than that for normal charmonium • G(e+e-) for 1-- states less than ordinary charmonium Horn & MandulaPRD 17, 898 (1977) Y(4260) seems to match all of these!!! Banner et al, PRD 56, 7039 (1997); Mei & Luo, IJMPA 18, 15713 (2003) Kisslinger et al, arXiv 0805.1943 (2008) Isgur, Koloski & Paton PRL 54, 869 (1985) McNeile, Michael & Pennanen PRD 65, 094505 (2002) Close & Page NP B443, 233 (1995)
DD** thresholds and the Y(4260), Y(4360) & Y(4660) 4.66- 4285 D D 4.36- D Belle D 4.28- 4.26- 3.88- D 3.85- DD Y(4360) & Y(4660) well above all DD** thresholds
Scoreboard ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Y(4260) equivalent with b-quarks? Belle s(e+e- p+p-(nS)) Peaks not consistent with known bb states G(pp(nS) ~ 1000x too large for bottomonium K.F. Chen et al (Belle) arXiv:0808.2445
Y(4260) equivalent with s-quarks? e+e- g f0(980)f Y(2175)f0(980)f s(e+e- p+p-f(1020)) BaBar f0(980)p+p- M(f0(980)f)
Confirmed by BES & Belle confirmed by BESII in J/y h f f0(980) s(e+e- f0(980)f(1020)) BES Belle M(f0(980)f GeV X.L. Wang et al (Belle) arXiv: 0808.0006 M.Ablikim et al (BES) PRL 100, 102003 (2008)
Maybe the X(1835) is one too? mostly ss J/ygX(1835) | p+p-h’ X(1835) BES M. Ablikim et al (BESII), Phys.Rev.Lett.95:262001,2005
Concluding remarks • A number of “mysterious” mesons have been observed • They have large hadron-charmonium partial widths • Much larger than those seen in the charmonium system • There is no strong variations above DD** thresholds • As expected for cc-gluon hybrids • Some are near thresholds but not all • As expected for molecules, threshold cusps, etc. • No Isospin or SU(3) multiplet partners yet seen • As expected for diquark-diantiquark models • Similar structures in b- & (maybe) s-quark sectors
However, none of the proposed models have produced a compelling match to the experimental observations
Lots of pieces Y(3940) Z(4430) X(3940) Are they all from the same puzzle? X(4160) Y(4660) Y(4008) Y(4260) Y(4360) X(3872)
Some recent reviews • Galina Pakhlova arXix:0810.4114 • This includes 64 references • See slides from her plenary talk @ ICHEP08 • S.-K. Choi arXiv:0810:3546 • See slides from her parallel talk @ ICHEP08 • E. Braaten arXiv:0808.2948 • 48 references, mostly on molecular-like models • S. Godfrey & S.L.O. arXix:0801.3867 • 128 references, but almost a year old
Some theory references • L Maiani et al • PRD 71,014028 (2005) • T-W Chiu & TH Hsieh • PRD 73, 111503 (2006) • D Ebert et al • PLB 634, 214 (2006) • H Lipkin & M Karliner • PLB 638, 221 (2006) • … c c • C Meng & KT Chao • PRD 75,114002 (2007) cc1’charmonium? • NA Tornqvist • PLB 590, 209 (2004) • ES Swanson • PLB 598,197 (2004) • E Braaten & T Kusunoki • PRD 69 074005 (2004) • CY Wong • PRC 69, 055202 (2004) • MB Voloshin • PLB 579, 316 (2004) • F Close & P Page • PLB 578,119 (2004) • … too light?? P Lacock et al (UKQCD) PLB 401, 308 (1997)
B-factories produce lots of cc pairs 0-+, 1-- or 1++ 0-+, 0++, 2++ 1-- only C =+ states